►NAllocators | |
CBasicPoolTest | |
►CDynamicArena | 'Blind' memory allocator |
CBlock | |
CGrowth_Exponential | |
CGrowth_Linear | |
CPool | Allocator design parameters: |
CStorage | |
CStorage_AutoCommit | |
CStorage_Commit | |
CStorage_Fixed | |
CStorage_Reallocate | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Canvas2D.cpp} | |
CSBindingSlots | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CCmpObstructionManager.cpp} | |
CStaticShape | Internal representation of arbitrary-rotation static square shapes for buildings |
CUnitShape | Internal representation of axis-aligned circular shapes for moving units |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CCmpRangeManager.cpp} | |
CEntityData | |
CEntityDistanceOrdering | Functor for sorting entities by distance from a source point |
CEntityParabolicRangeOutline | |
CQuery | Representation of a range query |
Nanonymous_namespace{CCmpUnitMotion.h} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CCmpUnitMotion_System.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CConsole.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CGUI.cpp} | |
CVisibleObject | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CLogger.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CmdLineArgs.cpp} | |
CIsKeyEqualTo | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CMiniMap.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ColladaManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ConfigDB.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CPUSkinnedModelRenderer.cpp} | |
CModelDefRData | |
CModelRData | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{CStr.cpp} | |
CAlwaysFalse | |
Nanonymous_namespace{CStrIntern.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{debug.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DecalRData.cpp} | |
CSDecalBatch | |
CSDecalBatchComparator | |
Nanonymous_namespace{GUIManager.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Hotkey.cpp} | |
CPressedHotkey | |
CReleasedHotkey | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{HWDetect.cpp} | |
CLibraryReporter | |
CReporter | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ICmpRangeManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{JSInterface_Hotkey.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{JSON.cpp} | |
CStringifier | |
Nanonymous_namespace{L10n.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{LongPathfinder.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MapGenerator.cpp} | |
CCMapGenerationCallbacks | Provides callback's for the JavaScript |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MiniMapTexture.cpp} | |
CMinimapUnitVertex | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Mod.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{MouseEventMask.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ObjectBase.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{osx_bundle.mm} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{OverlayRenderer.cpp} | |
CQuadBatchData | Holds information about a single quad rendering batch |
CQuadBatchHash | |
CQuadBatchKey | Key used to group quads into batches for more efficient rendering |
CShader | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PostprocManager.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PreprocessorWrapper.cpp} | |
CMatchIncludeResult | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ProfileViewer.cpp} | |
CDumpTable | |
CWriteTable | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{Renderer.cpp} | |
CCRendererStatsTable | Class CRendererStatsTable: Implementation of AbstractProfileTable to display the renderer stats in-game |
Nanonymous_namespace{Replay.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ScriptInterface.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ShadowMap.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{SkeletonAnimDef.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{StdSkeletons.cpp} | |
CBone | |
CSkeletonMap | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TerrainOverlay.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{test_setup.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{TextRenderer.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{TextureConverter.cpp} | |
CBufferOutputHandler | Output handler to collect NVTT's output into a simplistic buffer |
