Source: ResourceDropsite.js

 * @class
function ResourceDropsite() {}

ResourceDropsite.prototype.Schema =
	"<element name='Types'>" +
		"<list>" +
			"<zeroOrMore>" +
				Resources.BuildChoicesSchema() +
			"</zeroOrMore>" +
		"</list>" +
	"</element>" +
	"<element name='Sharable' a:help='Allows allies to use this entity.'>" +
		"<data type='boolean'/>" +

ResourceDropsite.prototype.Init = function()
	this.sharable = this.template.Sharable == "true";
	this.shared = this.sharable;

 * Returns the list of resource types accepted by this dropsite,
 * as defined by it being referred to in the template and the resource being enabled.
ResourceDropsite.prototype.GetTypes = function()
	let types = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ResourceDropsite/Types", this.template.Types, this.entity);
	return types.split(/\s+/);

 * Returns whether this dropsite accepts the given generic type of resource.
ResourceDropsite.prototype.AcceptsType = function(type)
	return this.GetTypes().indexOf(type) != -1;

 * @param {Object} resources - The resources to drop here in the form of { "resource": amount }.
 * @param {number} entity - The entity that tries to drop their resources here.
 * @return {Object} - Which resources could be dropped off here.
ResourceDropsite.prototype.ReceiveResources = function(resources, entity)
	let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(entity);
	if (!cmpPlayer)
		return {};

	let taken = {};
	for (let type in resources)
		if (this.AcceptsType(type))
			taken[type] = resources[type];

	return taken;

ResourceDropsite.prototype.IsSharable = function()
	return this.sharable;

ResourceDropsite.prototype.IsShared = function()
	return this.shared;

ResourceDropsite.prototype.SetSharing = function(value)
	if (!this.sharable)
	this.shared = value;
	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_DropsiteSharingChanged, { "shared": this.shared });

Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_ResourceDropsite, "ResourceDropsite", ResourceDropsite);