* @file Contains functionality to place walls on random maps.
* Set some globals for this module.
var g_WallStyles = loadWallsetsFromCivData();
var g_FortressTypes = createDefaultFortressTypes();
* Fetches wallsets from {civ}.json files, and then uses them to load
* basic wall elements.
function loadWallsetsFromCivData()
let wallsets = {};
for (let civ in g_CivData)
let civInfo = g_CivData[civ];
if (!civInfo.WallSets)
for (let path of civInfo.WallSets)
// File naming conventions:
// - structures/wallset_{style}
// - structures/{civ}/wallset_{style}
let style = basename(path).split("_")[1];
if (path.split("/").indexOf(civ) != -1)
style = civ + "/" + style;
if (!wallsets[style])
wallsets[style] = loadWallset(Engine.GetTemplate(path), civ);
return wallsets;
function loadWallset(wallsetPath, civ)
let newWallset = { "curves": [] };
let wallsetData = GetTemplateDataHelper(wallsetPath).wallSet;
for (let element in wallsetData.templates)
if (element == "curves")
for (let filename of wallsetData.templates.curves)
newWallset.curves.push(readyWallElement(filename, civ));
newWallset[element] = readyWallElement(wallsetData.templates[element], civ);
newWallset.overlap = wallsetData.minTowerOverlap * newWallset.tower.length;
return newWallset;
* Fortress class definition
* We use "fortress" to describe a closed wall built of multiple wall
* elements attached together surrounding a central point. We store the
* abstract of the wall (gate, tower, wall, ...) and only apply the style
* when we get to build it.
* @param {string} type - Descriptive string, example: "tiny". Not really needed (WallTool.wallTypes["type string"] is used). Mainly for custom wall elements.
* @param {array} [wall] - Array of wall element strings. May be defined at a later point.
* Example: ["medium", "cornerIn", "gate", "cornerIn", "medium", "cornerIn", "gate", "cornerIn"]
* @param {Object} [centerToFirstElement] - Vector from the visual center of the fortress to the first wall element.
* @param {number} [centerToFirstElement.x]
* @param {number} [centerToFirstElement.y]
function Fortress(type, wall=[], centerToFirstElement=undefined)
this.type = type;
this.wall = wall;
this.centerToFirstElement = centerToFirstElement;
function createDefaultFortressTypes()
let defaultFortresses = {};
* Define some basic default fortress types.
let addFortress = (type, walls) => defaultFortresses[type] = { "wall": walls.concat(walls, walls, walls) };
addFortress("tiny", ["gate", "tower", "short", "cornerIn", "short", "tower"]);
addFortress("small", ["gate", "tower", "medium", "cornerIn", "medium", "tower"]);
addFortress("medium", ["gate", "tower", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "tower"]);
addFortress("normal", ["gate", "tower", "medium", "cornerIn", "medium", "cornerOut", "medium", "cornerIn", "medium", "tower"]);
addFortress("large", ["gate", "tower", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "cornerOut", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "tower"]);
addFortress("veryLarge", ["gate", "tower", "medium", "cornerIn", "medium", "cornerOut", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "cornerOut", "medium", "cornerIn", "medium", "tower"]);
addFortress("giant", ["gate", "tower", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "cornerOut", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "cornerOut", "long", "cornerIn", "long", "tower"]);
* Define some fortresses based on those above, but designed for use
* with the "palisades" wallset.
for (let fortressType in defaultFortresses)
const fillTowersBetween = ["short", "medium", "long", "start", "end", "cornerIn", "cornerOut"];
const newKey = fortressType + "Palisades";
const oldWall = defaultFortresses[fortressType].wall;
defaultFortresses[newKey] = { "wall": [] };
for (let j = 0; j < oldWall.length; ++j)
if (j + 1 < oldWall.length &&
fillTowersBetween.indexOf(oldWall[j]) != -1 &&
fillTowersBetween.indexOf(oldWall[j + 1]) != -1)
return defaultFortresses;
* Define some helper functions
* Get a wall element of a style.
