* @class
function Repairable() {}
Repairable.prototype.Schema =
"<a:help>Deals with repairable structures and units.</a:help>" +
"<a:example>" +
"<RepairTimeRatio>2.0</RepairTimeRatio>" +
"</a:example>" +
"<element name='RepairTimeRatio' a:help='repair time ratio relative to building (or production) time.'>" +
"<ref name='positiveDecimal'/>" +
Repairable.prototype.Init = function()
this.builders = new Map(); // Map of builder entities to their work per second
this.totalBuilderRate = 0; // Total amount of work the builders do each second
this.buildMultiplier = 1; // Multiplier for the amount of work builders do
this.buildTimePenalty = 0.7; // Penalty for having multiple builders
this.repairTimeRatio = +this.template.RepairTimeRatio;
* Returns the current build progress in a [0,1] range.
Repairable.prototype.GetBuildProgress = function()
var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Health);
if (!cmpHealth)
return 0;
var hitpoints = cmpHealth.GetHitpoints();
var maxHitpoints = cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints();
return hitpoints / maxHitpoints;
* @return whether this entity can be repaired (this does not account for health).
Repairable.prototype.IsRepairable = function()
return !this.unrepairable;
Repairable.prototype.SetRepairability = function(repairable)
this.unrepairable = !repairable;
* Returns the current builders.
* @return {number[]} - An array containing the entity IDs of assigned builders.
Repairable.prototype.GetBuilders = function()
return Array.from(this.builders.keys());
Repairable.prototype.GetNumBuilders = function()
return this.builders.size;
* Adds an array of builders.
* @param {number[]} - An array containing the entity IDs of builders to assign.
Repairable.prototype.AddBuilders = function(builders)
for (let builder of builders)
Repairable.prototype.AddBuilder = function(builderEnt)
if (this.builders.has(builderEnt))
this.builders.set(builderEnt, Engine.QueryInterface(builderEnt, IID_Builder).GetRate());
this.totalBuilderRate += this.builders.get(builderEnt);
Repairable.prototype.RemoveBuilder = function(builderEnt)
if (!this.builders.has(builderEnt))
this.totalBuilderRate -= this.builders.get(builderEnt);
* The build multiplier is a penalty that is applied to each builder.
* For example, ten women build at a combined rate of 10^0.7 = 5.01 instead of 10.
Repairable.prototype.CalculateBuildMultiplier = function(num)
// Avoid division by zero, in particular 0/0 = NaN which isn't reliably serialized
return num < 2 ? 1 : Math.pow(num, this.buildTimePenalty) / num;
Repairable.prototype.SetBuildMultiplier = function()
this.buildMultiplier = this.CalculateBuildMultiplier(this.GetNumBuilders());
Repairable.prototype.GetBuildTime = function()
let timeLeft = (1 - this.GetBuildProgress()) * Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Cost).GetBuildTime() * this.repairTimeRatio;
let rate = this.totalBuilderRate * this.buildMultiplier;
// The rate if we add another woman to the repairs
let rateNew = (this.totalBuilderRate + 1) * this.CalculateBuildMultiplier(this.GetNumBuilders() + 1);
return {
// Avoid division by zero, in particular 0/0 = NaN which isn't reliably serialized
"timeRemaining": rate ? timeLeft / rate : 0,
"timeRemainingNew": timeLeft / rateNew
// TODO: should we have resource costs?
Repairable.prototype.Repair = function(builderEnt, rate)
let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Health);
let cmpCost = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Cost);
if (!cmpHealth || !cmpCost)
let damage = cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints() - cmpHealth.GetHitpoints();
if (damage <= 0)
// Calculate the amount of hitpoints that will be added (using diminishing rate when several builders)
let work = rate * this.buildMultiplier * this.GetRepairRate();
let amount = Math.min(damage, work);
// Update the total builder rate
this.totalBuilderRate += rate - this.builders.get(builderEnt);
this.builders.set(builderEnt, rate);
// If we repaired all the damage, send a message to entities to stop repairing this building
if (amount >= damage)
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ConstructionFinished, { "entity": this.entity, "newentity": this.entity });
// Inform the builders that repairing has finished.
// This not done by listening to a global message due to performance.
for (let builder of this.GetBuilders())
let cmpUnitAIBuilder = Engine.QueryInterface(builder, IID_UnitAI);
if (cmpUnitAIBuilder)
cmpUnitAIBuilder.ConstructionFinished({ "entity": this.entity, "newentity": this.entity });
Repairable.prototype.GetRepairRate = function()
let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Health);
let cmpCost = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Cost);
let repairTime = this.repairTimeRatio * cmpCost.GetBuildTime();
return repairTime ? cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints() / repairTime : 1;
Repairable.prototype.OnEntityRenamed = function(msg)
let cmpRepairableNew = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.newentity, IID_Repairable);
if (cmpRepairableNew)
function RepairableMirage() {}
RepairableMirage.prototype.Init = function(cmpRepairable)
this.numBuilders = cmpRepairable.GetNumBuilders();
this.buildTime = cmpRepairable.GetBuildTime();
if (cmpRepairable.unrepairable)
this.unrepairable = cmpRepairable.unrepairable;
RepairableMirage.prototype.GetNumBuilders = function() { return this.numBuilders; };
RepairableMirage.prototype.GetBuildTime = function() { return this.buildTime; };
RepairableMirage.prototype.IsRepairable = function() { return !this.unrepairable; };
Engine.RegisterGlobal("RepairableMirage", RepairableMirage);
Repairable.prototype.Mirage = function()
let mirage = new RepairableMirage();
return mirage;
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Repairable, "Repairable", Repairable);