CConversionRequest | Arguments to the asynchronous task |
Nanonymous_namespace{TextureManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{VertexArray.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{VertexBufferManager.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{VertexPathfinder.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{VideoMode.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{wpthread.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{XMBStorage.cpp} | |
CJSNodeData | |
CXMBStorageWriter | |
Nanonymous_namespace{XMLWriter.cpp} | |
►Nboost | |
Nfilesystem | |
Nrandom | |
►NCAlphaMapCalculator | |
CBlend4 | |
CBlend8 | |
NCollada | |
►NCxxTest | |
CValueTraits< CFixedVector3D > | |
CValueTraits< const CStr8 > | |
CValueTraits< const CStrW > | |
CValueTraits< CPlane > | |
CValueTraits< CVector3D > | |
►NEntitySelection | |
CDefaultComponentFilter | Finds all entities with a given component belonging to any given player |
NERR | |
►NFutureSharedStateDetail | |
CReceiver | Responsible for syncronization between the task and the receiving thread |
CSharedState | The shared state between futures and packaged state |
NGeometry | |
►Nglooxwrapper | |
►NJingle | See XEP-0166: Jingle and https://camaya.net/api/gloox/namespacegloox_1_1Jingle.html |
►CICEUDP | See XEP-0176: Jingle ICE-UDP Transport Method |
CCandidate | |
CPlugin | |
►CSession | |
CJingle | |
CSessionHandler | |
CCertInfo | |
CClient | |
CClientImpl | |
CConnectionListener | |
CConnectionListenerWrapper | |
CDelayedDelivery | |
CDisco | |
CIQ | |
CIqHandler | |
CIqHandlerWrapper | |
CJID | |
►Clist | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cnode | |
CMessage | |
CMessageHandler | |
CMessageHandlerWrapper | |
CMUCRoom | |
CMUCRoomHandler | |
CMUCRoomHandlerWrapper | |
CMUCRoomParticipant | |
CPresence | |
CRegistration | |
CRegistrationFields | |
CRegistrationHandler | |
CRegistrationHandlerWrapper | |
CSessionHandlerWrapper | |
CSessionManager | |
CStanzaExtension | |
CStanzaExtensionWrapper | |
Cstring | |
CTag | |
►NGUIRenderer | |
CDrawCalls | |
CSDrawCall | |
►Nio | |
CControlBlockRingBuffer | |
CDefaultCompletedHook | |
CDefaultIssueHook | |
CFreeAligned | |
COperation | |
►CParameters | |
COverlappedTag | |
NJS | |
Njs | |
NJSI_ConfigDB | |
NJSI_Console | |
NJSI_Debug | |
NJSI_Game | |
NJSI_GameView | |
NJSI_GUIManager | |
NJSI_GUISize | |
NJSI_Hotkey | |
NJSI_L10n | Namespace for the functions of the JavaScript interface for internationalization and localization |
NJSI_Lobby | |
NJSI_Main | |
NJSI_Mod | |
NJSI_ModIo | |
NJSI_Network | |
NJSI_Renderer | |
NJSI_SavedGame | |
NJSI_Simulation | |
NJSI_Sound | |
NJSI_UserReport | |
NPathRestriction | |
CBuildDirEntListState | |
NJSI_VisualReplay | |
►NJSInterface_GUIProxy | |
CMapCache | |
NModelFlag | |
NPathfinding | |
►NPS | |
NEnet | |
CCapacityExceededException | |
Cspan | Simplifed version of std::span (C++20) as we don't support the original one yet |
CStaticVector | A conntainer close to std::vector but the elements are stored in place: There is a fixed capacity and there is no dynamic memory allocation |
►NRenderer | |
►NBackend | |
NColorWriteMask | |
►NDummy | |
CCBuffer | |
CCComputePipelineState | |
CCDevice | |
CCDeviceCommandContext | |
CCFramebuffer | |
CCGraphicsPipelineState | |
CCShaderProgram | |
CCTexture | |
►NGL | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Device.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{DeviceCommandContext.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ShaderProgram.cpp} | |
CBinding | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Texture.cpp} | |
NMapping | |
CCBuffer | |
CCComputePipelineState | |
►CCDevice | |
CBackbufferKeyHash | |
►CCDeviceCommandContext | |
CBindUnit | |
CScopedBind | |
CScopedBufferBind | |
CVertexAttributeFormat | |
CCFramebuffer | |
CCGraphicsPipelineState | |
►CCShaderProgram | A compiled vertex+fragment shader program |
CTextureUnit | |
►CCShaderProgramARB | |
CBindingSlot | |
►CCShaderProgramGLSL | |
CBindingSlot | |
CShaderStage | |
CCTexture | Represents a low-level GL texture, encapsulates all properties initialization |
CCVertexInputLayout | |
►NSampler | |
CDesc | |
►NVulkan | |
Nanonymous_namespace{Device.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DeviceCommandContext.cpp} | |
