Source: jebel_barkal_triggers.js

* @class
 * The city is patroled along its paths by infantry champions that respawn reoccuringly.
 * There are increasingly great gaia attacks started from the different buildings.
 * The players can destroy gaia buildings to reduce the number of attackers for the future.

 * If set to true, it will print how many templates would be spawned if the players were not defeated.
const dryRun = false;

 * If enabled, prints the number of units to the command line output.
const showDebugLog = false;

 * Since Gaia doesn't have a TechnologyManager, Advanced and Elite soldiers have the same statistics as Basic.
var jebelBarkal_rank = "Basic";

 * Limit the total amount of gaia units spawned for performance reasons.
var jebelBarkal_maxPopulation = 8 * 150;

 * These are the templates spawned at the gamestart and during the game.
var jebelBarkal_templateClasses = deepfreeze({
	"heroes": "Hero",
	"champions": "Champion+!Elephant",
	"elephants": "Champion+Elephant",
	"champion_infantry": "Champion+Infantry",
	"champion_infantry_melee": "Champion+Infantry+Melee",
	"champion_infantry_ranged": "Champion+Infantry+Ranged",
	"champion_cavalry": "Champion+Cavalry",
	"champion_cavalry_melee": "Champion+Cavalry+Melee",
	"citizenSoldiers": "CitizenSoldier",
	"citizenSoldier_infantry": "CitizenSoldier+Infantry",
	"citizenSoldier_infantry_melee": "CitizenSoldier+Infantry+Melee",
	"citizenSoldier_infantry_ranged": "CitizenSoldier+Infantry+Ranged",
	"citizenSoldier_cavalry": "CitizenSoldier+Cavalry",
	"citizenSoldier_cavalry_melee": "CitizenSoldier+Cavalry+Melee",
	"healers": "Healer",
	"females": "FemaleCitizen"

var jebelBarkal_templates = deepfreeze(Object.keys(jebelBarkal_templateClasses).reduce((templates, name) => {
	templates[name] = TriggerHelper.GetTemplateNamesByClasses(jebelBarkal_templateClasses[name], "kush", undefined, jebelBarkal_rank, true);
	return templates;
}, {}));

 * These are the formations patroling and attacking units can use.
var jebelBarkal_formations = [

 *  Balancing helper function.
 *  @returns min0 value at the beginning of the game, min60 after an hour of gametime or longer and
 *  a proportionate number between these two values before the first hour is reached.
var scaleByTime = (minCurrent, min0, min60) => min0 + (min60 - min0) * Math.min(1, minCurrent / 60);

 *  @returns min0 value at the beginning of the game, min60 after an hour of gametime or longer and
 *  a proportionate number between these two values before the first hour is reached.
var scaleByMapSize = (min, max) => min + (max - min) * (TriggerHelper.GetMapSizeTiles() - 128) / (512 - 128);

 * Defensive Infantry units patrol along the paths of the city.
var jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_count = time => TriggerHelper.GetMapSizeTiles() > 192 ? scaleByTime(time, 3, scaleByMapSize(3, 10)) : 0;
var jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_interval = time => scaleByTime(time, 5, 3);
var jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_balancing = {
	"buildingClasses": ["Wonder", "Temple", "CivCentre", "Fortress", "Barracks", "Embassy"],
	"unitCount": time => Math.min(20, scaleByTime(time, 10, 45)),
	"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
			"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_melee,
			"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 2)
			"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_ranged,
			"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 3)
			"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldier_infantry_melee,
			"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 2, 0)
			"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldier_infantry_ranged,
			"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 3, 0)
	"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"

 * Frequently the buildings spawn different units that attack the players groupwise.
 * Leave more time between the attacks in later stages of the game since the attackers become much stronger over time.
var jebelBarkal_attackInterval = (time, difficulty) => randFloat(5, 7) + time / difficulty / 10;

