* @file An Object tries to find locations around a location and returns an array of Entity items holding the template names, owners and locations on success.
* The SimpleObject attempts to find locations for a random amount of entities with a random distance to the given center.
function SimpleObject(templateName, minCount, maxCount, minDistance, maxDistance, minAngle = 0, maxAngle = 2 * Math.PI, avoidDistance = 1)
this.templateName = templateName;
this.minCount = minCount;
this.maxCount = maxCount;
this.minDistance = minDistance;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
this.minAngle = minAngle;
this.maxAngle = maxAngle;
this.avoidDistanceSquared = Math.square(avoidDistance);
if (minCount > maxCount)
throw new Error("SimpleObject: minCount should be less than or equal to maxCount");
if (minDistance > maxDistance)
throw new Error("SimpleObject: minDistance should be less than or equal to maxDistance");
if (minAngle > maxAngle)
throw new Error("SimpleObject: minAngle should be less than or equal to maxAngle");
SimpleObject.prototype.place = function(centerPosition, playerID, avoidPositions, constraint, maxRetries)
let entitySpecs = [];
let numRetries = 0;
let validTile = pos => this.templateName.startsWith(g_ActorPrefix) ? g_Map.validTile(pos) : g_Map.validTilePassable(pos);
for (let i = 0; i < randIntInclusive(this.minCount, this.maxCount); ++i)
while (true)
let distance = randFloat(this.minDistance, this.maxDistance);
let angle = randomAngle();
let position = Vector2D.sum([centerPosition, new Vector2D(0.5, 0.5), new Vector2D(distance, 0).rotate(-angle)]);
if (validTile(position) &&
(!avoidPositions ||
entitySpecs.every(entSpec => entSpec.position.distanceToSquared(position) >= this.avoidDistanceSquared) &&
avoidPositions.every(avoid => avoid.position.distanceToSquared(position) >= Math.max(this.avoidDistanceSquared, avoid.distanceSquared))) &&
"templateName": this.templateName,
"playerID": playerID,
"position": position,
"angle": randFloat(this.minAngle, this.maxAngle)
if (numRetries++ > maxRetries)
return undefined;
return entitySpecs;
* Same as SimpleObject, but choses one of the given templates at random.
function RandomObject(templateNames, minCount, maxCount, minDistance, maxDistance, minAngle, maxAngle, avoidDistance = 1)
this.templateNames = templateNames;
this.minCount = minCount;
this.maxCount = maxCount;
this.minDistance = minDistance;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
this.minAngle = minAngle;
this.maxAngle = maxAngle;
this.avoidDistance = avoidDistance;
RandomObject.prototype.place = function(centerPosition, player, avoidPositions, constraint, maxRetries)
return new SimpleObject(pickRandom(this.templateNames), this.minCount, this.maxCount, this.minDistance, this.maxDistance, this.minAngle, this.maxAngle, this.avoidDistance).place(
centerPosition, player, avoidPositions, constraint, maxRetries);