Pyrogenesis HEAD
Pyrogenesis, a RTS Engine
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CEntityMap< T >::_iter< U >
 CAbstractProfileTableClass AbstractProfileTable: Profile table data model
 CAllocator_AddressSpace< commitSize, pageType, prot >
 CAllocator_Aligned< alignment >
 CAllocator_VM< pageType, prot >
 CAllocatorCheckerAllocator test rig
 CAppHooksHolds a function pointer (allowed to be NULL) for each hook
 CScriptFunction::args_info< T >Convenient struct to get info on a [class] [const] function pointer
 CScriptFunction::args_info< R(*)(Types ...)>
 CAllocators::BasicPoolTest< Storage >
 CAllocators::DynamicArena< BLOCK_SIZE >::Block
 CBoneTransformBone pose data
 CBufferVisitor_DumpVisitor class that dumps events as JSON
 CCache< Key, Item, Manager, Divider >
 CCacheEntry< Item, Divider >
 CCActorDefRepresents an actor file
 CCAIWorkerAI computation orchestator for CCmpAIManager
 CCFsm< Context >::CallbackFunction
 CCArchiveBuilderPackages a mod's files into a distributable archive
 CCBinarySerializerScriptImplPutScriptVal implementation details
 CCBrushClass CBrush: Represents a convex object, supports some CSG operations
 CCCacheLoaderHelper class for systems that have an expensive cacheable conversion process when loading files
 CCCinemaManagerClass for in game playing of cinematics
 CCConsoleIn-game console
 CLandlord_Lazy< Key, Entry >::CD_greater
 CCDynamicSubscriptionA list of components that are dynamically subscribed to a particular message
 CCeilLog2< N >
 CCeilLog2< 0 >
 CCeilLog2< 1 >
 CCEntityHandleObject wrapping an entity_id_t, with a SEntityComponentCache to support fast QueryInterface() / CmpPtr<>() calls
 CCFastRandLow randomness, quite-a-lot-faster-than-std::mt19937 random number generator
 CCFilePackerHelper class for writing binary files
 CCFileUnpackerHelper class for reading binary files
 CCFixed< T, max_t, total_bits, int_bits, fract_bits_, fract_pow2 >A simple fixed-point number class
 CCFontStorage for a bitmap font
 CCFontManagerFont manager: loads and caches bitmap fonts
 CCFontMetricsHelper class for measuring sizes of text
 CCFsm< Context >Manages states, events, actions and transitions between states
 CCFsm< CNetClient >
 CCFsm< CNetServerSession >
 CCFsmEventRepresents a signal in the state machine that a change has occurred
 CCGameThe container that holds the rules, resources and attributes of the game
 CCGameLoaderHelper class for retrieving data from saved game archives
 CCGUIThe main object that represents a whole GUI page
 CCGUIManagerExternal interface to the GUI system
 CCGUISizeThis class represents a rectangle relative to a parent rectangle The value can be initialized from a string or JS object
 CCGUISpriteThe GUI sprite, is actually several real sprites (images) like a collage
 CCGUIStringString class, substitute for CStr, but that parses the tags and builds up a list of all text that will be different when outputted
 CCGUITextAn CGUIText object is a parsed string, divided into text-rendering components
 CCLightEnvClass CLightEnv: description of a lighting environment - contains all the necessary parameters for representation of the lighting within a scenario
 CCLoggerError/warning/message logging class
 CCLosQuerierObject providing efficient abstracted access to the LOS state
 CCLOSTextureMaintains the LOS (fog-of-war / shroud-of-darkness) texture, used for rendering and for the minimap
 Canonymous_namespace{MapGenerator.cpp}::CMapGenerationCallbacksProvides callback's for the JavaScript
 CCMapSummaryReaderA restricted map reader that returns various summary information for use by scripts (particularly the GUI)
 CCModInstallerInstall a mod into the mods directory
 CCmpPtr< T >A simplified syntax for accessing entity components
 CCNetFileTransferer::CNetFileSendTaskAsynchronous file-sending task
 CCNetFileTransfererHandles transferring files between clients and servers