 * Prevent city patrols chasing the starting units in nomad mode.
var jebelBarkal_firstCityPatrolTime = (difficulty, isNomad) =>
	(isNomad ? 7 - difficulty : 0);

 * Delay the first attack in nomad mode.
var jebelBarkal_firstAttackTime = (difficulty, isNomad) =>
	jebelBarkal_attackInterval(0, difficulty) +
	2 * Math.max(0, 3 - difficulty) +
	(isNomad ?  9 - difficulty : 0);

 * Account for varying mapsizes and number of players when spawning attackers.
var jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_sizeFactor = (numPlayers, numInitialSpawnPoints, difficulty) =>
	numPlayers / numInitialSpawnPoints * difficulty * 0.85;

 * Assume gaia to be the native kushite player.
var jebelBarkal_playerID = 0;

 * City patrols soldiers will patrol along these triggerpoints on the crossings of the city paths.
var jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_triggerPointPath = "A";

 * Attackers will patrol these points after having finished the attack-walk order.
var jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_triggerPointPatrol = "B";

 * Number of points the attackers patrol.
var jebelBarkal_patrolPointCount = 6;

 * Healers near the wonder run these animations when idle.
var jebelBarkal_ritualAnimations = ["attack_capture", "promotion", "heal"];

 * This defines which units are spawned and garrisoned at the gamestart per building.
var jebelBarkal_buildingGarrison = difficulty => [
		"buildingClasses": ["Wonder", "Temple", "CivCentre", "Fortress"],
		"unitTemplates": jebelBarkal_templates.champions,
		"capacityRatio": 1
		"buildingClasses": ["Barracks", "Embassy"],
		"unitTemplates": [...jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldiers, ...jebelBarkal_templates.champions],
		"capacityRatio": 1
		"buildingClasses": ["Tower"],
		"unitTemplates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry,
		"capacityRatio": 1
		"buildingClasses": ["ElephantStable"],
		"unitTemplates": jebelBarkal_templates.elephants,
		"capacityRatio": 1

		"buildingClasses": ["Stable"],
		"unitTemplates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_cavalry,
		"capacityRatio": 1

		"buildingClasses": ["House"],
		"unitTemplates": [...jebelBarkal_templates.females, ...jebelBarkal_templates.healers],
		"capacityRatio": 0.5

		"buildingClasses": ["StoneWall+Tower"],
		"unitTemplates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_ranged,
		"capacityRatio": difficulty > 3 ? 1 : 0
		"buildingClasses": ["StoneWall+!Tower"],
		"unitTemplates": difficulty > 3 ? jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_ranged : jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldier_infantry_ranged,
		"capacityRatio": (difficulty - 2) / 3

