* @class
function ProductionQueue() {}
ProductionQueue.prototype.Schema =
"<a:help>Helps the building to train new units and research technologies.</a:help>" +
ProductionQueue.prototype.ProgressInterval = 1000;
ProductionQueue.prototype.MaxQueueSize = 16;
* This object represents an item in the queue.
* @param {number} producer - The entity ID of our producer.
* @param {string} metadata - Optionally any metadata attached to us.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item = function(producer, metadata)
this.producer = producer;
this.metadata = metadata;
* @param {string} type - The type of queue to use.
* @param {string} templateName - The template to queue.
* @param {number} count - The amount of template to queue. Only applicable for type == "unit".
* @return {boolean} - Whether the item could be queued.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Queue = function(type, templateName, count)
if (type == "unit")
return this.QueueEntity(templateName, count);
if (type == "technology")
return this.QueueTechnology(templateName);
warn("Tried to add invalid item of type \"" + type + "\" and template \"" + templateName + "\" to a production queue (entity: " + this.producer + ").");
return false;
* @param {string} templateName - The name of the entity to queue.
* @param {number} count - The number of entities that should be produced.
* @return {boolean} - Whether the batch was successfully created.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.QueueEntity = function(templateName, count)
const cmpTrainer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Trainer);
if (!cmpTrainer)
return false;
this.entity = cmpTrainer.QueueBatch(templateName, count, this.metadata);
if (this.entity == -1)
return false;
this.originalItem = {
"templateName": templateName,
"count": count,
"metadata": this.metadata
return true;
* @param {string} templateName - The name of the technology to queue.
* @return {boolean} - Whether the technology was successfully queued.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.QueueTechnology = function(templateName)
const cmpResearcher = Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Researcher);
if (!cmpResearcher)
return false;
this.technology = cmpResearcher.QueueTechnology(templateName, this.metadata);
return this.technology != -1;
* @param {number} id - The id this item needs to get.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.SetID = function(id)
this.id = id;
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Stop = function()
if (this.entity > 0)
Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Trainer)?.StopBatch(this.entity);
if (this.technology > 0)
Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Researcher)?.StopResearching(this.technology);
* Called when the first work is performed.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Start = function()
this.started = true;
* @return {boolean} - Whether there is work done on the item.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.IsStarted = function()
return !!this.started;
* @return {boolean} - Whether this item is finished.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.IsFinished = function()
return !!this.finished;
* @param {number} allocatedTime - The time allocated to this item.
* @return {number} - The time used for this item.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Progress = function(allocatedTime)
if (this.paused)
if (this.entity)
const cmpTrainer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Trainer);
allocatedTime -= cmpTrainer.Progress(this.entity, allocatedTime);
if (!cmpTrainer.HasBatch(this.entity))
delete this.entity;
if (this.technology)
const cmpResearcher = Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Researcher);
allocatedTime -= cmpResearcher.Progress(this.technology, allocatedTime);
if (!cmpResearcher.HasItem(this.technology))
delete this.technology;
if (!this.entity && !this.technology)
this.finished = true;
return allocatedTime;
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Pause = function()
this.paused = true;
if (this.entity)
Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Trainer).PauseBatch(this.entity);
if (this.technology)
Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Researcher).PauseTechnology(this.technology);
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Unpause = function()
delete this.paused;
* @return {boolean} - Whether the item is currently paused.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.IsPaused = function()
return !!this.paused;
* @return {Object} - Some basic information of this item.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.GetBasicInfo = function()
let result;
if (this.technology)
result = Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Researcher).GetResearchingTechnology(this.technology);
else if (this.entity)
result = Engine.QueryInterface(this.producer, IID_Trainer).GetBatch(this.entity);
result.id = this.id;
result.paused = this.paused;
return result;
* @return {Object} - The originally queued item.
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.OriginalItem = function()
return this.originalItem;
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.SerializableAttributes = [
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Serialize = function()
const result = {};
for (const att of this.SerializableAttributes)
if (this.hasOwnProperty(att))
result[att] = this[att];
return result;
ProductionQueue.prototype.Item.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
for (const att of this.SerializableAttributes)
if (att in data)
this[att] = data[att];
ProductionQueue.prototype.Init = function()
this.nextID = 1;
this.queue = [];
ProductionQueue.prototype.SerializableAttributes = [
ProductionQueue.prototype.Serialize = function()
const result = {
"queue": []
for (const item of this.queue)
for (const att of this.SerializableAttributes)
if (this.hasOwnProperty(att))
result[att] = this[att];
return result;
ProductionQueue.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
for (const att of this.SerializableAttributes)
if (att in data)
this[att] = data[att];
this.queue = [];
for (const item of data.queue)
const newItem = new this.Item();
* @return {boolean} - Whether we are automatically queuing items.
ProductionQueue.prototype.IsAutoQueueing = function()
return !!this.autoqueuing;
* Turn on Auto-Queue.
