typedef enum VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits | VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits |
| Flags for created VmaAllocator. More...
typedef VkFlags | VmaAllocatorCreateFlags |
| See VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits. More...
typedef enum VmaMemoryUsage | VmaMemoryUsage |
| Intended usage of the allocated memory. More...
typedef enum VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits | VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits |
| Flags to be passed as VmaAllocationCreateInfo::flags. More...
typedef VkFlags | VmaAllocationCreateFlags |
| See VmaAllocationCreateFlagBits. More...
typedef enum VmaPoolCreateFlagBits | VmaPoolCreateFlagBits |
| Flags to be passed as VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags. More...
typedef VkFlags | VmaPoolCreateFlags |
| Flags to be passed as VmaPoolCreateInfo::flags. See VmaPoolCreateFlagBits. More...
typedef enum VmaDefragmentationFlagBits | VmaDefragmentationFlagBits |
| Flags to be passed as VmaDefragmentationInfo::flags. More...
typedef VkFlags | VmaDefragmentationFlags |
| See VmaDefragmentationFlagBits. More...
typedef enum VmaDefragmentationMoveOperation | VmaDefragmentationMoveOperation |
| Operation performed on single defragmentation move. See structure VmaDefragmentationMove. More...
typedef enum VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlagBits | VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlagBits |
| Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo::flags. More...
typedef VkFlags | VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlags |
| Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo::flags. See VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlagBits. More...
typedef enum VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits | VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits |
| Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. More...
typedef VkFlags | VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlags |
| Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags. See VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits. More...
typedef void(VKAPI_PTR * | PFN_vmaAllocateDeviceMemoryFunction) (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t memoryType, VkDeviceMemory VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE memory, VkDeviceSize size, void *VMA_NULLABLE pUserData) |
| Callback function called after successful vkAllocateMemory. More...
typedef void(VKAPI_PTR * | PFN_vmaFreeDeviceMemoryFunction) (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t memoryType, VkDeviceMemory VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE memory, VkDeviceSize size, void *VMA_NULLABLE pUserData) |
| Callback function called before vkFreeMemory. More...
typedef struct VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks | VmaDeviceMemoryCallbacks |
| Set of callbacks that the library will call for vkAllocateMemory and vkFreeMemory . More...
typedef struct VmaVulkanFunctions | VmaVulkanFunctions |
| Pointers to some Vulkan functions - a subset used by the library. More...
typedef struct VmaAllocatorCreateInfo | VmaAllocatorCreateInfo |
| Description of a Allocator to be created. More...
typedef struct VmaAllocatorInfo | VmaAllocatorInfo |
| Information about existing VmaAllocator object. More...
typedef struct VmaStatistics | VmaStatistics |
| Calculated statistics of memory usage e.g. More...
typedef struct VmaDetailedStatistics | VmaDetailedStatistics |
| More detailed statistics than VmaStatistics. More...
typedef struct VmaTotalStatistics | VmaTotalStatistics |
| General statistics from current state of the Allocator - total memory usage across all memory heaps and types. More...
typedef struct VmaBudget | VmaBudget |
| Statistics of current memory usage and available budget for a specific memory heap. More...
typedef struct VmaAllocationCreateInfo | VmaAllocationCreateInfo |
| Parameters of new VmaAllocation. More...
typedef struct VmaPoolCreateInfo | VmaPoolCreateInfo |
| Describes parameter of created VmaPool. More...
typedef struct VmaAllocationInfo | VmaAllocationInfo |
| Parameters of VmaAllocation objects, that can be retrieved using function vmaGetAllocationInfo(). More...
typedef struct VmaDefragmentationInfo | VmaDefragmentationInfo |
| Parameters for defragmentation. More...
typedef struct VmaDefragmentationMove | VmaDefragmentationMove |
| Single move of an allocation to be done for defragmentation. More...
typedef struct VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo | VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo |
| Parameters for incremental defragmentation steps. More...
typedef struct VmaDefragmentationStats | VmaDefragmentationStats |
| Statistics returned for defragmentation process in function vmaEndDefragmentation(). More...
typedef struct VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo | VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo |
| Parameters of created VmaVirtualBlock object to be passed to vmaCreateVirtualBlock(). More...
typedef struct VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo | VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo |
| Parameters of created virtual allocation to be passed to vmaVirtualAllocate(). More...
