* @class
* System component to store the victory conditions and their settings and
* check for allied victory / last-man-standing.
function EndGameManager() {}
EndGameManager.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
EndGameManager.prototype.Init = function()
// Contains settings specific to the victory condition,
// for example wonder victory duration.
this.gameSettings = {};
// Allied victory means allied players can win if victory conditions are met for each of them
// False for a "last man standing" game
this.alliedVictory = true;
// Don't do any checks before the diplomacies were set for each player
// or when marking a player as won.
this.skipAlliedVictoryCheck = true;
this.lastManStandingMessage = undefined;
this.endlessGame = false;
EndGameManager.prototype.GetGameSettings = function()
return this.gameSettings;
EndGameManager.prototype.GetVictoryConditions = function()
return this.gameSettings.victoryConditions;
EndGameManager.prototype.SetGameSettings = function(newSettings = {})
this.gameSettings = newSettings;
this.skipAlliedVictoryCheck = false;
this.endlessGame = !this.gameSettings.victoryConditions.length;
Engine.BroadcastMessage(MT_VictoryConditionsChanged, {});
* Sets the given player (and the allies if allied victory is enabled) as a winner.
* @param {number} playerID - The player that should win.
* @param {function} victoryReason - Function that maps from number to plural string, for example
* n => markForPluralTranslation(
* "%(lastPlayer)s has won (game mode).",
* "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (game mode).",
* n));
EndGameManager.prototype.MarkPlayerAndAlliesAsWon = function(playerID, victoryString, defeatString)
let state = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID).GetState();
if (state != "active")
warn("Can't mark player " + playerID + " as won, since the state is " + state);
let winningPlayers = [playerID];
if (this.alliedVictory)
winningPlayers = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID).GetMutualAllies(playerID).filter(
player => QueryPlayerIDInterface(player).GetState() == "active");
this.MarkPlayersAsWon(winningPlayers, victoryString, defeatString);
* Sets the given players as won and others as defeated.
* @param {array} winningPlayers - The players that should win.
* @param {function} victoryReason - Function that maps from number to plural string, for example
* n => markForPluralTranslation(
* "%(lastPlayer)s has won (game mode).",
* "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (game mode).",
* n));
EndGameManager.prototype.MarkPlayersAsWon = function(winningPlayers, victoryString, defeatString)
this.skipAlliedVictoryCheck = true;
for (let playerID of winningPlayers)
let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID);
let state = cmpPlayer.GetState();
if (state != "active")
warn("Can't mark player " + playerID + " as won, since the state is " + state);
cmpPlayer.SetState("won", undefined);
let defeatedPlayers = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetActivePlayers().filter(
playerID => winningPlayers.indexOf(playerID) == -1);
for (let playerID of defeatedPlayers)
QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID).SetState("defeated", undefined);
let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
"type": "won",
"players": [winningPlayers[0]],
"allies": winningPlayers,
"message": victoryString(winningPlayers.length)
if (defeatedPlayers.length)
"type": "defeat",
"players": [defeatedPlayers[0]],
"allies": defeatedPlayers,
"message": defeatString(defeatedPlayers.length)
this.skipAlliedVictoryCheck = false;
EndGameManager.prototype.SetAlliedVictory = function(flag)
this.alliedVictory = flag;
EndGameManager.prototype.GetAlliedVictory = function()
return this.alliedVictory;
EndGameManager.prototype.AlliedVictoryCheck = function()
if (this.skipAlliedVictoryCheck || this.endlessGame)
let cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
// Proceed if only allies are remaining
let allies = [];
let numPlayers = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetNumPlayers();
for (let playerID = 1; playerID < numPlayers; ++playerID)
let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID);
if (cmpPlayer.GetState() != "active")
if (allies.length && !cmpPlayer.IsMutualAlly(allies[0]))
if (!allies.length)
if (this.alliedVictory || allies.length == 1)
for (let playerID of allies)
let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID);
if (cmpPlayer)
cmpPlayer.SetState("won", undefined);
"type": "won",
"players": [allies[0]],
"allies": allies,
"message": markForPluralTranslation(
"%(lastPlayer)s has won (last player alive).",
"%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (last players alive).",
this.lastManStandingMessage = cmpGuiInterface.AddTimeNotification({
"message": markForTranslation("Last remaining player wins."),
"translateMessage": true,
}, 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // 12 hours
EndGameManager.prototype.OnInitGame = function(msg)
EndGameManager.prototype.OnGlobalDiplomacyChanged = function(msg)
EndGameManager.prototype.OnGlobalPlayerDefeated = function(msg)
Engine.RegisterSystemComponentType(IID_EndGameManager, "EndGameManager", EndGameManager);