Source: caledonian_meadows.js


var tGrove = "temp_grass_plants";
var tPath = "road_rome_a";

var oGroveEntities = ["structures/gaul/outpost", "gaia/tree/oak_new"];

var g_Map = new RandomMap(0, "whiteness");

 * Design resource spots
// Mines
let decorations = [
	"actor|geology/gray1.xml", "actor|geology/gray_rock1.xml",
	"actor|geology/highland1.xml", "actor|geology/highland2.xml", "actor|geology/highland3.xml",
	"actor|geology/highland_c.xml", "actor|geology/highland_d.xml", "actor|geology/highland_e.xml",
	"actor|props/flora/bush.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_dry_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_highlands.xml",
	"actor|props/flora/bush_tempe_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_tempe_b.xml", "actor|props/flora/ferns.xml"

function placeMine(point, centerEntity)
	g_Map.placeEntityPassable(centerEntity, 0, point, randomAngle());
	let quantity = randIntInclusive(11, 23);
	let dAngle = 2 * Math.PI / quantity;

	for (let i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
			Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(randFloat(2, 5), 0).rotate(-dAngle * randFloat(i, i + 1))),

// Food, fences with domestic animals
g_WallStyles.other = {
	"overlap": 0,
	"fence": readyWallElement("structures/fence_long", "gaia"),
	"fence_short": readyWallElement("structures/fence_short", "gaia"),
	"bench": { "angle": Math.PI / 2, "length": 1.5, "indent": 0, "bend": 0, "templateName": "structures/bench" },
	"sheep": { "angle": 0, "length": 0, "indent": 0.75, "bend": 0, "templateName": "gaia/fauna_sheep" },
	"foodBin": { "angle": Math.PI / 2, "length": 1.5, "indent": 0, "bend": 0, "templateName": "gaia/treasure/food_bin" },
	"farmstead": { "angle": Math.PI, "length": 0, "indent": -3, "bend": 0, "templateName": "structures/brit/farmstead" }

let fences = [
	new Fortress("fence", [
		"foodBin", "farmstead", "bench",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence"
	new Fortress("fence", [
		"foodBin", "farmstead", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "bench", "sheep", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence"
	new Fortress("fence", [
		"foodBin", "farmstead", "turn_0.5", "bench", "turn_-0.5", "fence_short",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence_short", "sheep", "fence"
	new Fortress("fence", [
		"foodBin", "farmstead", "turn_0.5", "fence_short", "turn_-0.5", "bench",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence_short", "sheep", "fence"
	new Fortress("fence", [
		"foodBin", "farmstead", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "bench", "sheep", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence_short", "sheep", "fence",
		"turn_0.25", "sheep", "turn_0.25", "fence_short", "sheep", "fence"
let num = fences.length;
for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i)
	fences.push(new Fortress("fence", clone(fences[i].wall).reverse()));

// Groves, only wood
let groveEntities = ["gaia/tree/bush_temperate", "gaia/tree/euro_beech"];
let groveActors = [
	"actor|geology/highland1_moss.xml", "actor|geology/highland2_moss.xml",
	"actor|props/flora/bush.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_dry_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_highlands.xml",
	"actor|props/flora/bush_tempe_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_tempe_b.xml", "actor|props/flora/ferns.xml"

function placeGrove(point)
	g_Map.placeEntityPassable(pickRandom(oGroveEntities), 0, point, randomAngle());
	let quantity = randIntInclusive(20, 30);
	let dAngle = 2 * Math.PI / quantity;
	for (let i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
		let angle = dAngle * randFloat(i, i + 1);
		let dist = randFloat(2, 5);
		let objectList = groveEntities;
		if (i % 3 == 0)
			objectList = groveActors;
		let position = Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(dist, 0).rotate(-angle));
		g_Map.placeEntityPassable(pickRandom(objectList), 0, position, randomAngle());
			new ClumpPlacer(5, 1, 1, Infinity, position),
			new TerrainPainter(tGrove));