typedef struct VmaVirtualAllocationInfo | VmaVirtualAllocationInfo |
| Parameters of an existing virtual allocation, returned by vmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo(). More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateAllocator (const VmaAllocatorCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaAllocator VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocator) |
| Creates VmaAllocator object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaDestroyAllocator (VmaAllocator VMA_NULLABLE allocator) |
| Destroys allocator object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetAllocatorInfo (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocatorInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocatorInfo) |
| Returns information about existing VmaAllocator object - handle to Vulkan device etc. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetPhysicalDeviceProperties (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties *VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL ppPhysicalDeviceProperties) |
| PhysicalDeviceProperties are fetched from physicalDevice by the allocator. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetMemoryProperties (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties *VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL ppPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties) |
| PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties are fetched from physicalDevice by the allocator. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetMemoryTypeProperties (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t memoryTypeIndex, VkMemoryPropertyFlags *VMA_NOT_NULL pFlags) |
| Given Memory Type Index, returns Property Flags of this memory type. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaSetCurrentFrameIndex (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t frameIndex) |
| Sets index of the current frame. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCalculateStatistics (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaTotalStatistics *VMA_NOT_NULL pStats) |
| Retrieves statistics from current state of the Allocator. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetHeapBudgets (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaBudget *VMA_NOT_NULL VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL("VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties::memoryHeapCount") pBudgets) |
| Retrieves information about current memory usage and budget for all memory heaps. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFindMemoryTypeIndex (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t memoryTypeBits, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationCreateInfo, uint32_t *VMA_NOT_NULL pMemoryTypeIndex) |
| Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given memoryTypeBits and VmaAllocationCreateInfo. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkBufferCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pBufferCreateInfo, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationCreateInfo, uint32_t *VMA_NOT_NULL pMemoryTypeIndex) |
| Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given VkBufferCreateInfo and VmaAllocationCreateInfo. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForImageInfo (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkImageCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pImageCreateInfo, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationCreateInfo, uint32_t *VMA_NOT_NULL pMemoryTypeIndex) |
| Helps to find memoryTypeIndex, given VkImageCreateInfo and VmaAllocationCreateInfo. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreatePool (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VmaPoolCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaPool VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pPool) |
| Allocates Vulkan device memory and creates VmaPool object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaDestroyPool (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaPool VMA_NULLABLE pool) |
| Destroys VmaPool object and frees Vulkan device memory. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetPoolStatistics (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaPool VMA_NOT_NULL pool, VmaStatistics *VMA_NOT_NULL pPoolStats) |
| Retrieves statistics of existing VmaPool object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCalculatePoolStatistics (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaPool VMA_NOT_NULL pool, VmaDetailedStatistics *VMA_NOT_NULL pPoolStats) |
| Retrieves detailed statistics of existing VmaPool object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCheckPoolCorruption (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaPool VMA_NOT_NULL pool) |
| Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory pool in search for corruptions. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetPoolName (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaPool VMA_NOT_NULL pool, const char *VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL ppName) |
| Retrieves name of a custom pool. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaSetPoolName (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaPool VMA_NOT_NULL pool, const char *VMA_NULLABLE pName) |
| Sets name of a custom pool. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaAllocateMemory (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkMemoryRequirements *VMA_NOT_NULL pVkMemoryRequirements, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationInfo) |
| General purpose memory allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaAllocateMemoryPages (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkMemoryRequirements *VMA_NOT_NULL VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) pVkMemoryRequirements, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) pCreateInfo, size_t allocationCount, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) pAllocations, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) pAllocationInfo) |
| General purpose memory allocation for multiple allocation objects at once. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VkBuffer VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE buffer, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationInfo) |
| Allocates memory suitable for given VkBuffer . More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaAllocateMemoryForImage (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VkImage VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE image, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationInfo) |
| Allocates memory suitable for given VkImage . More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFreeMemory (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE allocation) |
| Frees memory previously allocated using vmaAllocateMemory(), vmaAllocateMemoryForBuffer(), or vmaAllocateMemoryForImage(). More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFreeMemoryPages (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, size_t allocationCount, const VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) pAllocations) |
| Frees memory and destroys multiple allocations. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetAllocationInfo (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationInfo) |
| Returns current information about specified allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaSetAllocationUserData (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, void *VMA_NULLABLE pUserData) |
| Sets pUserData in given allocation to new value. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaSetAllocationName (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, const char *VMA_NULLABLE pName) |
| Sets pName in given allocation to new value. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetAllocationMemoryProperties (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkMemoryPropertyFlags *VMA_NOT_NULL pFlags) |
| Given an allocation, returns Property Flags of its memory type. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaMapMemory (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, void *VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL ppData) |
| Maps memory represented by given allocation and returns pointer to it. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaUnmapMemory (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation) |
| Unmaps memory represented by given allocation, mapped previously using vmaMapMemory(). More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFlushAllocation (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
| Flushes memory of given allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaInvalidateAllocation (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size) |
| Invalidates memory of given allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFlushAllocations (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t allocationCount, const VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) allocations, const VkDeviceSize *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) offsets, const VkDeviceSize *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) sizes) |