* Valid elements:
* long, medium, short, start, end, cornerIn, cornerOut, tower, fort, gate, entry, entryTower, entryFort
* Dynamic elements:
* `gap_{x}` returns a non-blocking gap of length `x` meters.
* `turn_{x}` returns a zero-length turn of angle `x` radians.
* Any other arbitrary string passed will be attempted to be used as: `structures/{civ}/{arbitrary_string}`.
* @param {string} element - What sort of element to fetch.
* @param {string} [style] - The style from which this element should come from.
* @returns {Object} The wall element requested. Or a tower element.
function getWallElement(element, style)
style = validateStyle(style);
if (g_WallStyles[style][element])
return g_WallStyles[style][element];
// Attempt to derive any unknown elements.
// Defaults to a wall tower piece
const quarterBend = Math.PI / 2;
let wallset = g_WallStyles[style];
let civ = style.split("/")[0];
let ret = wallset.tower ? clone(wallset.tower) : { "angle": 0, "bend": 0, "length": 0, "indent": 0 };
switch (element)
case "cornerIn":
if (wallset.curves)
for (let curve of wallset.curves)
if (curve.bend == quarterBend)
ret = curve;
if (ret.bend != quarterBend)
ret.angle += Math.PI / 4;
ret.indent = ret.length / 4;
ret.length = 0;
ret.bend = Math.PI / 2;
case "cornerOut":
if (wallset.curves)
for (let curve of wallset.curves)
if (curve.bend == quarterBend)
ret = clone(curve);
ret.angle += Math.PI / 2;
ret.indent -= ret.indent * 2;
if (ret.bend != quarterBend)
ret.angle -= Math.PI / 4;
ret.indent = -ret.length / 4;
ret.length = 0;
ret.bend = -Math.PI / 2;
case "entry":
ret.templateName = undefined;
ret.length = wallset.gate.length;
case "entryTower":
ret.templateName = g_CivData[civ] ? "structures/" + civ + "/defense_tower" : "structures/palisades_watchtower";
ret.indent = ret.length * -3;
ret.length = wallset.gate.length;
case "entryFort":
ret = clone(wallset.fort);
ret.angle -= Math.PI;
ret.length *= 1.5;
ret.indent = ret.length;
case "start":
if (wallset.end)
ret = clone(wallset.end);
ret.angle += Math.PI;
case "end":
if (wallset.end)
ret = wallset.end;
if (element.startsWith("gap_"))
ret.templateName = undefined;
ret.angle = 0;
ret.length = +element.slice("gap_".length);
else if (element.startsWith("turn_"))
ret.templateName = undefined;
ret.bend = +element.slice("turn_".length) * Math.PI;
ret.length = 0;
if (!g_CivData[civ])
civ = Object.keys(g_CivData)[0];
let templateName = "structures/" + civ + "/" + element;
if (Engine.TemplateExists(templateName))
ret.indent = ret.length * (element == "outpost" || element.endsWith("_tower") ? -3 : 3.5);
ret.templateName = templateName;
ret.length = 0;
warn("Unrecognised wall element: '" + element + "' (" + style + "). Defaulting to " + (wallset.tower ? "'tower'." : "a blank element."));
// Cache to save having to calculate this element again.
g_WallStyles[style][element] = deepfreeze(ret);
return ret;
* Prepare a wall element for inclusion in a style.