CSBaseImageState | |
CScopedImageLayoutTransition | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{DeviceSelection.cpp} | |
CReportFormatHelper | |
CReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_array_v< T > > > | |
CReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< T > > > | |
CReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > > | |
CReportFormatHelper< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > > | |
Nanonymous_namespace{PipelineState.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{RingCommandContext.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{ShaderProgram.cpp} | |
NMapping | |
NUtilities | |
CCBuffer | |
CCComputePipelineState | |
►CCDescriptorManager | |
CDescriptorIndexingBindingMap | |
CSingleTypeCacheKeyHash | |
►CSingleTypePool | |
CElement | |
CSingleTypePoolReference | |
►CCDevice | |
CObjectToDestroy | |
►CCDeviceCommandContext | |
CCUploadRing | |
CQueuedReadback | |
CCFramebuffer | |
►CCGraphicsPipelineState | |
CCacheKey | |
CCacheKeyEqual | |
CCacheKeyHash | |
►CCRenderPassManager | A helper class to store unique render passes |
CAttachment | |
CDesc | |
CDescEqual | |
CDescHash | |
►CCRingCommandContext | A simple helper class to decouple command buffers rotation from frames presenting |
CRingItem | |
►CCSamplerManager | A helper class to store unique samplers |
CSamplerDescEqual | |
CSamplerDescHash | |
►CCShaderProgram | |
CPushConstant | |
CUniform | |
CCSingleTypeDescriptorSetBinding | |
►CCSubmitScheduler | A helper class to batch VkQueueSubmit calls and track VkCommandBuffer usages properly |
CFence | |
CFrameObject | |
CSubmittedHandle | |
►CCSwapChain | |
►CSwapChainBackbuffer | |
CBackbufferKeyHash | |
CCTexture | |
CCVertexInputLayout | |
CSAvailablePhysicalDevice | Structure to store all information that might be useful on device selection |
►CIBuffer | |
CUsage | |
CIComputePipelineState | A holder for precompiled compute pipeline description |
►CIDevice | |
CCapabilities | |
►CIDeviceCommandContext | |
CRect | |
CIDeviceObject | |
CIFramebuffer | IFramebuffer stores attachments which should be used by backend as rendering destinations |
CIGraphicsPipelineState | A holder for precompiled graphics pipeline description |
CIShaderProgram | IShaderProgram is a container for multiple shaders of different types |
►CITexture | |
CUsage | |
CIVertexInputLayout | IVertexInputLayout stores precompiled list of vertex attributes |
CSBlendStateDesc | |
CSColorAttachment | |
CSComputePipelineStateDesc | |
CSDepthStencilAttachment | |
CSDepthStencilStateDesc | |
CSGraphicsPipelineStateDesc | |
CSRasterizationStateDesc | |
CSStencilOpState | |
CSVertexAttributeFormat | |
►NRL | |
CGameCommand | |
CGameMessage | Holds messages from the RL client to the game |
CInterface | Implements an interface providing fundamental capabilities required for reinforcement learning (over HTTP) |
CScenarioConfig | |
NSavedGames | |
►NScript | Wraps SM APIs for manipulating JS objects |
►CJobQueue | |
CQueueElement | |
NScriptException | |
NSerialize | |
►NSimRasterize | |
CSpan | Represents the set of cells (i,j) where i0 <= i < i1 |
NSimRender | |
CFieldInitializer | |
CFieldStringizer | |
CHandle | |
CHeader | |
CSize | |
CStructures | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< CStrIntern > | |
Chash< CVector4D > | |
Chash< Path > | |
Cnumeric_limits< CFixed< T, max_t, total_bits, int_bits, fract_bits_, fract_pow2 > > | Std::numeric_limits specialisation, currently just providing min and max |
NStunClient | |
Ntests | |
►NThreading | Light-weight threading utilities |
Nanonymous_namespace{TaskManager.cpp} | |
CHandleExceptions | |
CHandleExceptionsBase | Wrap a function to handle exceptions |
CHandleExceptionsBase< functionPtr, void(*)(Types...)> | |
►CTaskManager | The task manager creates all worker threads on initialisation, and manages the task queues |
CImpl | PImpl-ed implementation of the Task manager |
CThread | Light wrapper around std::thread |
CWorkerThread | Worker thread: process the taskManager queues until killed |
Ntinygettext | |
Nvfs | |
NVisualReplay | Contains functions for visually replaying past games |
Nvm | |
Nwfirmware | |
►Nx86_x64 | |
CCpuidRegs | Registers used/returned by cpuid |
CScopedSetPriority | |
CStringStripper | Functor to remove substrings from the CPU identifier string |