| Flushes memory of given set of allocations. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaInvalidateAllocations (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t allocationCount, const VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) allocations, const VkDeviceSize *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) offsets, const VkDeviceSize *VMA_NULLABLE VMA_LEN_IF_NOT_NULL(allocationCount) sizes) |
| Invalidates memory of given set of allocations. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCheckCorruption (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, uint32_t memoryTypeBits) |
| Checks magic number in margins around all allocations in given memory types (in both default and custom pools) in search for corruptions. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBeginDefragmentation (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VmaDefragmentationInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pInfo, VmaDefragmentationContext VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pContext) |
| Begins defragmentation process. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaEndDefragmentation (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaDefragmentationContext VMA_NOT_NULL context, VmaDefragmentationStats *VMA_NULLABLE pStats) |
| Ends defragmentation process. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBeginDefragmentationPass (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaDefragmentationContext VMA_NOT_NULL context, VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pPassInfo) |
| Starts single defragmentation pass. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaEndDefragmentationPass (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaDefragmentationContext VMA_NOT_NULL context, VmaDefragmentationPassMoveInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pPassInfo) |
| Ends single defragmentation pass. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBindBufferMemory (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkBuffer VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE buffer) |
| Binds buffer to allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBindBufferMemory2 (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkDeviceSize allocationLocalOffset, VkBuffer VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE buffer, const void *VMA_NULLABLE pNext) |
| Binds buffer to allocation with additional parameters. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBindImageMemory (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkImage VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE image) |
| Binds image to allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBindImageMemory2 (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, VkDeviceSize allocationLocalOffset, VkImage VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE image, const void *VMA_NULLABLE pNext) |
| Binds image to allocation with additional parameters. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateBuffer (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkBufferCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pBufferCreateInfo, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationCreateInfo, VkBuffer VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pBuffer, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationInfo) |
| Creates a new VkBuffer , allocates and binds memory for it. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateBufferWithAlignment (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkBufferCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pBufferCreateInfo, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationCreateInfo, VkDeviceSize minAlignment, VkBuffer VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pBuffer, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationInfo) |
| Creates a buffer with additional minimum alignment. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateAliasingBuffer (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, const VkBufferCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pBufferCreateInfo, VkBuffer VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pBuffer) |
| Creates a new VkBuffer , binds already created memory for it. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaDestroyBuffer (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VkBuffer VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE buffer, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE allocation) |
| Destroys Vulkan buffer and frees allocated memory. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateImage (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, const VkImageCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pImageCreateInfo, const VmaAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocationCreateInfo, VkImage VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pImage, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VmaAllocationInfo *VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationInfo) |
| Function similar to vmaCreateBuffer(). More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateAliasingImage (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VmaAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL allocation, const VkImageCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pImageCreateInfo, VkImage VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pImage) |
| Function similar to vmaCreateAliasingBuffer(). More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaDestroyImage (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, VkImage VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE image, VmaAllocation VMA_NULLABLE allocation) |
| Destroys Vulkan image and frees allocated memory. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCreateVirtualBlock (const VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pVirtualBlock) |
| Creates new VmaVirtualBlock object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaDestroyVirtualBlock (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NULLABLE virtualBlock) |
| Destroys VmaVirtualBlock object. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkBool32 VMA_CALL_POST | vmaIsVirtualBlockEmpty (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock) |
| Returns true of the VmaVirtualBlock is empty - contains 0 virtual allocations and has all its space available for new allocations. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, VmaVirtualAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE allocation, VmaVirtualAllocationInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pVirtualAllocInfo) |
| Returns information about a specific virtual allocation within a virtual block, like its size and pUserData pointer. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE VkResult VMA_CALL_POST | vmaVirtualAllocate (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, const VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo *VMA_NOT_NULL pCreateInfo, VmaVirtualAllocation VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL pAllocation, VkDeviceSize *VMA_NULLABLE pOffset) |
| Allocates new virtual allocation inside given VmaVirtualBlock. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaVirtualFree (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, VmaVirtualAllocation VMA_NULLABLE_NON_DISPATCHABLE allocation) |
| Frees virtual allocation inside given VmaVirtualBlock. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaClearVirtualBlock (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock) |
| Frees all virtual allocations inside given VmaVirtualBlock. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, VmaVirtualAllocation VMA_NOT_NULL_NON_DISPATCHABLE allocation, void *VMA_NULLABLE pUserData) |
| Changes custom pointer associated with given virtual allocation. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaGetVirtualBlockStatistics (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, VmaStatistics *VMA_NOT_NULL pStats) |
| Calculates and returns statistics about virtual allocations and memory usage in given VmaVirtualBlock. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaCalculateVirtualBlockStatistics (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, VmaDetailedStatistics *VMA_NOT_NULL pStats) |
| Calculates and returns detailed statistics about virtual allocations and memory usage in given VmaVirtualBlock. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBuildVirtualBlockStatsString (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, char *VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL ppStatsString, VkBool32 detailedMap) |
| Builds and returns a null-terminated string in JSON format with information about given VmaVirtualBlock. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFreeVirtualBlockStatsString (VmaVirtualBlock VMA_NOT_NULL virtualBlock, char *VMA_NULLABLE pStatsString) |
| Frees a string returned by vmaBuildVirtualBlockStatsString(). More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaBuildStatsString (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, char *VMA_NULLABLE *VMA_NOT_NULL ppStatsString, VkBool32 detailedMap) |
| Builds and returns statistics as a null-terminated string in JSON format. More...
VMA_CALL_PRE void VMA_CALL_POST | vmaFreeStatsString (VmaAllocator VMA_NOT_NULL allocator, char *VMA_NULLABLE pStatsString) |