* @param {string} path - The template path to read values from
function readyWallElement(path, civCode)
path = path.replace(/\{civ\}/g, civCode);
let template = GetTemplateDataHelper(Engine.GetTemplate(path), null, null);
let length = template.wallPiece ? template.wallPiece.length : template.obstruction.shape.width;
return deepfreeze({
"templateName": path,
"angle": template.wallPiece ? template.wallPiece.angle : Math.PI,
"length": length / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE,
"indent": template.wallPiece ? template.wallPiece.indent / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE : 0,
"bend": template.wallPiece ? template.wallPiece.bend : 0
* Returns a list of objects containing all information to place all the wall elements entities with placeObject (but the player ID)
* Placing the first wall element at startX/startY placed with an angle given by orientation
* An alignment can be used to get the "center" of a "wall" (more likely used for fortresses) with getCenterToFirstElement
* @param {Vector2D} position
* @param {array} [wall]
* @param {string} [style]
* @param {number} [orientation]
* @returns {array}
function getWallAlignment(position, wall = [], style = "athen_stone", orientation = 0)
style = validateStyle(style);
let alignment = [];
let wallPosition = position.clone();
for (let i = 0; i < wall.length; ++i)
let element = getWallElement(wall[i], style);
if (!element && i == 0)
warn("Not a valid wall element: style = " + style + ", wall[" + i + "] = " + wall[i] + "; " + uneval(element));
// Add wall elements entity placement arguments to the alignment
"position": Vector2D.sub(wallPosition, new Vector2D(element.indent, 0).rotate(-orientation)),
"templateName": element.templateName,
"angle": orientation + element.angle
// Preset vars for the next wall element
if (i + 1 < wall.length)
orientation += element.bend;
let nextElement = getWallElement(wall[i + 1], style);
if (!nextElement)
warn("Not a valid wall element: style = " + style + ", wall[" + (i + 1) + "] = " + wall[i + 1] + "; " + uneval(nextElement));
let distance = (element.length + nextElement.length) / 2 - g_WallStyles[style].overlap;
// Corrections for elements with indent AND bending
let indent = element.indent;
let bend = element.bend;
if (bend != 0 && indent != 0)
// Indent correction to adjust distance
distance += indent * Math.sin(bend);
// Indent correction to normalize indentation
wallPosition.add(new Vector2D(indent).rotate(-orientation));
// Set the next coordinates of the next element in the wall without indentation adjustment
wallPosition.add(new Vector2D(distance, 0).rotate(-orientation).perpendicular());
return alignment;
* Center calculation works like getting the center of mass assuming all wall elements have the same "weight"
* Used to get centerToFirstElement of fortresses by default
* @param {number} alignment
* @returns {Object} Vector from the center of the set of aligned wallpieces to the first wall element.
function getCenterToFirstElement(alignment)
return alignment.reduce((result, align) => result.sub(Vector2D.div(align.position, alignment.length)), new Vector2D(0, 0));
* Does not support bending wall elements like corners.
* @param {string} style
* @param {array} wall
* @returns {number} The sum length (in terrain cells, not meters) of the provided wall.
function getWallLength(style, wall)
style = validateStyle(style);
let length = 0;
let overlap = g_WallStyles[style].overlap;
for (let element of wall)
length += getWallElement(element, style).length - overlap;
return length;
* Makes sure the style exists and, if not, provides a fallback.
* @param {string} style
* @param {number} [playerId]
* @returns {string} Valid style.
function validateStyle(style, playerId = 0)
if (!style || !g_WallStyles[style])
if (playerId == 0)
return Object.keys(g_WallStyles)[0];
style = getCivCode(playerId) + "/stone";
return !g_WallStyles[style] ? Object.keys(g_WallStyles)[0] : style;
return style;
* Define the different wall placer functions
* Places an abitrary wall beginning at the location comprised of the array of elements provided.
* @param {Vector2D} position
* @param {array} [wall] - Array of wall element types. Example: ["start", "long", "tower", "long", "end"]
* @param {string} [style] - Wall style string.
* @param {number} [playerId] - Identifier of the player for whom the wall will be placed.
* @param {number} [orientation] - Angle at which the first wall element is placed.