 CCNetMessageFactoryCreates messages from data received through the network
 CCNetServerNetwork server interface
 CCNetServerTurnManagerThe server-side counterpart to CNetClientTurnManager
 CCNetServerWorkerNetwork server worker thread
 CCObjectBaseMaintains the tree of possible objects from a specific actor definition at a given quality level
 CCOListColumnRepresents a column
 CCProfileNodeTable::ColumnDescriptionStruct ColumnDescription: The only purpose of this helper structure is to provide the global constructor that sets up the column description
 CCommonConvertWrapper for code shared between the PMD and PSA converters
 CComponentTestHelperClass to test a single component
 Cglooxwrapper::list< T >::const_iterator
 CRingBuf< T, n >::const_iterator
 CControllerRegulate IIR gain for rapid but smooth tracking of a function
 Canonymous_namespace{TextureConverter.cpp}::ConversionRequestArguments to the asynchronous task
 CCTextureConverter::ConversionResultResponse from the asynchronous task
 CCParamNodeAn entity initialisation parameter node
 CCParticleEmitterParticle emitter
 CCParticleEmitterTypeParticle emitter type - stores the common state data for all emitters of that type, and uses that data to update the emitter states
 CCPreprocessorWrapperConvenience wrapper around CPreprocessor
 CCProfile2AggregatedRegionScope-based enter/leave helper
 CCProfile2GPURegionScope-based GPU enter/leave helper
 CCProfile2RegionScope-based enter/leave helper
 CCProfile2SpikeRegionScope-based enter/leave helper
 CCProfiler2GPUUsed by CProfiler2 for GPU profiling support
 Cx86_x64::CpuidRegsRegisters used/returned by cpuid
 CCRectRectangle class used for screen rectangles
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::CRenderPassManagerA helper class to store unique render passes
 CCReplayPlayerReplay log replayer
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::CRingCommandContextA simple helper class to decouple command buffers rotation from frames presenting
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::CSamplerManagerA helper class to store unique samplers
 CCShaderManagerShader manager: loads and caches shader programs
 CCShaderParams< value_t >Represents a mapping of name strings to value, for use with CShaderDefines (values are strings) and CShaderUniforms (values are vec4s)
 CCShaderParams< CStrIntern >
 CCShaderParams< CVector4D >
 CCShaderPassImplements a render pass consisting of a pipeline state and a shader, used by CShaderTechnique
 CCShaderProgramA wrapper for backend shader program to handle high-level operations like file reloading and handling errors on reload
 CCShaderRenderQueriesUniform values that need to be evaluated in the renderer
 CCShaderTechniqueImplements a render technique consisting of a sequence of passes
 CCSimContextContains pointers to various 'global' objects that are needed by the simulation code, to allow easy access without using real (evil) global variables
 CCSimulation2Public API for simulation system
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::CSingleTypeDescriptorSetBinding< DeviceObject >
 CCSmoothedValueA value with exponential decay towards the target value
 CCStrInternInterned 8-bit strings
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::CSubmitSchedulerA helper class to batch VkQueueSubmit calls and track VkCommandBuffer usages properly
 CCTemplateLoaderTemplate loader: Handles the loading of entity template files for:
 CCTerritoryBoundaryCalculatorResponsible for calculating territory boundaries, given an input territory map
 CCTerritoryTextureMaintains the territory boundary texture, used for rendering and for the minimap
 CCTextureRepresents a texture object
 CCTextureConverterTexture conversion helper class
 CCTextureManagerTexture manager with asynchronous loading and automatic DDS conversion/compression