// Camps with fire and gold treasure
function placeCamp(point,
	centerEntity = "actor|props/special/eyecandy/campfire.xml",
	otherEntities = ["gaia/treasure/metal", "gaia/treasure/standing_stone",
		"units/brit/infantry_slinger_b", "units/brit/infantry_javelineer_b", "units/gaul/infantry_slinger_b", "units/gaul/infantry_javelineer_b", "units/gaul/champion_fanatic",
		"actor|props/special/common/waypoint_flag.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/basket_celt_a.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/crate_a.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/dummy_a.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/handcart_1_broken.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/sack_1.xml", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/sack_1_rough.xml"
	g_Map.placeEntityPassable(centerEntity, 0, point, randomAngle());
	let quantity = randIntInclusive(5, 11);
	let dAngle = 2 * Math.PI / quantity;
	for (let i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
		let angle = dAngle * randFloat(i, i + 1);
		let dist = randFloat(1, 3);
		g_Map.placeEntityPassable(pickRandom(otherEntities), 0, Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(dist, 0).rotate(-angle)), randomAngle());

function placeStartLocationResources(point, foodEntities = ["gaia/fruit/berry_01", "gaia/fauna_chicken", "gaia/fauna_chicken"])
	let currentAngle = randomAngle();
	// Stone and chicken
	let dAngle = 4/9 * Math.PI;
	let angle = currentAngle + randFloat(1, 3) * dAngle / 4;
	let stonePosition = Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(12, 0).rotate(-angle));
	placeMine(stonePosition, "gaia/rock/temperate_large");
	currentAngle += dAngle;

	// Wood
	let quantity = 80;
	dAngle = 2 * Math.PI / quantity / 3;
	for (let i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
		angle = currentAngle + randFloat(0, dAngle);
		let objectList = groveEntities;
		if (i % 2 == 0)
			objectList = groveActors;
		let woodPosition = Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(randFloat(10, 15), 0).rotate(-angle));
		g_Map.placeEntityPassable(pickRandom(objectList), 0, woodPosition, randomAngle());
			new ClumpPlacer(5, 1, 1, Infinity, woodPosition),
			new TerrainPainter("temp_grass_plants"));
		currentAngle += dAngle;

	// Metal and chicken
	dAngle = 2 * Math.PI * 2 / 9;
	angle = currentAngle + dAngle * randFloat(1, 3) / 4;
	let metalPosition = Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(13, 0).rotate(-angle));
	placeMine(metalPosition, "gaia/ore/temperate_large");
	currentAngle += dAngle;

	// Berries
	quantity = 15;
	dAngle = 2 * Math.PI / quantity * 2 / 9;
	for (let i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
		angle = currentAngle + randFloat(0, dAngle);
		let berriesPosition = Vector2D.add(point, new Vector2D(randFloat(10, 15), 0).rotate(-angle));
		g_Map.placeEntityPassable(pickRandom(foodEntities), 0, berriesPosition, randomAngle());
		currentAngle += dAngle;

 * Environment settings
g_Environment.Fog.FogColor = { "r": 0.8, "g": 0.8, "b": 0.8, "a": 0.01 };
g_Environment.Water.WaterBody.Colour = { "r": 0.3, "g": 0.05, "b": 0.1, "a": 0.1 };
g_Environment.Water.WaterBody.Murkiness = 0.4;

 * Base terrain shape generation and settings
let heightScale = (g_Map.size + 256) / 768 / 4;
let heightRange = { "min": MIN_HEIGHT * heightScale, "max": MAX_HEIGHT * heightScale };

// Water coverage
let averageWaterCoverage = 1/5; // NOTE: Since terrain generation is quite unpredictable actual water coverage might vary much with the same value
let heightSeaGround = -MIN_HEIGHT + heightRange.min + averageWaterCoverage * (heightRange.max - heightRange.min); // Water height in environment and the engine
let heightSeaGroundAdjusted = heightSeaGround + MIN_HEIGHT; // Water height in RMGEN

g_Map.log("Generating terrain using diamon-square");
let medH = (heightRange.min + heightRange.max) / 2;
let initialHeightmap = [[medH, medH], [medH, medH]];
setBaseTerrainDiamondSquare(heightRange.min, heightRange.max, initialHeightmap, 0.8);

g_Map.log("Apply erosion");
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

rescaleHeightmap(heightRange.min, heightRange.max);