 * This defines which units are spawned at the different buildings at the given time.
 * The buildings are ordered by strength.
 * Notice that there are always 2 groups of these count spawned, one for each side!
 * The units should do a walk-attack to random player CCs
var jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_balancing = [
		// This should be the most influential building
		"buildingClasses": ["Wonder"],
		"unitCount": time => scaleByTime(time, 0, 85),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.heroes,
				"count": randBool(scaleByTime(time, -0.5, 2)) ? 1 : 0,
				"unique_entities": heroes
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.healers,
				"frequency": randFloat(0, 0.1)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champions,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 0.6)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_ranged,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 0.4)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldiers,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 1, 0)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldier_infantry_ranged,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 1, 0)
		"formations": jebelBarkal_formations,
		"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"
		"buildingClasses": ["Fortress"],
		"unitCount": time => scaleByTime(time, 0, 45),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.heroes,
				"count": randBool(scaleByTime(time, -0.5, 1.5)) ? 1 : 0,
				"unique_entities": heroes
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champions,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 1)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldiers,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 1, 0)
		"formations": jebelBarkal_formations,
		"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"
		// These should only train the strongest units
		"buildingClasses": ["Temple"],
		"unitCount": time => Math.min(45, scaleByTime(time, -30, 90)),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.heroes,
				"count": randBool(scaleByTime(time, -0.5, 1)) ? 1 : 0,
				"unique_entities": heroes
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_melee,
				"frequency": 0.5
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry_ranged,
				"frequency": 0.5
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.healers,
				"frequency": randFloat(0.05, 0.2)
		"formations": jebelBarkal_formations,
		"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"
		"buildingClasses": ["CivCentre"],
		"unitCount": time => Math.min(40, scaleByTime(time, 0, 80)),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.heroes,
				"count": randBool(scaleByTime(time, -0.5, 0.5)) ? 1 : 0,
				"unique_entities": heroes
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_infantry,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 1)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldiers,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 1, 0)
		"formations": jebelBarkal_formations,
		"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"
		"buildingClasses": ["Stable"],
		"unitCount": time => Math.min(30, scaleByTime(time, 0, 80)),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldier_cavalry_melee,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 2, 0)
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.champion_cavalry_melee,
				"frequency": scaleByTime(time, 0, 1)
		"formations": jebelBarkal_formations,
		"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"
		"buildingClasses": ["Barracks", "Embassy"],
		"unitCount": time => Math.min(35, scaleByTime(time, 0, 70)),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.citizenSoldier_infantry,
				"frequency": 1
		"formations": jebelBarkal_formations,
		"targetClasses": () => "Unit+!Ship"
		"buildingClasses": ["ElephantStable", "Wonder"],
		"unitCount": time => scaleByTime(time, 1, 14),
		"unitComposition": (time, heroes) => [
				"templates": jebelBarkal_templates.elephants,
				"frequency": 1
		"formations": [],
		"targetClasses": () => pickRandom(["Defensive SiegeEngine Monument Wonder", "Structure"])

Trigger.prototype.debugLog = function(txt)
	if (showDebugLog)
		print("DEBUG [" + Math.round(TriggerHelper.GetMinutes()) + "] " + txt + "\n");

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_Init = function()
	let isNomad = !TriggerHelper.GetAllPlayersEntitiesByClass("CivCentre").length;

	this.RegisterTrigger("OnOwnershipChanged", "JebelBarkal_OwnershipChange", { "enabled": true });

	this.DoAfterDelay(jebelBarkal_firstCityPatrolTime(this.GetDifficulty(), isNomad) * 60 * 1000, "JebelBarkal_SpawnCityPatrolGroups", {});
	this.JebelBarkal_StartAttackTimer(jebelBarkal_firstAttackTime(this.GetDifficulty(), isNomad));

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_TrackUnits = function()
	// Each item is an entity ID
	this.jebelBarkal_heroes = [];
	this.jebelBarkal_ritualHealers = TriggerHelper.GetPlayerEntitiesByClass(jebelBarkal_playerID, "Healer");

	// Each item is an array of entity IDs
	this.jebelBarkal_patrolingUnits = [];

	// Keep track of population limit for attackers
	this.jebelBarkal_attackerUnits = [];

	// Array of entityIDs where patrol groups can spawn
	this.jebelBarkal_patrolGroupSpawnPoints = TriggerHelper.GetPlayerEntitiesByClass(

	this.debugLog("Patrol spawn points: " + uneval(this.jebelBarkal_patrolGroupSpawnPoints));

	// Array of entityIDs where attacker groups can spawn
	this.jebelBarkal_attackerGroupSpawnPoints = TriggerHelper.GetPlayerEntitiesByClass(
		jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_balancing.reduce((classes, attackerSpawning) => classes.concat(attackerSpawning.buildingClasses), []));

	this.numInitialSpawnPoints = this.jebelBarkal_attackerGroupSpawnPoints.length;

	this.debugLog("Attacker spawn points: " + uneval(this.jebelBarkal_attackerGroupSpawnPoints));