 CCTexturePropertiesRepresents the filename and GL parameters of a texture, for passing to CTextureManager::CreateTexture
 CCTouchInputMaps touch events (e.g
 CCTurnManagerCommon turn system (used by clients and offline games)
 CCUnitAnimationDeals with synchronisation issues between raw animation data (CModel, CSkeletonAnim) and the simulation system (via CUnit), providing a simple fire-and-forget API to play animations
 CCModelAbstract::CustomSelectionShapeDescribes a custom selection shape to be used for a model's selection box instead of the default recursive bounding boxes
 CCVertexBufferCVertexBuffer: encapsulation of backend buffers, also supplying some additional functionality for sharing buffers between multiple objects
 CCVFSFileReads a file, then gives read-only access to the contents
 CCWorldCWorld is a general data class containing whatever is needed to accurately represent the world
 CGrid< T >::default_type
 CEntitySelection::DefaultComponentFilterFinds all entities with a given component belonging to any given player
 CAllocators::DynamicArena< BLOCK_SIZE >'Blind' memory allocator
 CDynArrayMemory range that can be expanded but doesn't waste physical memory or relocate itself
 CEaseGeneric easing functions
 CCShaderManager::EffectCacheKeyKey for effect cache lookups
 Canonymous_namespace{CCmpRangeManager.cpp}::EntityDistanceOrderingFunctor for sorting entities by distance from a source point
 CEntityMap< T >A fast replacement for map<entity_id_t, T>
 CEntityMap< anonymous_namespace{CCmpRangeManager.cpp}::EntityData >
 CEntityMap< CCmpUnitMotionManager::MotionState >
 CEntityMap< EntityData >
 CFastSpatialSubdivisionA basic square subdivision scheme for finding entities in range More efficient than SpatialSubdivision, but a bit less precise (so the querier will get more entities to perform tests on)
 CFColladaDocumentStandard document loader
 CFColladaErrorHandlerStandard error handler - logs FCollada messages using Log(), and also maintains a list of XML parser errors
 CFileLoggerThis is used in the engine to log the messages to the logfiles
 CFrequencyEstimatorVariable-width window for frequency determination
 CFuture< ResultType >Corresponds to std::future
 CFuture< Script::StructuredClone >
 CRL::GameMessageHolds messages from the RL client to the game
 CCFont::GlyphMapRelatively efficient lookup of GlyphData from 16-bit Unicode codepoint
 CGrid< T >Basic 2D array, intended for storing tile data, plus support for lazy updates by ICmpObstructionManager
 CGrid< NavcellData >
 CGrid< std::set< entity_id_t > >
 CGrid< std::vector< EntityMap< CCmpUnitMotionManager::MotionState >::iterator > >
 CGrid< u16 >
 CGrid< u32 >
 CGrid< u8 >
 CGridUpdateInformationStructure holding grid dirtiness informations, for clever updates
 CAllocators::Growth_Exponential< multiplier, divisor >
 CAllocators::Growth_Linear< increment >
 CGUIProxyPropsProxies need to store some data whose lifetime is tied to an interface
 CThreading::HandleExceptionsBase< F, T >Wrap a function to handle exceptions
 CThreading::HandleExceptionsBase< functionPtr, decltype(functionPtr)>
 CThreading::HandleExceptionsBase< functionPtr, void(*)(Types...)>
 CCFsm< Context >::TransitionKey::Hash
 Cstd::hash< CStrIntern >
 Cstd::hash< CVector4D >
 Cstd::hash< Path >
 CCObjectManager::Hotloadable< T >
 CICameraControllerCamera controller interface
 Cglooxwrapper::Jingle::ICEUDPSee XEP-0176: Jingle ICE-UDP Transport Method
 CIDeserializerDeserialization interface; see serialization overview
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< BaseDeviceObject >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IBuffer >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IComputePipelineState >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IDeviceCommandContext >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IFramebuffer >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IGraphicsPipelineState >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IShaderProgram >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< ITexture >
