* @class
* This file contains shared logic for applying tech modifications in GUI, AI,
* and simulation scripts. As such it must be fully deterministic and not store
* any global state, but each context should do its own caching as needed.
* Also it cannot directly access the simulation and requires data passed to it.
* Returns modified property value modified by the applicable tech
* modifications.
* @param modifications array of modificiations
* @param classes Array containing the class list of the template.
* @param originalValue Number storing the original value. Can also be
* non-numeric, but then only "replace" and "tokens" techs can be supported.
function GetTechModifiedProperty(modifications, classes, originalValue)
if (!modifications.length)
return originalValue;
// From indicative profiling, splitting in two sub-functions or checking directly
// is about as efficient, but splitting makes it easier to report errors.
if (typeof originalValue === "string")
return GetTechModifiedProperty_string(modifications, classes, originalValue);
if (typeof originalValue === "number")
return GetTechModifiedProperty_numeric(modifications, classes, originalValue);
return GetTechModifiedProperty_generic(modifications, classes, originalValue);
function GetTechModifiedProperty_generic(modifications, classes, originalValue)
for (let modification of modifications)
if (!DoesModificationApply(modification, classes))
if (!modification.replace)
warn("GetTechModifiedProperty: modification format not recognised : " + uneval(modification));
return modification.replace;
return originalValue;
function GetTechModifiedProperty_numeric(modifications, classes, originalValue)
let multiply = 1;
let add = 0;
for (let modification of modifications)
if (!DoesModificationApply(modification, classes))
if (modification.replace !== undefined)
return modification.replace;
if (modification.multiply)
multiply *= modification.multiply;
else if (modification.add)
add += modification.add;
warn("GetTechModifiedProperty: numeric modification format not recognised : " + uneval(modification));
return originalValue * multiply + add;
function GetTechModifiedProperty_string(modifications, classes, originalValue)
let value = originalValue;
for (let modification of modifications)
if (!DoesModificationApply(modification, classes))
if (modification.replace !== undefined)
return modification.replace;
// Multiple token replacement works, though ordering is not technically guaranteed.
// In practice, the order will be that of 'research', which ought to be fine,
// and operations like adding tokens are order-independent anyways,
// but modders beware if replacement or deletions are implemented.
if (modification.tokens !== undefined)
value = HandleTokens(value, modification.tokens);
warn("GetTechModifiedProperty: string modification format not recognised : " + uneval(modification));
return value;
* Returns whether the given modification applies to the entity containing the given class list
* NB: returns true if modifications.affects is empty, to allow "affects anything" modifiers.
function DoesModificationApply(modification, classes)
if (!modification.affects || !modification.affects.length)
return true;
return MatchesClassList(classes, modification.affects);
* Returns a modified list of tokens.
* Supports "A>B" to replace A by B, "-A" to remove A, and the rest will add tokens.
function HandleTokens(originalValue, modification)
let tokens = originalValue === "" ? [] : originalValue.split(/\s+/);
let newTokens = modification === "" ? [] : modification.split(/\s+/);
for (let token of newTokens)
if (token.indexOf(">") !== -1)
let [oldToken, newToken] = token.split(">");
let index = tokens.indexOf(oldToken);
if (index !== -1)
tokens[index] = newToken;
else if (token[0] == "-")
let index = tokens.indexOf(token.substr(1));
if (index !== -1)
tokens.splice(index, 1);
return tokens.join(" ");
* Derives the technology requirements from a given technology template.
* Takes into account the `supersedes` attribute.
* @param {Object} template - The template object. Loading of the template must have already occured.
* @return Derived technology requirements. See `InterpretTechRequirements` for object's syntax.
function DeriveTechnologyRequirements(template, civ)
let requirements = [];
if (template.requirements)
let op = Object.keys(template.requirements)[0];
let val = template.requirements[op];
requirements = InterpretTechRequirements(civ, op, val);
if (template.supersedes && requirements)
if (!requirements.length)
for (let req of requirements)
if (!req.techs)
req.techs = [];
return requirements;
* Interprets the prerequisite requirements of a technology.