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_SetDefenderStance = function()
	for (let ent of TriggerHelper.GetPlayerEntitiesByClass(jebelBarkal_playerID, "Human"))
		TriggerHelper.SetUnitStance(ent, "defensive");

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_StartRitualAnimations = function()
	this.DoRepeatedly(5 * 1000, "JebelBarkal_UpdateRitualAnimations", {});

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_UpdateRitualAnimations = function()
	for (let ent of this.jebelBarkal_ritualHealers)
		let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI);
		if (!cmpUnitAI || cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState() != "INDIVIDUAL.IDLE")

		let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Visual);
		if (cmpVisual && jebelBarkal_ritualAnimations.indexOf(cmpVisual.GetAnimationName()) == -1)
			cmpVisual.SelectAnimation(pickRandom(jebelBarkal_ritualAnimations), false, 1, "");

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_GarrisonBuildings = function()
	for (let buildingGarrison of jebelBarkal_buildingGarrison(this.GetDifficulty()))
		TriggerHelper.SpawnAndGarrisonAtClasses(jebelBarkal_playerID, buildingGarrison.buildingClasses, buildingGarrison.unitTemplates, buildingGarrison.capacityRatio);

 * Spawn new groups if old ones were wiped out.
Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_SpawnCityPatrolGroups = function()
	if (!this.jebelBarkal_patrolGroupSpawnPoints.length)

	let time = TriggerHelper.GetMinutes();
	let groupCount = Math.floor(Math.max(0, jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_count(time)) - this.jebelBarkal_patrolingUnits.length);

	this.debugLog("Spawning " + groupCount + " city patrol groups, " + this.jebelBarkal_patrolingUnits.length + " exist");

	for (let i = 0; i < groupCount; ++i)
		let spawnEnt = pickRandom(this.jebelBarkal_patrolGroupSpawnPoints);

		let templateCounts = TriggerHelper.BalancedTemplateComposition(
			jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_balancing.unitComposition(time, this.jebelBarkal_heroes),


		let groupEntities = this.JebelBarkal_SpawnTemplates(spawnEnt, templateCounts);


		for (let ent of groupEntities)
			TriggerHelper.SetUnitStance(ent, "defensive");

		TriggerHelper.SetUnitFormation(jebelBarkal_playerID, groupEntities, pickRandom(jebelBarkal_formations));

		for (let patrolTarget of shuffleArray(this.GetTriggerPoints(jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_triggerPointPath)))
			let pos = TriggerHelper.GetEntityPosition2D(patrolTarget);
			ProcessCommand(jebelBarkal_playerID, {
				"type": "patrol",
				"entities": groupEntities,
				"x": pos.x,
				"z": pos.y,
				"targetClasses": {
					"attack": jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_balancing.targetClasses()
				"queued": true,
				"allowCapture": false

	this.DoAfterDelay(jebelBarkal_cityPatrolGroup_interval(time) * 60 * 1000, "JebelBarkal_SpawnCityPatrolGroups", {});

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_SpawnTemplates = function(spawnEnt, templateCounts)
	let groupEntities = [];

	for (let templateName in templateCounts)
		let ents = TriggerHelper.SpawnUnits(spawnEnt, templateName, templateCounts[templateName], jebelBarkal_playerID);

		groupEntities = groupEntities.concat(ents);

		if (jebelBarkal_templates.heroes.indexOf(templateName) != -1 && ents[0])

	return groupEntities;