 CRenderer::Backend::IDeviceObject< IVertexInputLayout >
 CIGUIButtonBehaviorAppends button behaviours to the IGUIObject
 CIGUIObjectGUI object such as a button or an input-box
 CIGUIProxyObjectJS GUI proxies need to store some private data
 CIGUIScrollBarThe GUI Scroll-bar, used everywhere there is a scroll-bar in the game
 CIGUIScrollBarOwnerBase-class this if you want an object to contain one, or several, scroll-bars
 CIGUISettingThis setting interface allows GUI objects to call setting function functions without having to know the setting type
 CIGUITextOwnerFramework for handling Output text
 CIirFilterVariable-gain IIR filter
 CThreading::TaskManager::ImplPImpl-ed implementation of the Task manager
 CINetSessionInterface for sessions to which messages can be sent
 CInserterWithoutDuplicates< T >
 CRL::InterfaceImplements an interface providing fundamental capabilities required for reinforcement learning (over HTTP)
 CCRenderer::InternalsStruct CRendererInternals: Truly hide data that is supposed to be hidden in this structure so it won't even appear in header files
 CCSceneRenderer::InternalsStruct CSceneRendererInternals: Truly hide data that is supposed to be hidden in this structure so it won't even appear in header files
 CJumpPointCache::RowTree::IntervalRepresents an interval [u15 x0, u16 x1) with a boolean obstruction flag, packed into a single u32
 CIObstructionTestFilterInterface for ICmpObstructionManager Test functions to filter out unwanted shapes
 CIParticleEffectorInterface for particle effectors, which get evaluated every frame to update particles
 CIParticleVarInterface for particle state variables, which get evaluated for each newly constructed particle
 CIReplayLoggerReplay log recorder interface
 CGrid< T >::is_container
 CGrid< T >::is_pod
 CISerializableAn interface for serializable objects
 CISerializerSerialization interface; see serialization overview
 CPriorityQueueHeap< ID, R, H, CMP >::Item
 CPriorityQueueList< ID, R, H, CMP >::Item
 CRingBuf< T, n >::iterator
 CITerrainOverlayCommon interface for terrain-tile-based and texture-based debug overlays
 CITexCodecVirtual method table for TexCodecs
 CJumpPointCacheJump point cache
 CEntityMap< T >::key_val< K, V >
 CLRU< Key, Entry >::KeyAndEntry
 CLandlord< Key, Entry, McdCalc >
 CLandlord< Key, CacheEntry, McdCalc_Cached >
 CLandlord< Key, Entry, McdCalc_Cached >
 CLandlord< Key, Entry, McdCalc_Naive >
 Cglooxwrapper::list< T >
 CLRU< Key, Entry >
 CCTextureConverter::MatchRepresentation of <File> line from settings XML file
 CMcdCalc_Cached< Entry, Entries >
 CMcdCalc_Cached< CacheEntry, Landlord::Map >
 CMcdCalc_Cached< Entry, Landlord::Map >
 CMcdCalc_Naive< Entry, Entries >
 CMcdCalc_Naive< Entry, Landlord::Map >
 CMD5MD5 hashing algorithm
 CMod::ModDataParsed mod.json data for C++ usage
 CModelRendererClass ModelRenderer: Abstract base class for all model renders
 CCSceneRenderer::Internals::ModelsVarious model renderers
 CModelVertexRendererClass ModelVertexRenderer: Normal ModelRenderer implementations delegate vertex array management and vertex transformation to an implementation of ModelVertexRenderer API interfacing code
 Cglooxwrapper::list< T >::node
 Cstd::numeric_limits< CFixed< T, max_t, total_bits, int_bits, fract_bits_, fract_pow2 > >Std::numeric_limits specialisation, currently just providing min and max
 CICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquareStandard representation for all types of shapes, for use with geometry processing code
 COverlayRendererClass OverlayRenderer: Render various bits of data that overlay the game world (selection circles, health bars, etc)
 COverrunProtector< T >OverrunProtector wraps an arbitrary object in isolated page(s) and can detect inadvertent writes to it
