* @class
* @file This provides a cache for Aura and Technology templates.
* They may not be serialized, otherwise rejoined clients would refer
* to different objects, triggering an Out-of-sync error.
function ModificationTemplates(path)
let suffix = ".json";
this.names = deepfreeze(listFiles(path, suffix, true));
this.templates = {};
for (let name of this.names)
this.templates[name] = Engine.ReadJSONFile(path + name + suffix);
ModificationTemplates.prototype.GetNames = function()
return this.names;
ModificationTemplates.prototype.Has = function(name)
return this.names.indexOf(name) != -1;
ModificationTemplates.prototype.Get = function(name)
return this.templates[name];
ModificationTemplates.prototype.GetAll = function()
return this.templates;
function LoadModificationTemplates()
global.AuraTemplates = new ModificationTemplates("simulation/data/auras/");
global.TechnologyTemplates = new ModificationTemplates("simulation/data/technologies/");
* Derives modifications (to be applied to entities) from a given aura/technology.
* @param {Object} techTemplate - The aura/technology template to derive the modifications from.
* @return {Object} - An object containing the relevant modifications.
function DeriveModificationsFromTech(techTemplate)
if (!techTemplate.modifications)
return {};
let techMods = {};
let techAffects = [];
if (techTemplate.affects && techTemplate.affects.length)
techAffects = techTemplate.affects.map(affected => affected.split(/\s+/));
for (let mod of techTemplate.modifications)
let affects = techAffects.slice();
if (mod.affects)
let specAffects = mod.affects.split(/\s+/);
for (let a in affects)
affects[a] = affects[a].concat(specAffects);
let newModifier = { "affects": affects };
for (let idx in mod)
if (idx !== "value" && idx !== "affects")
newModifier[idx] = mod[idx];
if (!techMods[mod.value])
techMods[mod.value] = [];
return techMods;
* Derives modifications (to be applied to entities) from a provided array
* of aura/technology template data.
* @param {Object[]} techsDataArray
* @return {Object} - The combined relevant modifications of all the technologies.
function DeriveModificationsFromTechnologies(techsDataArray)
if (!techsDataArray.length)
return {};
let derivedModifiers = {};
for (let technology of techsDataArray)
// Auras don't have a "reqs" property
if ('reqs' in technology && !technology.reqs)
let modifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech(technology);
for (let modPath in modifiers)
if (!derivedModifiers[modPath])
derivedModifiers[modPath] = [];
derivedModifiers[modPath] = derivedModifiers[modPath].concat(modifiers[modPath]);
return derivedModifiers;
* Common definition of the XML schema for in-template modifications.
const ModificationSchema =
"<interleave>" +
"<element name='Paths' a:help='Space separated value paths to modify.'>" +
"<attribute name='datatype'>" +
"<value>tokens</value>" +
"</attribute>" +
"<text/>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Affects' a:help='An array of classes to affect.'>" +
"<attribute name='datatype'>" +
"<value>tokens</value>" +
"</attribute>" +
"<text/>" +
"</element>" +
"<choice>" +
"<element name='Add'>" +
"<data type='decimal' />" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Multiply'>" +
"<data type='decimal' />" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Replace'>" +
"<text/>" +
"</element>" +
"</choice>" +
const ModificationsSchema =
"<element name='Modifiers' a:help='List of modifiers.'>" +
"<oneOrMore>" +
"<element>" +
"<anyName />" +
ModificationSchema +
"</element>" +
"</oneOrMore>" +
* Derives a single modification (to be applied to entities) from a given XML template.
* @param {Object} techTemplate - The XML template node to derive the modification from.
* @return {Object} containing the relevant modification.
function DeriveModificationFromXMLTemplate(template)
let effect = {};
if (template.Add)
effect.add = +template.Add;
if (template.Multiply)
effect.multiply = +template.Multiply;
if (template.Replace)
effect.replace = template.Replace;
effect.affects = template.Affects ? template.Affects._string.split(/\s/) : [];
let ret = {};
for (let path of template.Paths._string.split(/\s/))
ret[path] = [effect];
return ret;
* Derives all modifications (to be applied to entities) from a given XML template.
* @param {Object} techTemplate - The XML template node to derive the modifications from.
* @return {Object} containing the combined modifications.
function DeriveModificationsFromXMLTemplate(template)
let ret = {};
for (let name in template)
let modification = DeriveModificationFromXMLTemplate(template[name]);
for (let path in modification)
if (!ret[path])
ret[path] = [];
return ret;