 * Spawn a group of attackers at every remaining building.
Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_SpawnAttackerGroups = function()
	if (!this.jebelBarkal_attackerGroupSpawnPoints)

	let time = TriggerHelper.GetMinutes();
	this.JebelBarkal_StartAttackTimer(jebelBarkal_attackInterval(time, this.GetDifficulty()));

	this.debugLog("Attacker wave (at most " + (jebelBarkal_maxPopulation - this.jebelBarkal_attackerUnits.length) + " attackers)");

	let activePlayers = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetActivePlayers();
	let playerEntities = =>

	let patrolPoints = this.GetTriggerPoints(jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_triggerPointPatrol);

	let groupSizeFactor = jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_sizeFactor(

	let totalSpawnCount = 0;
	for (let spawnPointBalancing of jebelBarkal_attackerGroup_balancing)
		let targets = playerEntities.reduce((allTargets, playerEnts) =>
			allTargets.concat(shuffleArray(TriggerHelper.MatchEntitiesByClass(playerEnts, spawnPointBalancing.targetClasses())).slice(0, 10)), []);

		if (!targets.length)

		for (let spawnEnt of TriggerHelper.MatchEntitiesByClass(this.jebelBarkal_attackerGroupSpawnPoints, spawnPointBalancing.buildingClasses))
			let unitCount = Math.min(
				jebelBarkal_maxPopulation - this.jebelBarkal_attackerUnits.length,
				groupSizeFactor * spawnPointBalancing.unitCount(time));

			// Spawn between 0 and 1 elephants per stable in a 1v1 on a normal mapsize at the beginning
			unitCount = Math.floor(unitCount) + (randBool(unitCount % 1) ? 1 : 0);

			if (unitCount <= 0)

			let templateCounts = TriggerHelper.BalancedTemplateComposition(spawnPointBalancing.unitComposition(time, this.jebelBarkal_heroes), unitCount);

			totalSpawnCount += unitCount;

			this.debugLog("Spawning " + unitCount + " attackers at " + uneval(spawnPointBalancing.buildingClasses) + " " +
				spawnEnt + ":\n" + uneval(templateCounts));

			if (dryRun)

			let spawnedEntities = this.JebelBarkal_SpawnTemplates(spawnEnt, templateCounts);

			this.jebelBarkal_attackerUnits = this.jebelBarkal_attackerUnits.concat(spawnedEntities);

			let formation = pickRandom(spawnPointBalancing.formations);
			if (formation)
				TriggerHelper.SetUnitFormation(jebelBarkal_playerID, spawnedEntities, formation);

			let entityGroups = formation ? [spawnedEntities] : spawnedEntities.reduce((entityGroup, ent) => entityGroup.concat([[ent]]), []);
			for (let i = 0; i < jebelBarkal_patrolPointCount; ++i)
				for (let entities of entityGroups)
					let pos = TriggerHelper.GetEntityPosition2D(pickRandom(i == 0 ? targets : patrolPoints));
					ProcessCommand(jebelBarkal_playerID, {
						"type": "patrol",
						"entities": entities,
						"x": pos.x,
						"z": pos.y,
						"targetClasses": {
							"attack": spawnPointBalancing.targetClasses()
						"queued": true,
						"allowCapture": false

	this.debugLog("Total attackers: " + totalSpawnCount);

	if (totalSpawnCount)
		Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface).PushNotification({
			"message": markForTranslation("Napata is attacking!"),
			"translateMessage": true

Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_StartAttackTimer = function(delay)
	let nextAttack = delay * 60 * 1000;

	Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface).AddTimeNotification({
		"message": markForTranslation("Napata will attack in %(time)s!"),
		"players": [-1, 0],
		"translateMessage": true
	}, nextAttack);

	this.DoAfterDelay(nextAttack, "JebelBarkal_SpawnAttackerGroups", {});

 * Keep track of heroes, so that each of them remains unique.
 * Keep track of spawn points, as only there units should be spawned.
Trigger.prototype.JebelBarkal_OwnershipChange = function(data)
	if (data.from != 0)

	let trackedEntityArrays = [

	for (let array of trackedEntityArrays)
		let idx = array.indexOf(data.entity);
		if (idx != -1)
			array.splice(idx, 1);

	this.jebelBarkal_patrolingUnits = this.jebelBarkal_patrolingUnits.filter(entities => entities.length);

	Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger).RegisterTrigger("OnInitGame", "JebelBarkal_Init", { "enabled": true });