 CPackagedTask< Callback >Corresponds somewhat to std::packaged_task
 CParticleRendererRender particles
 CPathCostRepresents the cost of a path consisting of horizontal/vertical and diagonal movements over a uniform-cost grid
 CPathfindTileTile data for A* computation
 CPathGoalPathfinder goal
 CCCmpPathfinder::PathRequests< T >
 CCCmpPathfinder::PathRequests< LongPathRequest >
 CCCmpPathfinder::PathRequests< ShortPathRequest >
 CPathsWrapper class for OS paths used by the game
 CAllocators::Pool< T, Storage >Allocator design parameters:
 CPoolAllocator design parameters:
 CPriorityQueueHeap< ID, R, H, CMP >Priority queue implemented as a binary heap
 CPriorityQueueHeap< TileID, PathCost, PathCost >
 CPriorityQueueList< ID, R, H, CMP >Priority queue implemented as an unsorted array
 CProfileColumnStruct ProfileColumn: Describes one column of an AbstractProfileTable
 CJSI_GUIProxy< GUIObjectType >::PropCache
 CProxyAllocator< T, Backend >Proxies allocation to another allocator
 Canonymous_namespace{OverlayRenderer.cpp}::QuadBatchKeyKey used to group quads into batches for more efficient rendering
 Canonymous_namespace{CCmpRangeManager.cpp}::QueryRepresentation of a range query
 CQueueItemPriority< Item, CMP >
 CProxyAllocator< T, Backend >::rebind< V >
 CSTLAllocator< T, Backend >::rebind< V >
 CFutureSharedStateDetail::Receiver< ResultType >Responsible for syncronization between the task and the receiving thread
 CFutureSharedStateDetail::Receiver< std::invoke_result_t< Callback > >
 CRenderModifierClass RenderModifier: Some ModelRenderer implementations provide vertex management behaviour but allow fragment stages to be modified by a plugged in RenderModifier
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::anonymous_namespace{DeviceSelection.cpp}::ReportFormatHelper< T, Tag >
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::anonymous_namespace{DeviceSelection.cpp}::ReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_array_v< T > > >
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::anonymous_namespace{DeviceSelection.cpp}::ReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< T > > >
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::anonymous_namespace{DeviceSelection.cpp}::ReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::anonymous_namespace{DeviceSelection.cpp}::ReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >
 CRingBuf< T, n >
 CRNSplineRounded Nonuniform Spline for describing spatial curves or paths with constant speed
 CJumpPointCache::RowRawSimple space-inefficient row storage
 CRenderer::Backend::Vulkan::SAvailablePhysicalDeviceStructure to store all information that might be useful on device selection
 CCTextRenderer::SBatchA list of SBatchRuns, with a single font/color/transform, to be rendered in a single GL call
 CCTextRenderer::SBatchRunA string (optionally owned by this object, or else pointing to an externally-owned string) with a position
 CSBlendBatchHelper structure for RenderBlends
 CSBlendLayerRepresents a batched collection of blends using the same texture
 CSBlendStackItemHelper structure for RenderBlends
 CSceneThis interface describes a scene to the renderer
 CSceneCollectorThis interface accepts renderable objects
 CCLogger::ScopedReplacementReplaces g_Logger for as long as it's in scope
 CScopeTimerUsed by TIMER
 CScopeTimerAccrueUsed by TIMER_ACCRUE
 CScriptContextAbstraction around a SpiderMonkey JSContext
 CScriptFunctionThis class introduces templates to conveniently wrap C++ functions in JSNative functions
 CScriptInterfaceAbstraction around a SpiderMonkey JS::Realm
 CScriptRequestSpidermonkey maintains some 'local' state via the JSContext* object
 CSDecalTerrain decal definition
 CSerializeHelper< T, SFINAE >
 CSerializeHelper< bool >
 CSerializeHelper< CCmpUnitMotionManager::MotionState >