ProductionQueue.prototype.EnableAutoQueue = function()
this.autoqueuing = true;
* Turn off Auto-Queue.
ProductionQueue.prototype.DisableAutoQueue = function()
delete this.autoqueuing;
* Adds a new batch of identical units to train or a technology to research to the production queue.
* @param {string} templateName - The template to start production on.
* @param {string} type - The type of production (i.e. "unit" or "technology").
* @param {number} count - The amount of units to be produced. Ignored for a tech.
* @param {any} metadata - Optionally any metadata to be attached to the item.
* @param {boolean} pushFront - Whether to push the item to the front of the queue and pause any item(s) currently in progress.
* @return {boolean} - Whether the addition of the item has succeeded.
ProductionQueue.prototype.AddItem = function(templateName, type, count, metadata, pushFront = false)
// TODO: there should be a way for the GUI to determine whether it's going
// to be possible to add a batch (based on resource costs and length limits).
if (!this.queue.length)
const cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity);
if (!cmpPlayer)
return false;
const player = cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID();
const cmpUpgrade = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Upgrade);
if (cmpUpgrade && cmpUpgrade.IsUpgrading())
let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
"players": [player],
"message": markForTranslation("Entity is being upgraded. Cannot start production."),
"translateMessage": true
return false;
else if (this.queue.length >= this.MaxQueueSize)
const cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity);
if (!cmpPlayer)
return false;
const player = cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID();
const cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
"players": [player],
"message": markForTranslation("The production queue is full."),
"translateMessage": true,
return false;
const item = new this.Item(this.entity, metadata);
if (!item.Queue(type, templateName, count))
return false;
if (pushFront)
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, null);
if (!this.timer)
return true;
* @param {number} - The ID of the item to remove from the queue.
ProductionQueue.prototype.RemoveItem = function(id)
let itemIndex = this.queue.findIndex(item => item.id == id);
if (itemIndex == -1)
this.queue.splice(itemIndex, 1)[0].Stop();
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, null);
if (!this.queue.length)
ProductionQueue.prototype.SetAnimation = function(name)
let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual);
if (cmpVisual)
cmpVisual.SelectAnimation(name, false, 1);
* Returns basic data from all batches in the production queue.
ProductionQueue.prototype.GetQueue = function()
return this.queue.map(item => item.GetBasicInfo());
* Removes all existing batches from the queue.
ProductionQueue.prototype.ResetQueue = function()
while (this.queue.length)
* Increments progress on the first item in the production queue.
* @param {Object} data - Unused in this case.
* @param {number} lateness - The time passed since the expected time to fire the function.
ProductionQueue.prototype.ProgressTimeout = function(data, lateness)
if (this.paused)
// Allocate available time to as many queue items as it takes
// until we've used up all the time (so that we work accurately
// with items that take fractions of a second).
let time = this.ProgressInterval + lateness;
while (this.queue.length)
let item = this.queue[0];
if (!item.IsStarted())
if (item.entity)
if (item.technology)
time -= item.Progress(time);
if (!item.IsFinished())
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, null);
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, null);
// If autoqueuing, push a new unit on the queue immediately,
// but don't start right away. This 'wastes' some time, making
// autoqueue slightly worse than regular queuing, and also ensures
// that autoqueue doesn't train more than one item per turn,
// if the units would take fewer than ProgressInterval ms to train.
if (this.autoqueuing)
const autoqueueData = item.OriginalItem();
if (!autoqueueData)
if (!this.AddItem(autoqueueData.templateName, "unit", autoqueueData.count, autoqueueData.metadata))
const cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
"players": [QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity).GetPlayerID()],
"message": markForTranslation("Could not auto-queue unit, de-activating."),
"translateMessage": true
if (!this.queue.length)
ProductionQueue.prototype.PauseProduction = function()
this.paused = true;
ProductionQueue.prototype.UnpauseProduction = function()
delete this.paused;
ProductionQueue.prototype.StartTimer = function()
if (this.timer)
this.timer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer).SetInterval(
ProductionQueue.prototype.StopTimer = function()
if (!this.timer)
Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer).CancelTimer(this.timer);
delete this.timer;
* @return {boolean} - Whether this entity is currently producing.
ProductionQueue.prototype.HasQueuedProduction = function()
return this.queue.length > 0;
ProductionQueue.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg)
// Reset the production queue whenever the owner changes.
// (This should prevent players getting surprised when they capture
// an enemy building, and then loads of the enemy's civ's soldiers get
// created from it. Also it means we don't have to worry about
// updating the reserved pop slots.)
ProductionQueue.prototype.OnGarrisonedStateChanged = function(msg)
if (msg.holderID != INVALID_ENTITY)
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_ProductionQueue, "ProductionQueue", ProductionQueue);