Source: rmgen/Constraint.js

 * @file A Constraint decides if a tile satisfies a condition defined by the class.

 * The NullConstraint is always satisfied.
function NullConstraint() {}

NullConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return true;

 * The AndConstraint is met if every given Constraint is satisfied by the tile.
function AndConstraint(constraints)
	if (constraints instanceof Array)
		this.constraints = constraints;
	else if (!constraints)
		this.constraints = [];
		this.constraints = [constraints];

AndConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.constraints.every(constraint => constraint.allows(position));

 * The OrConstraint is met if any given Constraint is satisfied by the tile.
function OrConstraint(constraints)
	if (constraints instanceof Array)
		this.constraints = constraints;
	else if (!constraints)
		this.constraints = [];
		this.constraints = [constraints];

OrConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.constraints.some(constraint => constraint.allows(position));

 * The StayAreasConstraint is met if some of the given Areas contains the point.
function StayAreasConstraint(areas)
	this.areas = areas;

StayAreasConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.areas.some(area => area.contains(position));

 * The StayAreasConstraint is met if the point is adjacent to one of the given Areas and not contained by that Area.
function AdjacentToAreaConstraint(areas)
	this.areas = areas;

AdjacentToAreaConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.areas.some(area =>
		!area.contains(position) &&
		g_Map.getAdjacentPoints(position).some(adjacentPosition => area.contains(adjacentPosition)));

 * The AvoidAreasConstraint is met if none of the given Areas contain the point.
function AvoidAreasConstraint(areas)
	this.areas = areas;

AvoidAreasConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.areas.every(area => !area.contains(position));

 * The StayTextureConstraint is met if the tile has the given texture.
function StayTextureConstraint(texture)
	this.texture = texture;

StayTextureConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return g_Map.getTexture(position) == this.texture;

 * The AvoidTextureConstraint is met if the terrain texture of the tile is different from the given texture.
function AvoidTextureConstraint(texture)
	this.texture = texture;

AvoidTextureConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return g_Map.getTexture(position) != this.texture;

 * The AvoidTileClassConstraint is met if there are no tiles marked with the given TileClass within the given radius of the tile.
function AvoidTileClassConstraint(tileClass, distance)
	this.tileClass = tileClass;
	this.distance = distance;

AvoidTileClassConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.tileClass.countMembersInRadius(position, this.distance) == 0;

 * The StayInTileClassConstraint is met if every tile within the given radius of the tile is marked with the given TileClass.
function StayInTileClassConstraint(tileClass, distance)
	this.tileClass = tileClass;
	this.distance = distance;

StayInTileClassConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.tileClass.countNonMembersInRadius(position, this.distance) == 0;

 * The NearTileClassConstraint is met if at least one tile within the given radius of the tile is marked with the given TileClass.
function NearTileClassConstraint(tileClass, distance)
	this.tileClass = tileClass;
	this.distance = distance;

NearTileClassConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.tileClass.countMembersInRadius(position, this.distance) > 0;

 * The BorderTileClassConstraint is met if there are
 * tiles not marked with the given TileClass within distanceInside of the tile and
 * tiles marked with the given TileClass within distanceOutside of the tile.
function BorderTileClassConstraint(tileClass, distanceInside, distanceOutside)
	this.tileClass = tileClass;
	this.distanceInside = distanceInside;
	this.distanceOutside = distanceOutside;

BorderTileClassConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.tileClass.countMembersInRadius(position, this.distanceOutside) > 0 &&
	       this.tileClass.countNonMembersInRadius(position, this.distanceInside) > 0;

 * The HeightConstraint is met if the elevation of the tile is within the given range.
 * One can pass Infinity to only test for one side.
function HeightConstraint(minHeight, maxHeight)
	this.minHeight = minHeight;
	this.maxHeight = maxHeight;

HeightConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.minHeight <= g_Map.getHeight(position) && g_Map.getHeight(position) <= this.maxHeight;

 * The SlopeConstraint is met if the steepness of the terrain is within the given range.
function SlopeConstraint(minSlope, maxSlope)
	this.minSlope = minSlope;
	this.maxSlope = maxSlope;

SlopeConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return this.minSlope <= g_Map.getSlope(position) && g_Map.getSlope(position) <= this.maxSlope;

 * The StaticConstraint is used for performance improvements of existing Constraints.
 * It is evaluated for the entire map when the Constraint is created.
 * So when a createAreas or createObjectGroups call uses this, it can rely on the cache,
 * rather than reevaluating it for every randomized coordinate.
 * Account for the fact that the cache is never updated!
function StaticConstraint(constraints)
	let mapSize = g_Map.getSize();

	this.constraint = new AndConstraint(constraints);
	this.cache = new Array(mapSize).fill(0).map(() => new Uint8Array(mapSize));

StaticConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	if (!this.cache[position.x][position.y])
		this.cache[position.x][position.y] = this.constraint.allows(position) ? 2 : 1;

	return this.cache[position.x][position.y] == 2;

 * Constrains the area to any tile on the map that is passable.
function PassableMapAreaConstraint()

PassableMapAreaConstraint.prototype.allows = function(position)
	return g_Map.validTilePassable(position);