 CSerializeHelper< EntityData >Serialization helper template for EntityData
 CSerializeHelper< EntityMap< CCmpUnitMotionManager::MotionState > >
 CSerializeHelper< EntityMap< T > >
 CSerializeHelper< Enum, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< Enum > > >
 CSerializeHelper< Grid< T > >Serialize a grid, applying a simple RLE compression that is assumed efficient
 CSerializeHelper< i32 >
 CSerializeHelper< ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t >
 CSerializeHelper< LongPathRequest >
 CSerializeHelper< PathGoal >
 CSerializeHelper< Query >Serialization helper template for Query
 CSerializeHelper< ShortPathRequest >
 CSerializeHelper< SpatialSubdivision >Serialization helper template for SpatialSubdivision
 CSerializeHelper< StaticShape >Serialization helper template for StaticShape
 CSerializeHelper< std::array< T, N > >
 CSerializeHelper< std::map< K, V > >
 CSerializeHelper< std::set< T > >
 CSerializeHelper< std::unordered_map< K, V > >
 CSerializeHelper< std::vector< T > >
 CSerializeHelper< StringLike, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< std::string, StringLike > > >
 CSerializeHelper< u16 >
 CSerializeHelper< u32 >
 CSerializeHelper< u8 >
 CSerializeHelper< UnitShape >Serialization helper template for UnitShape
 CSerializeHelper< Waypoint >
 CCTextureConverter::SettingsTexture conversion settings
 CCTextureConverter::SettingsFileRepresentation of settings XML file
 CCGUIString::SFeedbackAll data generated in GenerateTextCall()
 CSGUIIconIcon, you create them in the XML file with root element <setup>
 CSGUIImageA CGUISprite is actually a collage of several real sprites, this struct represents is such real sprite
 CSGUIMessageMessage send to IGUIObject::HandleMessage() in order to give life to Objects manually with a derived HandleMessage()
 CSGUIScrollBarStyleThe GUI Scroll-bar style
 CSGUIStyleContains a list of values for new defaults to objects
 CShaderModelRenderer::ShaderModelRendererInternalsInternal data of the ShaderModelRenderer
 CShadowMapClass ShadowMap: Maintain the shadow map texture and perform necessary OpenGL setup, including matrix calculations
 CShadowMapInternalsStruct ShadowMapInternals: Internal data for the ShadowMap implementation
 CFutureSharedStateDetail::SharedState< Callback >The shared state between futures and packaged state
 CSimulationCommandSimulation command, typically received over the network in multiplayer games
 CSingleton< T >Template base class for singletons
 CSingleton< CProfileManager >
 CSingleton< CProfileViewer >
 CSingleton< CRenderer >
 CSingleton< CTerrainTextureManager >
 CSingleton< L10n >
 CSingleton< ScriptEngine >
 CCProfiler2::SItem_dt_idAn item with a relative time and an ID string pointer
 CCShaderParams< value_t >::SItems
 CCShaderParams< value_t >::SItemsHash
 CSMBIOS::Size< T >
 CSkyManagerClass SkyManager: Maintain sky settings and textures, and render the sky
 CSliceOpInfoHolds support information during a CBrush/CPlane slicing operation
 CSliceOpNewVertexInfoHolds information about a newly introduced vertex on an edge in a brush as the result of a slicing operation
 CSliceOpVertexInfoHolds information about what happens to a single vertex in a brush during a slicing operation
 CSOverlayLineLine-based overlay, with world-space coordinates, rendered in the world potentially behind other objects
 CSOverlayQuadRectangular single-quad terrain overlay, in world space coordinates
 CSOverlaySpriteBillboard sprite overlay, with world-space coordinates, rendered on top of all other objects
 CSOverlayTexturedLineTextured line overlay, with world-space coordinates, rendered in the world onto the terrain
 CPS::span< T >Simplifed version of std::span (C++20) as we don't support the original one yet
 CSimRasterize::SpanRepresents the set of cells (i,j) where i0 <= i < i1
 CPS::span< CModel * >
 CPS::span< Renderer::Backend::Vulkan::CTexture *const >