* 0 means "outside" or "front" of the wall is right (positive X) like placeObject
* It will then be build towards top/positive Y (if no bending wall elements like corners are used)
* Raising orientation means the wall is rotated counter-clockwise like placeObject
function placeWall(position, wall = [], style, playerId = 0, orientation = 0, constraints = undefined)
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
let entities = [];
let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints);
for (let align of getWallAlignment(position, wall, style, orientation))
if (align.templateName && g_Map.inMapBounds(align.position) && constraint.allows(align.position.clone().floor()))
entities.push(g_Map.placeEntityPassable(align.templateName, playerId, align.position, align.angle));
return entities;
* Places an abitrarily designed "fortress" (closed loop of wall elements)
* centered around a given point.
* The fortress wall should always start with the main entrance (like
* "entry" or "gate") to get the orientation correct.
* @param {Vector2D} centerPosition
* @param {Object} [fortress] - If not provided, defaults to the predefined "medium" fortress type.
* @param {string} [style] - Wall style string.
* @param {number} [playerId] - Identifier of the player for whom the wall will be placed.
* @param {number} [orientation] - Angle the first wall element (should be a gate or entrance) is placed. Default is 0
function placeCustomFortress(centerPosition, fortress, style, playerId = 0, orientation = 0, constraints = undefined)
fortress = fortress || g_FortressTypes.medium;
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
// Calculate center if fortress.centerToFirstElement is undefined (default)
let centerToFirstElement = fortress.centerToFirstElement;
if (centerToFirstElement === undefined)
centerToFirstElement = getCenterToFirstElement(getWallAlignment(new Vector2D(0, 0), fortress.wall, style));
// Placing the fortress wall
let position = Vector2D.sum([
new Vector2D(centerToFirstElement.x, 0).rotate(-orientation),
new Vector2D(centerToFirstElement.y, 0).perpendicular().rotate(-orientation)
return placeWall(position, fortress.wall, style, playerId, orientation, constraints);
* Places a predefined fortress centered around the provided point.
* @see Fortress
* @param {string} [type] - Predefined fortress type, as used as a key in g_FortressTypes.
function placeFortress(centerPosition, type = "medium", style, playerId = 0, orientation = 0, constraints = undefined)
return placeCustomFortress(centerPosition, g_FortressTypes[type], style, playerId, orientation, constraints);
* Places a straight wall from a given point to another, using the provided
* wall parts repeatedly.
* Note: Any "bending" wall pieces passed will be complained about.
* @param {Vector2D} startPosition - Approximate start point of the wall.
* @param {Vector2D} targetPosition - Approximate end point of the wall.
* @param {array} [wallPart=["tower", "long"]]
* @param {number} [playerId]
* @param {boolean} [endWithFirst] - If true, the first wall element will also be the last.
function placeLinearWall(startPosition, targetPosition, wallPart = undefined, style, playerId = 0, endWithFirst = true, constraints = undefined)
wallPart = wallPart || ["tower", "long"];
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
// Check arguments
for (let element of wallPart)
if (getWallElement(element, style).bend != 0)
warn("placeLinearWall : Bending is not supported by this function, but the following bending wall element was used: " + element);
// Setup number of wall parts
let totalLength = startPosition.distanceTo(targetPosition);
let wallPartLength = getWallLength(style, wallPart);
let numParts = Math.ceil(totalLength / wallPartLength);
if (endWithFirst)
numParts = Math.ceil((totalLength - getWallElement(wallPart[0], style).length) / wallPartLength);
// Setup scale factor
let scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength);
if (endWithFirst)
scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength + getWallElement(wallPart[0], style).length);
// Setup angle
let wallAngle = getAngle(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, targetPosition.x, targetPosition.y);
let placeAngle = wallAngle - Math.PI / 2;
// Place wall entities
let entities = [];
let position = startPosition.clone();
let overlap = g_WallStyles[style].overlap;
let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints);
for (let partIndex = 0; partIndex < numParts; ++partIndex)
for (let elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; ++elementIndex)
let wallEle = getWallElement(wallPart[elementIndex], style);
let wallLength = (wallEle.length - overlap) / 2;
let dist = new Vector2D(scaleFactor * wallLength, 0).rotate(-wallAngle);
// Length correction
// Indent correction
let place = Vector2D.add(position, new Vector2D(0, wallEle.indent).rotate(-wallAngle));
if (wallEle.templateName && g_Map.inMapBounds(place) && constraint.allows(place.clone().floor()))
entities.push(g_Map.placeEntityPassable(wallEle.templateName, playerId, place, placeAngle + wallEle.angle));
if (endWithFirst)
let wallEle = getWallElement(wallPart[0], style);
let wallLength = (wallEle.length - overlap) / 2;
position.add(new Vector2D(scaleFactor * wallLength, 0).rotate(-wallAngle));
if (wallEle.templateName && g_Map.inMapBounds(position) && constraint.allows(position.clone().floor()))
entities.push(g_Map.placeEntityPassable(wallEle.templateName, playerId, position, placeAngle + wallEle.angle));
return entities;
* Places a (semi-)circular wall of repeated wall elements around a central
* point at a given radius.