let heighLimits = [
	heightRange.min + 1/3 * (heightSeaGroundAdjusted - heightRange.min), // 0 Deep water
	heightRange.min + 2/3 * (heightSeaGroundAdjusted - heightRange.min), // 1 Medium Water
	heightRange.min + (heightSeaGroundAdjusted - heightRange.min), // 2 Shallow water
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 1/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 3 Shore
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 2/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 4 Low ground
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 3/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 5 Player and path height
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 4/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 6 High ground
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 5/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 7 Lower forest border
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 6/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 8 Forest
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + 7/8 * (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted), // 9 Upper forest border
	heightSeaGroundAdjusted + (heightRange.max - heightSeaGroundAdjusted)]; // 10 Hilltop

let playerHeight = (heighLimits[4] + heighLimits[5]) / 2; // Average player height

g_Map.log("Determining height-dependent biome");
// Texture and actor presets
let myBiome = [];
myBiome.push({ // 0 Deep water
	"texture": ["shoreline_stoney_a"],
	"entity": [["gaia/fish/generic", "actor|geology/stone_granite_boulder.xml"], 0.02],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_mountainside"], "entityHS": [["gaia/fish/generic"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 1 Medium Water
	"texture": ["shoreline_stoney_a", "alpine_shore_rocks"],
	"entity": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_boulder.xml", "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml"], 0.03],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_mountainside"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_boulder.xml", "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml"], 0.0]
myBiome.push({ // 2 Shallow water
	"texture": ["alpine_shore_rocks"],
	"entity": [["actor|props/flora/reeds_pond_dry.xml", "actor|geology/stone_granite_large.xml", "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "actor|props/flora/reeds_pond_lush_b.xml"], 0.2],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_mountainside"], "entityHS": [["actor|props/flora/reeds_pond_dry.xml", "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 3 Shore
	"texture": ["alpine_shore_rocks_grass_50", "alpine_grass_rocky"],
	"entity": [["gaia/tree/pine", "gaia/tree/bush_badlands", "actor|geology/highland1_moss.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_tuft_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush.xml"], 0.3],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_mountainside"], "entityHS": [["actor|props/flora/grass_soft_tuft_a.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 4 Low ground
	"texture": ["alpine_dirt_grass_50", "alpine_grass_rocky"],
	"entity": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_tuft_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_medit_flowering_tall.xml"], 0.2],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_grass_rocky"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_tuft_a.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 5 Player and path height
	"texture": ["new_alpine_grass_c", "new_alpine_grass_b", "new_alpine_grass_d"],
	"entity": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_small.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_small.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_medit_flowering_tall.xml"], 0.2],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_grass_rocky"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_small.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_small.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 6 High ground
	"texture": ["new_alpine_grass_a", "alpine_grass_rocky"],
	"entity": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_highlands.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_medit_flowering_tall.xml"], 0.2],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_grass_rocky"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "actor|props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 7 Lower forest border
	"texture": ["new_alpine_grass_mossy", "alpine_grass_rocky"],
	"entity": [["gaia/tree/pine", "gaia/tree/oak", "actor|props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml", "gaia/fruit/berry_01", "actor|geology/highland2_moss.xml", "gaia/fauna_goat", "actor|props/flora/bush_tempe_underbrush.xml"], 0.3],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_cliff_c"], "entityHS": [["actor|props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml", "actor|geology/highland2_moss.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 8 Forest
	"texture": ["alpine_forrestfloor"],
	"entity": [["gaia/tree/pine", "gaia/tree/pine", "gaia/tree/pine", "gaia/tree/pine", "actor|geology/highland2_moss.xml", "actor|props/flora/bush_highlands.xml"], 0.5],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_cliff_c"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/highland2_moss.xml", "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 9 Upper forest border
	"texture": ["alpine_forrestfloor_snow", "new_alpine_grass_dirt_a"],
	"entity": [["gaia/tree/pine", "actor|geology/snow1.xml"], 0.3],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_cliff_b"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "actor|geology/snow1.xml"], 0.1]
myBiome.push({ // 10 Hilltop
	"texture": ["alpine_cliff_a", "alpine_cliff_snow"],
	"entity": [["actor|geology/highland1.xml"], 0.05],
	"textureHS": ["alpine_cliff_c"], "entityHS": [["actor|geology/highland1.xml"], 0.0]

