* @class
function DelayedDamage() {}
DelayedDamage.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
DelayedDamage.prototype.Init = function()
* When missiles miss their target, other units in MISSILE_HIT_RADIUS range are considered.
* Large missiles should probably implement splash damage anyways,
* so keep this value low for performance.
DelayedDamage.prototype.MISSILE_HIT_RADIUS = 2;
* Handles hit logic (after a delay has passed).
* @param {Object} data - The data sent by the caller.
* @param {string} data.type - The type of damage.
* @param {Object} data.attackData - Data of the form { 'effectType': { ...opaque effect data... }, 'Bonuses': {...} }.
* @param {number} data.target - The entity id of the target.
* @param {number} data.attacker - The entity id of the attacker.
* @param {number} data.attackerOwner - The player id of the owner of the attacker.
* @param {Vector3D} data.position - The expected position of the target.
* @param {number} data.projectileId - The id of the projectile.
* @param {Vector3D} data.direction - The unit vector defining the direction.
* @param {string} data.attackImpactSound - The name of the sound emited on impact.
* @param {boolean} data.friendlyFire - A flag indicating whether allied entities can also be damaged.
* ***When splash damage***
* @param {boolean} data.splash.friendlyFire - A flag indicating if allied entities are also damaged.
* @param {number} data.splash.radius - The radius of the splash damage.
* @param {string} data.splash.shape - The shape of the splash range.
* @param {Object} data.splash.attackData - same as attackData, for splash.
DelayedDamage.prototype.Hit = function(data, lateness)
if (!data.position)
if (data.attackImpactSound)
Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_SoundManager).PlaySoundGroupAtPosition(data.attackImpactSound, data.position);
if (data.splash)
"type": data.type,
"attackData": data.splash.attackData,
"attacker": data.attacker,
"attackerOwner": data.attackerOwner,
"origin": Vector2D.from3D(data.position),
"radius": data.splash.radius,
"shape": data.splash.shape,
"direction": data.direction,
"friendlyFire": data.splash.friendlyFire
// Since we can't damage mirages, replace a miraged target by the real target.
let target = data.target;
let cmpMirage = Engine.QueryInterface(data.target, IID_Mirage);
if (cmpMirage)
target = cmpMirage.GetParent();
if (!data.projectileId)
AttackHelper.HandleAttackEffects(target, data);
let cmpProjectileManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ProjectileManager);
// Deal direct damage if we hit the main target
// and we could handle the attack.
if (PositionHelper.TestCollision(target, data.position, lateness) &&
AttackHelper.HandleAttackEffects(target, data))
// If we didn't hit the main target look for nearby units.
let ents = PositionHelper.EntitiesNearPoint(Vector2D.from3D(data.position), this.MISSILE_HIT_RADIUS,
AttackHelper.GetPlayersToDamage(data.attackerOwner, data.friendlyFire));
for (let ent of ents)
if (!PositionHelper.TestCollision(ent, data.position, lateness) ||
!AttackHelper.HandleAttackEffects(ent, data))
Engine.RegisterSystemComponentType(IID_DelayedDamage, "DelayedDamage", DelayedDamage);