* The wall does not have to be closed, and can be left open in the form
* of an arc if maxAngle < 2 * Pi. In this case, the orientation determines
* where this open part faces, with 0 meaning "right" like an unrotated
* building's drop-point.
* Note: Any "bending" wall pieces passed will be complained about.
* @param {Vector2D} center - Center of the circle or arc.
* @param (number} radius - Approximate radius of the circle. (Given the maxBendOff argument)
* @param {array} [wallPart]
* @param {string} [style]
* @param {number} [playerId]
* @param {number} [orientation] - Angle at which the first wall element is placed.
* @param {number} [maxAngle] - How far the wall should circumscribe the center. Default is Pi * 2 (for a full circle).
* @param {boolean} [endWithFirst] - If true, the first wall element will also be the last. For full circles, the default is false. For arcs, true.
* @param {number} [maxBendOff] Optional. How irregular the circle should be. 0 means regular circle, PI/2 means very irregular. Default is 0 (regular circle)
function placeCircularWall(center, radius, wallPart, style, playerId = 0, orientation = 0, maxAngle = 2 * Math.PI, endWithFirst, maxBendOff = 0, constraints = undefined)
wallPart = wallPart || ["tower", "long"];
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
if (endWithFirst === undefined)
endWithFirst = maxAngle < Math.PI * 2 - 0.001; // Can this be done better?
// Check arguments
if (maxBendOff > Math.PI / 2 || maxBendOff < 0)
warn("placeCircularWall : maxBendOff should satisfy 0 < maxBendOff < PI/2 (~1.5rad) but it is: " + maxBendOff);
for (let element of wallPart)
if (getWallElement(element, style).bend != 0)
warn("placeCircularWall : Bending is not supported by this function, but the following bending wall element was used: " + element);
// Setup number of wall parts
let totalLength = maxAngle * radius;
let wallPartLength = getWallLength(style, wallPart);
let numParts = Math.ceil(totalLength / wallPartLength);
if (endWithFirst)
numParts = Math.ceil((totalLength - getWallElement(wallPart[0], style).length) / wallPartLength);
// Setup scale factor
let scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength);
if (endWithFirst)
scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength + getWallElement(wallPart[0], style).length);
// Place wall entities
let entities = [];
let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints);
let actualAngle = orientation;
let position = Vector2D.add(center, new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-actualAngle));
let overlap = g_WallStyles[style].overlap;
for (let partIndex = 0; partIndex < numParts; ++partIndex)
for (let wallEle of wallPart)
wallEle = getWallElement(wallEle, style);
// Width correction
let addAngle = scaleFactor * (wallEle.length - overlap) / radius;
let target = Vector2D.add(center, new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-actualAngle - addAngle));
let place = Vector2D.average([position, target]);
let placeAngle = actualAngle + addAngle / 2;
// Indent correction
place.sub(new Vector2D(wallEle.indent, 0).rotate(-placeAngle));
// Placement
if (wallEle.templateName && g_Map.inMapBounds(place) && constraint.allows(place.clone().floor()))
let entity = g_Map.placeEntityPassable(wallEle.templateName, playerId, place, placeAngle + wallEle.angle);
if (entity)
// Prepare for the next wall element
actualAngle += addAngle;
position = Vector2D.add(center, new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-actualAngle));
if (endWithFirst)
let wallEle = getWallElement(wallPart[0], style);
let addAngle = scaleFactor * wallEle.length / radius;
let target = Vector2D.add(center, new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-actualAngle - addAngle));
let place = Vector2D.average([position, target]);
let placeAngle = actualAngle + addAngle / 2;
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(place) && constraint.allows(place.clone().floor()))
entities.push(g_Map.placeEntityPassable(wallEle.templateName, playerId, place, placeAngle + wallEle.angle));
return entities;
* Places a polygonal wall of repeated wall elements around a central
* point at a given radius.
