* Returns all points on a disk at the given location that meet the constraint.
function DiskPlacer(radius, centerPosition = undefined)
this.radiusSquared = Math.square(radius);
this.radius = radius;
this.centerPosition = undefined;
if (centerPosition)
DiskPlacer.prototype.setCenterPosition = function(position)
this.centerPosition = deepfreeze(position.clone().round());
DiskPlacer.prototype.place = function(constraint)
let points = [];
const xMin = Math.floor(Math.max(0, this.centerPosition.x - this.radius));
const yMin = Math.floor(Math.max(0, this.centerPosition.y - this.radius));
const xMax = Math.ceil(Math.min(g_Map.getSize() - 1, this.centerPosition.x + this.radius));
const yMax = Math.ceil(Math.min(g_Map.getSize() - 1, this.centerPosition.y + this.radius));
let it = new Vector2D();
for (it.x = xMin; it.x <= xMax; ++it.x)
for (it.y = yMin; it.y <= yMax; ++it.y)
if (this.centerPosition.distanceToSquared(it) <= this.radiusSquared && constraint.allows(it))
return points;