Pyrogenesis HEAD
Pyrogenesis, a RTS Engine
CDebugRenderer Member List

This is the complete list of members for CDebugRenderer, including all inherited members.

DrawBoundingBox(const CBoundingBoxAligned &boundingBox, const CColor &color, bool wireframe=false)CDebugRenderer
DrawBoundingBox(const CBoundingBoxAligned &boundingBox, const CColor &color, const CMatrix3D &transform, bool wireframe=false)CDebugRenderer
DrawBrush(const CBrush &brush, const CColor &color, bool wireframe=false)CDebugRenderer
DrawCameraFrustum(const CCamera &camera, const CColor &color, int intermediates=0, bool wireframe=false)CDebugRenderer
DrawCircle(const CVector3D &origin, const float radius, const CColor &color)CDebugRenderer
DrawLine(const CVector3D &from, const CVector3D &to, const CColor &color, const float width, const bool depthTestEnabled=true)CDebugRenderer
DrawLine(const std::vector< CVector3D > &line, const CColor &color, const float width, const bool depthTestEnabled=true)CDebugRenderer
GetShaderTechnique(const CStrIntern name, const CColor &color, const bool depthTestEnabled=true, const bool wireframe=false)CDebugRendererprivate