* Note: Any "bending" wall pieces passed will be ignored.
* @param {Vector2D} centerPosition
* @param {number} radius
* @param {array} [wallPart]
* @param {string} [cornerWallElement] - Wall element to be placed at the polygon's corners.
* @param {string} [style]
* @param {number} [playerId]
* @param {number} [orientation] - Direction the first wall piece or opening in the wall faces.
* @param {number} [numCorners] - How many corners the polygon will have.
* @param {boolean} [skipFirstWall] - If the first linear wall part will be left opened as entrance.
function placePolygonalWall(centerPosition, radius, wallPart, cornerWallElement = "tower", style, playerId = 0, orientation = 0, numCorners = 8, skipFirstWall = true, constraints = undefined)
wallPart = wallPart || ["long", "tower"];
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
let entities = [];
let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints);
let angleAdd = Math.PI * 2 / numCorners;
let angleStart = orientation - angleAdd / 2;
let corners = new Array(numCorners).fill(0).map((zero, i) =>
Vector2D.add(centerPosition, new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-angleStart - i * angleAdd)));
for (let i = 0; i < numCorners; ++i)
let angleToCorner = getAngle(corners[i].x, corners[i].y, centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(corners[i]) && constraint.allows(corners[i].clone().floor()))
let entity = g_Map.placeEntityPassable(getWallElement(cornerWallElement, style).templateName, playerId, corners[i], angleToCorner);
if (entity)
if (!skipFirstWall || i != 0)
let cornerLength = getWallElement(cornerWallElement, style).length / 2;
let cornerAngle = angleToCorner + angleAdd / 2;
let targetCorner = (i + 1) % numCorners;
let cornerPosition = new Vector2D(cornerLength, 0).rotate(-cornerAngle).perpendicular();
entities = entities.concat(
// Adjustment to the corner element width (approximately)
Vector2D.sub(corners[i], cornerPosition),
Vector2D.add(corners[targetCorner], cornerPosition),
return entities;
* Places an irregular polygonal wall consisting of parts semi-randomly
* chosen from a provided assortment, built around a central point at a
* given radius.
* Note: Any "bending" wall pieces passed will be ... I'm not sure. TODO: test what happens!
* Note: The wallPartsAssortment is last because it's the hardest to set.
* @param {Vector2D} centerPosition
* @param {number} radius
* @param {string} [cornerWallElement] - Wall element to be placed at the polygon's corners.
* @param {string} [style]
* @param {number} [playerId]
* @param {number} [orientation] - Direction the first wallpiece or opening in the wall faces.
* @param {number} [numCorners] - How many corners the polygon will have.
* @param {number} [irregularity] - How irregular the polygon will be. 0 = regular, 1 = VERY irregular.
* @param {boolean} [skipFirstWall] - If true, the first linear wall part will be left open as an entrance.
