* @class
function AIInterface() {}
AIInterface.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
AIInterface.prototype.EventNames = [
AIInterface.prototype.Init = function()
this.events = {};
for (let name of this.EventNames)
this.events[name] = [];
this.changedEntities = {};
// cache for technology changes;
// this one is PlayerID->TemplateName->{StringForTheValue, ActualValue}
this.changedTemplateInfo = {};
// this is for auras and is EntityID->{StringForTheValue, ActualValue}
this.changedEntityTemplateInfo = {};
this.enabled = true;
AIInterface.prototype.Serialize = function()
let state = {};
for (var key in this)
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key))
if (typeof this[key] == "function")
if (key == "templates")
state[key] = this[key];
return state;
AIInterface.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
for (let key in data)
if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key))
this[key] = data[key];
if (!this.enabled)
* Disable all registering functions for this component
* Gets called in case no AI players are present to save resources
AIInterface.prototype.Disable = function()
this.enabled = false;
let nop = function(){};
this.ChangedEntity = nop;
this.PushEvent = nop;
this.OnGlobalPlayerDefeated = nop;
this.OnGlobalEntityRenamed = nop;
this.OnGlobalTributeExchanged = nop;
this.OnTemplateModification = nop;
this.OnGlobalValueModification = nop;
AIInterface.prototype.GetNonEntityRepresentation = function()
let cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface);
// Return the same game state as the GUI uses
let state = cmpGuiInterface.GetSimulationState();
// Add some extra AI-specific data
// add custom events and reset them for the next turn
state.events = {};
for (let name of this.EventNames)
state.events[name] = this.events[name];
this.events[name] = [];
return state;
AIInterface.prototype.GetRepresentation = function()
let state = this.GetNonEntityRepresentation();
// Add entity representations
Engine.ProfileStart("proxy representations");
state.entities = {};
for (let id in this.changedEntities)
let cmpAIProxy = Engine.QueryInterface(+id, IID_AIProxy);
if (cmpAIProxy)
state.entities[id] = cmpAIProxy.GetRepresentation();
this.changedEntities = {};
state.changedTemplateInfo = this.changedTemplateInfo;
this.changedTemplateInfo = {};
state.changedEntityTemplateInfo = this.changedEntityTemplateInfo;
this.changedEntityTemplateInfo = {};
return state;
* Intended to be called first, during the map initialization: no caching
AIInterface.prototype.GetFullRepresentation = function(flushEvents)
let state = this.GetNonEntityRepresentation();
if (flushEvents)
for (let name of this.EventNames)
state.events[name] = [];
// Add entity representations
Engine.ProfileStart("proxy representations");
state.entities = {};
// all entities are changed in the initial state.
for (let id of Engine.GetEntitiesWithInterface(IID_AIProxy))
state.entities[id] = Engine.QueryInterface(id, IID_AIProxy).GetFullRepresentation();
state.changedTemplateInfo = this.changedTemplateInfo;
this.changedTemplateInfo = {};
state.changedEntityTemplateInfo = this.changedEntityTemplateInfo;
this.changedEntityTemplateInfo = {};
return state;
AIInterface.prototype.ChangedEntity = function(ent)
this.changedEntities[ent] = 1;
* AIProxy sets up a load of event handlers to capture interesting things going on
* in the world, which we will report to AI. Handle those, and add a few more handlers
* for events that AIProxy won't capture.
AIInterface.prototype.PushEvent = function(type, msg)
if (this.events[type] === undefined)
warn("Tried to push unknown event type " + type +", please add it to AIInterface.js");
AIInterface.prototype.OnDiplomacyChanged = function(msg)
AIInterface.prototype.OnGlobalPlayerDefeated = function(msg)
AIInterface.prototype.OnGlobalEntityRenamed = function(msg)
if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Mirage))
AIInterface.prototype.OnGlobalTributeExchanged = function(msg)
AIInterface.prototype.OnTerritoriesChanged = function(msg)
AIInterface.prototype.OnCeasefireEnded = function(msg)
* When a new technology is researched, check which templates it affects,
* and send the updated values to the AI.
* this relies on the fact that any "value" in a technology can only ever change
* one template value, and that the naming is the same (with / in place of .)
AIInterface.prototype.OnTemplateModification = function(msg)
let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
if (!this.templates)
this.templates = [];
for (let templateName of cmpTemplateManager.FindAllTemplates(false))
// Remove templates that we obviously don't care about.
if (templateName.startsWith("campaigns/") || templateName.startsWith("rubble/") ||
let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplateWithoutValidation(templateName);
if (!template || !template.Identity || !template.Identity.Civ)
for (let name of this.templates)
let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplateWithoutValidation(name);
if (!template || !template[msg.component])
for (let valName of msg.valueNames)
// let's get the base template value.
let strings = valName.split("/");
let item = template;
let ended = true;
for (let str of strings)
if (item !== undefined && item[str] !== undefined)
item = item[str];
ended = false;
if (!ended)
// item now contains the template value for this.
let oldValue = +item == item ? +item : item;
let newValue = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate(valName, oldValue, msg.player, template);
// Apply the same roundings as in the components
if (valName === "Player/MaxPopulation" || valName === "Cost/Population" ||
valName === "Population/Bonus")
newValue = Math.round(newValue);
// TODO in some cases, we can have two opposite changes which bring us to the old value,
// and we should keep it. But how to distinguish it ?
if(newValue == oldValue)
if (!this.changedTemplateInfo[msg.player])
this.changedTemplateInfo[msg.player] = {};
if (!this.changedTemplateInfo[msg.player][name])
this.changedTemplateInfo[msg.player][name] = [{ "variable": valName, "value": newValue }];
this.changedTemplateInfo[msg.player][name].push({ "variable": valName, "value": newValue });
AIInterface.prototype.OnGlobalValueModification = function(msg)
let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
for (let ent of msg.entities)
let templateName = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(ent);
// if there's no template name, the unit is probably killed, ignore it.
if (!templateName || !templateName.length)
let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplateWithoutValidation(templateName);
if (!template || !template[msg.component])
for (let valName of msg.valueNames)
// let's get the base template value.
let strings = valName.split("/");
let item = template;
let ended = true;
for (let str of strings)
if (item !== undefined && item[str] !== undefined)
item = item[str];
ended = false;
if (!ended)
// "item" now contains the unmodified template value for this.
let oldValue = +item == item ? +item : item;
let newValue = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity(valName, oldValue, ent);
// Apply the same roundings as in the components
if (valName === "Player/MaxPopulation" || valName === "Cost/Population" ||
valName === "Population/Bonus")
newValue = Math.round(newValue);
// TODO in some cases, we can have two opposite changes which bring us to the old value,
// and we should keep it. But how to distinguish it ?
if (newValue == oldValue)
if (!this.changedEntityTemplateInfo[ent])
this.changedEntityTemplateInfo[ent] = [{ "variable": valName, "value": newValue }];
this.changedEntityTemplateInfo[ent].push({ "variable": valName, "value": newValue });
Engine.RegisterSystemComponentType(IID_AIInterface, "AIInterface", AIInterface);