* Takes the initial { key: value } from the short-form requirements object in entity templates,
* and parses it into an object that can be more easily checked by simulation and gui.
* Works recursively if needed.
* The returned object is in the form:
* ```
* { "techs": ["tech1", "tech2"] },
* { "techs": ["tech3"] }
* ```
* or
* ```
* { "entities": [[{
* "class": "human",
* "number": 2,
* "check": "count"
* }
* or
* ```
* false;
* ```
* (Or, to translate:
* 1. need either both `tech1` and `tech2`, or `tech3`
* 2. need 2 entities with the `human` class
* 3. cannot research this tech at all)
* @param {string} civ - The civ code
* @param {string} operator - The base operation. Can be "civ", "notciv", "tech", "entity", "all" or "any".
* @param {mixed} value - The value associated with the above operation.
* @return Object containing the requirements for the given civ, or false if the civ cannot research the tech.
function InterpretTechRequirements(civ, operator, value)
let requirements = [];
switch (operator)
case "civ":
return !civ || civ == value ? [] : false;
case "notciv":
return civ == value ? false : [];
case "entity":
let number = value.number || value.numberOfTypes || 0;
if (number > 0)
"entities": [{
"class": value.class,
"number": number,
"check": value.number ? "count" : "variants"
case "tech":
"techs": [value]
case "all":
let civPermitted = undefined; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
for (let subvalue of value)
let newOper = Object.keys(subvalue)[0];
let newValue = subvalue[newOper];
let result = InterpretTechRequirements(civ, newOper, newValue);
switch (newOper)
case "civ":
if (result)
civPermitted = true;
else if (civPermitted !== true)
civPermitted = false;
case "notciv":
if (!result)
return false;
case "any":
if (!result)
return false;
// else, fall through
case "all":
if (!result)
let nullcivreqs = InterpretTechRequirements(null, newOper, newValue);
if (!nullcivreqs || !nullcivreqs.length)
civPermitted = false;
// else, fall through
case "tech":
case "entity":
if (result.length)
if (!requirements.length)
let newRequirements = [];
for (let currReq of requirements)
for (let res of result)
let newReq = {};
for (let subtype in currReq)
newReq[subtype] = currReq[subtype];
for (let subtype in res)
if (!newReq[subtype])
newReq[subtype] = [];
newReq[subtype] = newReq[subtype].concat(res[subtype]);
requirements = newRequirements;
if (civPermitted === false) // if and only if false
return false;
case "any":
let civPermitted = false;
for (let subvalue of value)
let newOper = Object.keys(subvalue)[0];
let newValue = subvalue[newOper];
let result = InterpretTechRequirements(civ, newOper, newValue);
switch (newOper)
case "civ":
if (result)
return [];
case "notciv":
if (!result)
return false;
civPermitted = true;
case "any":
if (!result)
let nullcivreqs = InterpretTechRequirements(null, newOper, newValue);
if (!nullcivreqs || !nullcivreqs.length)
return false;
// else, fall through
case "all":
if (!result)
civPermitted = true;
// else, fall through
case "tech":
case "entity":
for (let res of result)
if (!civPermitted && !requirements.length)
return false;
warn("Unknown requirement operator: "+operator);
return requirements;
* Determine order of phases.
* @param {Object} phases - The current available store of phases.
* @return {array} List of phases
function UnravelPhases(phases)
let phaseMap = {};
for (let phaseName in phases)
let phaseData = phases[phaseName];
if (!phaseData.reqs.length || !phaseData.reqs[0].techs || !phaseData.replaces)
let myPhase = phaseData.replaces[0];
let reqPhase = phaseData.reqs[0].techs[0];
if (phases[reqPhase] && phases[reqPhase].replaces)
reqPhase = phases[reqPhase].replaces[0];
phaseMap[myPhase] = reqPhase;
if (!phaseMap[reqPhase])
phaseMap[reqPhase] = undefined;
let phaseList = Object.keys(phaseMap);
phaseList.sort((a, b) => phaseList.indexOf(a) - phaseList.indexOf(phaseMap[b]));
return phaseList;