* @param {array} [wallPartsAssortment] - An array of wall part arrays to choose from for each linear wall connecting the corners.
function placeIrregularPolygonalWall(centerPosition, radius, cornerWallElement = "tower", style, playerId = 0, orientation = 0, numCorners, irregularity = 0.5, skipFirstWall = false, wallPartsAssortment = undefined, constraints = undefined)
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
numCorners = numCorners || randIntInclusive(5, 7);
// Generating a generic wall part assortment with each wall part including 1 gate lengthened by walls and towers
// NOTE: It might be a good idea to write an own function for that...
let defaultWallPartsAssortment = [["short"], ["medium"], ["long"], ["gate", "tower", "short"]];
let centeredWallPart = ["gate"];
let extendingWallPartAssortment = [["tower", "long"], ["tower", "medium"]];
for (let assortment of extendingWallPartAssortment)
let wallPart = centeredWallPart;
for (let j = 0; j < radius; ++j)
if (j % 2 == 0)
wallPart = wallPart.concat(assortment);
wallPart = assortment.concat(wallPart);
// Setup optional arguments to the default
wallPartsAssortment = wallPartsAssortment || defaultWallPartsAssortment;
// Setup angles
let angleToCover = Math.PI * 2;
let angleAddList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numCorners; ++i)
// Randomize covered angles. Variety scales down with raising angle though...
angleAddList.push(angleToCover / (numCorners - i) * (1 + randFloat(-irregularity, irregularity)));
angleToCover -= angleAddList[angleAddList.length - 1];
// Setup corners
let corners = [];
let angleActual = orientation - angleAddList[0] / 2;
for (let i = 0; i < numCorners; ++i)
corners.push(Vector2D.add(centerPosition, new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-angleActual)));
if (i < numCorners - 1)
angleActual += angleAddList[i + 1];
// Setup best wall parts for the different walls (a bit confusing naming...)
let wallPartLengths = [];
let maxWallPartLength = 0;
for (let wallPart of wallPartsAssortment)
let length = getWallLength(style, wallPart);
if (length > maxWallPartLength)
maxWallPartLength = length;
let wallPartList = []; // This is the list of the wall parts to use for the walls between the corners, not to confuse with wallPartsAssortment!
for (let i = 0; i < numCorners; ++i)
let bestWallPart = []; // This is a simple wall part not a wallPartsAssortment!
let bestWallLength = Infinity;
let targetCorner = (i + 1) % numCorners;
// NOTE: This is not quite the length the wall will be in the end. Has to be tweaked...
let wallLength = corners[i].distanceTo(corners[targetCorner]);
let numWallParts = Math.ceil(wallLength / maxWallPartLength);
for (let partIndex = 0; partIndex < wallPartsAssortment.length; ++partIndex)
let linearWallLength = numWallParts * wallPartLengths[partIndex];
if (linearWallLength < bestWallLength && linearWallLength > wallLength)
bestWallPart = wallPartsAssortment[partIndex];
bestWallLength = linearWallLength;
// Place Corners and walls
let entities = [];
let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints);
for (let i = 0; i < numCorners; ++i)
let angleToCorner = getAngle(corners[i].x, corners[i].y, centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y);
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(corners[i]) && constraint.allows(corners[i].clone().floor()))
g_Map.placeEntityPassable(getWallElement(cornerWallElement, style).templateName, playerId, corners[i], angleToCorner));
if (!skipFirstWall || i != 0)
let cornerLength = getWallElement(cornerWallElement, style).length / 2;
let targetCorner = (i + 1) % numCorners;
let startAngle = angleToCorner + angleAddList[i] / 2;
let targetAngle = angleToCorner + angleAddList[targetCorner] / 2;
entities = entities.concat(
// Adjustment to the corner element width (approximately)
Vector2D.sub(corners[i], new Vector2D(cornerLength, 0).perpendicular().rotate(-startAngle)),
Vector2D.add(corners[targetCorner], new Vector2D(cornerLength, 0).rotate(-targetAngle - Math.PI / 2)),
return entities;
* Places a generic fortress with towers at the edges connected with long
* walls and gates, positioned around a central point at a given radius.
