| CCmpUnitMotionScripted (const ScriptInterface &scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue instance) |
void | Init (const CParamNode ¶mNode) override |
void | Deinit () override |
void | HandleMessage (const CMessage &msg, bool global) override |
void | Serialize (ISerializer &serialize) override |
void | Deserialize (const CParamNode ¶mNode, IDeserializer &deserialize) override |
JS::Value | GetJSInstance () const override |
int | GetComponentTypeId () const override |
bool | MoveToPointRange (entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange) override |
| Attempt to walk into range of a to a given point, or as close as possible. More...
bool | MoveToTargetRange (entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange) override |
| Attempt to walk into range of a given target entity, or as close as possible. More...
void | MoveToFormationOffset (entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z) override |
| Join a formation, and move towards a given offset relative to the formation controller entity. More...
void | SetMemberOfFormation (entity_id_t controller) override |
| Set/unset the unit as a formation member. More...
bool | IsTargetRangeReachable (entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange) override |
| Check if the target is reachable. More...
void | FaceTowardsPoint (entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z) override |
| Turn to look towards the given point. More...
void | StopMoving () override |
| Stop moving immediately. More...
fixed | GetCurrentSpeed () const override |
| Get the speed at the end of the current turn. More...
bool | IsMoveRequested () const override |
fixed | GetSpeed () const override |
| Get the speed at which the unit intends to move. More...
fixed | GetWalkSpeed () const override |
| Get the unit template walk speed after modifications. More...
fixed | GetRunMultiplier () const override |
| Get the unit template running (i.e. More...
void | SetSpeedMultiplier (fixed multiplier) override |
| Set the current movement speed. More...
fixed | GetSpeedMultiplier () const override |
| Returns the ratio of GetSpeed() / GetWalkSpeed(). More...
CFixedVector2D | EstimateFuturePosition (const fixed dt) const override |
fixed | GetAcceleration () const override |
| Get the current acceleration. More...
void | SetAcceleration (fixed acceleration) override |
| Set the current acceleration. More...
void | SetFacePointAfterMove (bool facePointAfterMove) override |
| Set whether the unit will turn to face the target point after finishing moving. More...
bool | GetFacePointAfterMove () const override |
pass_class_t | GetPassabilityClass () const override |
| Get the unit's passability class. More...
std::string | GetPassabilityClassName () const override |
| Get the passability class name (as defined in pathfinder.xml) More...
void | SetPassabilityClassName (const std::string &passClassName) override |
| Sets the passability class name (as defined in pathfinder.xml) More...
entity_pos_t | GetUnitClearance () const override |
| Get the unit clearance (used by the Obstruction component) More...
void | SetDebugOverlay (bool enabled) override |
| Toggle the rendering of debug info. More...
virtual bool | MoveToPointRange (entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)=0 |
| Attempt to walk into range of a to a given point, or as close as possible. More...
virtual bool | MoveToTargetRange (entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)=0 |
| Attempt to walk into range of a given target entity, or as close as possible. More...
virtual void | MoveToFormationOffset (entity_id_t controller, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z)=0 |
| Join a formation, and move towards a given offset relative to the formation controller entity. More...
virtual void | SetMemberOfFormation (entity_id_t controller)=0 |
| Set/unset the unit as a formation member. More...
virtual bool | IsTargetRangeReachable (entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)=0 |
| Check if the target is reachable. More...
virtual void | FaceTowardsPoint (entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z)=0 |
| Turn to look towards the given point. More...
virtual void | StopMoving ()=0 |
| Stop moving immediately. More...
virtual fixed | GetCurrentSpeed () const =0 |
| Get the speed at the end of the current turn. More...
virtual bool | IsMoveRequested () const =0 |
virtual fixed | GetWalkSpeed () const =0 |
| Get the unit template walk speed after modifications. More...
virtual fixed | GetRunMultiplier () const =0 |
| Get the unit template running (i.e. More...
virtual fixed | GetSpeedMultiplier () const =0 |
| Returns the ratio of GetSpeed() / GetWalkSpeed(). More...
virtual void | SetSpeedMultiplier (fixed multiplier)=0 |
| Set the current movement speed. More...
virtual fixed | GetSpeed () const =0 |
| Get the speed at which the unit intends to move. More...
virtual CFixedVector2D | EstimateFuturePosition (const fixed dt) const =0 |
virtual fixed | GetAcceleration () const =0 |
| Get the current acceleration. More...
virtual void | SetAcceleration (fixed acceleration)=0 |
| Set the current acceleration. More...
virtual void | SetFacePointAfterMove (bool facePointAfterMove)=0 |
| Set whether the unit will turn to face the target point after finishing moving. More...
virtual bool | GetFacePointAfterMove () const =0 |
virtual pass_class_t | GetPassabilityClass () const =0 |
| Get the unit's passability class. More...
virtual std::string | GetPassabilityClassName () const =0 |
| Get the passability class name (as defined in pathfinder.xml) More...
virtual void | SetPassabilityClassName (const std::string &passClassName)=0 |
| Sets the passability class name (as defined in pathfinder.xml) More...
virtual entity_pos_t | GetUnitClearance () const =0 |
| Get the unit clearance (used by the Obstruction component) More...
virtual void | SetDebugOverlay (bool enabled)=0 |
| Toggle the rendering of debug info. More...
virtual | ~IComponent () |
virtual void | Init (const CParamNode ¶mNode)=0 |
virtual void | Deinit ()=0 |
virtual void | HandleMessage (const CMessage &msg, bool global) |
CEntityHandle | GetEntityHandle () const |
void | SetEntityHandle (CEntityHandle ent) |
entity_id_t | GetEntityId () const |
CEntityHandle | GetSystemEntity () const |
const CSimContext & | GetSimContext () const |
void | SetSimContext (const CSimContext &context) |
virtual void | Serialize (ISerializer &serialize)=0 |
virtual void | Deserialize (const CParamNode ¶mNode, IDeserializer &deserialize)=0 |
virtual bool | NewJSObject (const ScriptInterface &scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleObject out) const |
| Returns false by default, indicating that a scripted wrapper of this IComponent is not supported. More...
virtual JS::Value | GetJSInstance () const |
virtual int | GetComponentTypeId () const =0 |