let [playerIDs, playerPosition] = groupPlayersCycle(getStartLocationsByHeightmap({ "min": heighLimits[4], "max": heighLimits[5] }, 1000, 30));

g_Map.log("Smoothing player locations");
for (let position of playerPosition)
		new DiskPlacer(35, position),
		new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_SET, g_Map.getHeight(position), 35));

g_Map.log("Creating paths between players");
let clPath = g_Map.createTileClass();
for (let i = 0; i < playerPosition.length; ++i)
		new RandomPathPlacer(playerPosition[i], playerPosition[(i + 1) % playerPosition.length], 4, 2, false),
			new TerrainPainter(tPath),
			new ElevationBlendingPainter(playerHeight, 0.4),
			new TileClassPainter(clPath)

g_Map.log("Smoothing paths");
	new MapBoundsPlacer(),
	new SmoothingPainter(5, 1, 1),
	new NearTileClassConstraint(clPath, 5));


g_Map.log("Determining resource locations");
let avoidPoints = => pos.clone());
for (let i = 0; i < avoidPoints.length; ++i)
	avoidPoints[i].dist = 30;
let resourceSpots = getPointsByHeight({ "min": (heighLimits[3] + heighLimits[4]) / 2, "max": (heighLimits[5] + heighLimits[6]) / 2 }, avoidPoints, clPath);

 * Divide tiles in areas by height and avoid paths
let tchm = getTileCenteredHeightmap();
let areas = => []);
for (let x = 0; x < tchm.length; ++x)
	for (let y = 0; y < tchm[0].length; ++y)
		let position = new Vector2D(x, y);
		if (!avoidClasses(clPath, 0).allows(position))

		let minHeight = heightRange.min;
		for (let h = 0; h < heighLimits.length; ++h)
			if (tchm[x][y] >= minHeight && tchm[x][y] <= heighLimits[h])

			minHeight = heighLimits[h];

 * Get max slope of each area
let slopeMap = getSlopeMap();
let minSlope = [];
let maxSlope = [];
for (let h = 0; h < heighLimits.length; ++h)
	minSlope[h] = Infinity;
	maxSlope[h] = 0;
	for (let point of areas[h])
		let slope = slopeMap[point.x][point.y];

		if (slope > maxSlope[h])
			maxSlope[h] = slope;

		if (slope < minSlope[h])
			minSlope[h] = slope;

g_Map.log("Painting areas by height and slope");
for (let h = 0; h < heighLimits.length; ++h)
	for (let point of areas[h])
		let entity;
		let texture = pickRandom(myBiome[h].texture);

		if (slopeMap[point.x][point.y] < 0.4 * (minSlope[h] + maxSlope[h]))
			if (randBool(myBiome[h].entity[1]))
				entity = pickRandom(myBiome[h].entity[0]);
			texture = pickRandom(myBiome[h].textureHS);
			if (randBool(myBiome[h].entityHS[1]))
				entity = pickRandom(myBiome[h].entityHS[0]);

		g_Map.setTexture(point, texture);

		if (entity)
			g_Map.placeEntityPassable(entity, 0, randomPositionOnTile(point), randomAngle());

g_Map.log("Placing players");
if (isNomad())
	placePlayersNomad(g_Map.createTileClass(), new HeightConstraint(heighLimits[4], heighLimits[5]));
	for (let p = 0; p < playerIDs.length; ++p)
		placeCivDefaultStartingEntities(playerPosition[p], playerIDs[p], true);

g_Map.log("Placing resources, farmsteads, groves and camps");
for (let i = 0; i < resourceSpots.length; ++i)
	let pos = new Vector2D(resourceSpots[i].x, resourceSpots[i].y);
	let choice = i % (isNomad() ? 4 : 5);
	if (choice == 0)
		placeMine(pos, "gaia/rock/temperate_large_02");
	if (choice == 1)
		placeMine(pos, "gaia/ore/temperate_large");
	if (choice == 2)
		placeCustomFortress(pos, pickRandom(fences), "other", 0, randomAngle());
	if (choice == 3)
	if (choice == 4)