 CSparseGrid< T >Similar to Grid, except optimised for sparse usage (the grid is subdivided into buckets whose contents are only initialised on demand, to save on memset cost)
 CSParticleSimulation state for a single particle
 CSpatialSubdivisionA very basic subdivision scheme for finding items in ranges
 CSplineDataDescribes a node of the spline
 CSPropPointDescribes the position of a prop point within its parent model
 CSquareSortFunctor for sorting edge-squares by approximate proximity to a fixed point
 CCGUIText::SSpriteCallA sprite call to the CRenderer
 Canonymous_namespace{CCmpObstructionManager.cpp}::StaticShapeInternal representation of arbitrary-rotation static square shapes for buildings
 CPS::StaticVector< T, N >A conntainer close to std::vector but the elements are stored in place: There is a fixed capacity and there is no dynamic memory allocation
 CPS::StaticVector< CRect, 4 >
 CPS::StaticVector< CTexture *, 4 >
 CPS::StaticVector< Renderer::Backend::GL::CShaderProgramGLSL::ShaderStage, 5 >
 CPS::StaticVector< Renderer::Backend::Vulkan::CDeviceCommandContext::QueuedReadback, 2 >
 CSTerritoryBoundaryDescribes an outline of a territory, where the latter are understood to mean the largest sets of mutually connected tiles ('connected' as in the mathematical sense from graph theory) that are either all reachable or all unreachable from a root influence entity
 CCGUIText::STextCallA text call to the CRenderer
 CSTileBlendRepresents a blend for a single tile, texture and shape
 CSTileBlendStackRepresents the ordered collection of blends drawn on a particular tile
 CSTLAllocator< T, Backend >Adapt a 0 A.D
 CAllocators::Storage_AutoCommit< Allocator >
 CAllocators::Storage_Commit< Allocator, GrowthPolicy >
 CAllocators::Storage_Fixed< Allocator >
 CAllocators::Storage_Reallocate< Allocator, GrowthPolicy >
 Cx86_x64::StringStripperFunctor to remove substrings from the CPU identifier string
 CCGUIString::TextChunk::TagA tag looks like this "Hello [b]there[/b] little"
 CICmpObstructionManager::tag_tExternal identifiers for shapes
 CICmpUnitRenderer::tag_tExternal identifiers for models
 CThreading::TaskManagerThe task manager creates all worker threads on initialisation, and manages the task queues
 CTerrainRendererClass TerrainRenderer: Render everything related to the terrain, especially patches and water
 CTerrainRendererInternalsStruct TerrainRendererInternals: Internal variables used by the TerrainRenderer class
 CTestLoggerHelper class for unit tests - captures all log output, and returns it as a single string
 CTestStdoutLoggerHelper class for unit tests - redirects all log output to stdout
 CTexStores all data describing an image
 CCGUIString::TextChunkA chunk of text that represents one call to the renderer
 CThreading::ThreadLight wrapper around std::thread
 CCProfiler2::ThreadStorageClass instantiated in every registered thread
 CTileIDRepresents the 2D coordinates of a tile
 CCFsm< Context >::Transition
 CCFsm< Context >::TransitionKey
 CUnalignedEdgesSortFunctor for sorting unaligned edges by approximate proximity to a fixed point
 Canonymous_namespace{CCmpObstructionManager.cpp}::UnitShapeInternal representation of axis-aligned circular shapes for moving units
 CCxxTest::ValueTraits< CFixedVector3D >
 CCxxTest::ValueTraits< CPlane >
 CCxxTest::ValueTraits< CVector3D >
 CVertexArrayIterator< T >
 CVertexPathfinderDebugOverlayThere are several vertex pathfinders running asynchronously, so their debug output might conflict
 CWaterManagerClass WaterManager: Maintain rendering-related water settings and textures Anything that affects gameplay should go in CcmpWaterManager.cpp and passed to this (possibly as copy)
 CWaypointPathReturned path
 CWinScopedPreserveLastErrorSome WinAPI functions SetLastError(0) on success, which is bad because it can hide previous errors
 CXMBStorageStorage for XMBData