* The difference between this and the other two Fortress placement functions
* is that those place a predefined fortress, regardless of terrain type.
* This function attempts to intelligently place a wall circuit around
* the central point taking into account terrain and other obstacles.
* This is the default Iberian civ bonus starting wall.
* @param {Vector2D} center - The approximate center coordinates of the fortress
* @param {number} [radius] - The approximate radius of the wall to be placed.
* @param {number} [playerId]
* @param {string} [style]
* @param {number} [irregularity] - 0 = circle, 1 = very spiky
* @param {number} [gateOccurence] - Integer number, every n-th walls will be a gate instead.
* @param {number} [maxTries] - How often the function tries to find a better fitting shape.
function placeGenericFortress(center, radius = 20, playerId = 0, style, irregularity = 0.5, gateOccurence = 3, maxTries = 100, constraints = undefined)
style = validateStyle(style, playerId);
// Setup some vars
let startAngle = randomAngle();
let actualOff = new Vector2D(radius, 0).rotate(-startAngle);
let actualAngle = startAngle;
let pointDistance = getWallLength(style, ["long", "tower"]);
// Searching for a well fitting point derivation
let tries = 0;
let bestPointDerivation;
let minOverlap = 1000;
let overlap;
while (tries < maxTries && minOverlap > g_WallStyles[style].overlap)
let pointDerivation = [];
let distanceToTarget = 1000;
while (true)
let indent = randFloat(-irregularity * pointDistance, irregularity * pointDistance);
let tmp = new Vector2D(radius + indent, 0).rotate(-actualAngle - pointDistance / radius);
let tmpAngle = getAngle(actualOff.x, actualOff.y, tmp.x, tmp.y);
actualOff.add(new Vector2D(pointDistance, 0).rotate(-tmpAngle));
actualAngle = getAngle(0, 0, actualOff.x, actualOff.y);
distanceToTarget = pointDerivation[0].distanceTo(actualOff);
let numPoints = pointDerivation.length;
if (numPoints > 3 && distanceToTarget < pointDistance) // Could be done better...
overlap = pointDistance - pointDerivation[numPoints - 1].distanceTo(pointDerivation[0]);
if (overlap < minOverlap)
minOverlap = overlap;
bestPointDerivation = pointDerivation;
log("placeGenericFortress: Reduced overlap to " + minOverlap + " after " + tries + " tries");
// Place wall
let entities = [];
let constraint = new StaticConstraint(constraints);
for (let pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < bestPointDerivation.length; ++pointIndex)
let start = Vector2D.add(center, bestPointDerivation[pointIndex]);
let target = Vector2D.add(center, bestPointDerivation[(pointIndex + 1) % bestPointDerivation.length]);
let angle = getAngle(start.x, start.y, target.x, target.y);
let element = (pointIndex + 1) % gateOccurence == 0 ? "gate" : "long";
element = getWallElement(element, style);
if (element.templateName)
let pos = Vector2D.add(start, new Vector2D(start.distanceTo(target) / 2, 0).rotate(-angle));
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(pos) && constraint.allows(pos.clone().floor()))
entities.push(g_Map.placeEntityPassable(element.templateName, playerId, pos, angle - Math.PI / 2 + element.angle));
// Place tower
start = Vector2D.add(center, bestPointDerivation[(pointIndex + bestPointDerivation.length - 1) % bestPointDerivation.length]);
angle = getAngle(start.x, start.y, target.x, target.y);
let tower = getWallElement("tower", style);
let pos = Vector2D.add(center, bestPointDerivation[pointIndex]);
if (g_Map.inMapBounds(pos) && constraint.allows(pos.clone().floor()))
g_Map.placeEntityPassable(tower.templateName, playerId, pos, angle - Math.PI / 2 + tower.angle));
return entities;