#define | mat_pad(A) (A[W][X]=A[X][W]=A[W][Y]=A[Y][W]=A[W][Z]=A[Z][W]=0,A[W][W]=1) |
| Fill out 3x3 matrix to 4x4. More...
#define | mat_copy(C, gets, A, n) |
| Copy nxn matrix A to C using "gets" for assignment. More...
#define | mat_tpose(AT, gets, A, n) |
| Copy transpose of nxn matrix A to C using "gets" for assignment. More...
#define | mat_binop(C, gets, A, op, B, n) |
| Assign nxn matrix C the element-wise combination of A and B using "op". More...
#define | caseMacro(i, j, k, I, J, K) |
#define | TOL 1.0e-6 |
#define | SQRTHALF (0.7071067811865475244) |
#define | sgn(n, v) ((n)?-(v):(v)) |
#define | swap(a, i, j) {a[3]=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=a[3];} |
#define | cycle(a, p) |
void | mat_mult (HMatrix A, HMatrix B, HMatrix AB) |
| Multiply the upper left 3x3 parts of A and B to get AB. More...
float | vdot (float *va, float *vb) |
| Return dot product of length 3 vectors va and vb. More...
void | vcross (float *va, float *vb, float *v) |
| Set v to cross product of length 3 vectors va and vb. More...
void | adjoint_transpose (HMatrix M, HMatrix MadjT) |
| Set MadjT to transpose of inverse of M times determinant of M. More...
Quat | Qt_ (float x, float y, float z, float w) |
Quat | Qt_Conj (Quat q) |
Quat | Qt_Mul (Quat qL, Quat qR) |
Quat | Qt_Scale (Quat q, float w) |
Quat | Qt_FromMatrix (HMatrix mat) |
float | mat_norm (HMatrix M, int tpose) |
| Compute either the 1 or infinity norm of M, depending on tpose. More...
float | norm_inf (HMatrix M) |
float | norm_one (HMatrix M) |
int | find_max_col (HMatrix M) |
| Return index of column of M containing maximum abs entry, or -1 if M=0. More...
void | make_reflector (float *v, float *u) |
| Setup u for Household reflection to zero all v components but first. More...
void | reflect_cols (HMatrix M, float *u) |
| Apply Householder reflection represented by u to column vectors of M. More...
void | reflect_rows (HMatrix M, float *u) |
| Apply Householder reflection represented by u to row vectors of M. More...
void | do_rank1 (HMatrix M, HMatrix Q) |
| Find orthogonal factor Q of rank 1 (or less) M. More...
void | do_rank2 (HMatrix M, HMatrix MadjT, HMatrix Q) |
| Find orthogonal factor Q of rank 2 (or less) M using adjoint transpose. More...
float | polar_decomp (HMatrix M, HMatrix Q, HMatrix S) |
HVect | spect_decomp (HMatrix S, HMatrix U) |
Quat | snuggle (Quat q, HVect *k) |
void | decomp_affine (HMatrix A, AffineParts *parts) |
void | invert_affine (AffineParts *parts, AffineParts *inverse) |