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Pyrogenesis HEAD
Pyrogenesis, a RTS Engine
This is the complete list of members for XmppClient, including all inherited members.
ban(const std::string &nick, const std::string &reason) | XmppClient | virtual |
CertificateErrorToString(gloox::CertStatus status) | XmppClient | static |
ComputeTimestamp(const glooxwrapper::Message &msg) | XmppClient | static |
connect() | XmppClient | virtual |
ConnectionErrorToString(gloox::ConnectionError err) | XmppClient | static |
create(const ScriptInterface *scriptInterface, const std::string &sUsername, const std::string &sPassword, const std::string &sRoom, const std::string &sNick, const int historyRequestSize=0, bool regOpt=false) | IXmppClient | static |
CreateGUIMessage(const std::string &type, const std::string &level, const std::time_t time, Args const &... args) | XmppClient | protected |
disconnect() | XmppClient | virtual |
GetJID() const | XmppClient | virtual |
GetNick() const | XmppClient | virtual |
GetPresence(const std::string &nickname) | XmppClient | virtual |
GetPresenceString(const gloox::Presence::PresenceType presenceType) | XmppClient | static |
GetRating(const std::string &nickname) | XmppClient | virtual |
GetRole(const std::string &nickname) | XmppClient | virtual |
GetRoleString(const gloox::MUCRoomRole role) | XmppClient | static |
GetSubject() | XmppClient | virtual |
GUIGetBoardList(const ScriptRequest &rq) | XmppClient | virtual |
GUIGetGameList(const ScriptRequest &rq) | XmppClient | virtual |
GUIGetPlayerList(const ScriptRequest &rq) | XmppClient | virtual |
GUIGetProfile(const ScriptRequest &rq) | XmppClient | virtual |
GuiPollHasPlayerListUpdate() | XmppClient | virtual |
GuiPollHistoricMessages(const ScriptInterface &guiInterface) | XmppClient | virtual |
GuiPollNewMessages(const ScriptInterface &guiInterface) | XmppClient | virtual |
handleAlreadyRegistered(const glooxwrapper::JID &) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleDataForm(const glooxwrapper::JID &, const glooxwrapper::DataForm &) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
glooxwrapper::RegistrationHandler::handleDataForm(const JID &from, const DataForm &form)=0 | glooxwrapper::RegistrationHandler | pure virtual |
handleIq(const glooxwrapper::IQ &iq) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleIqID(const glooxwrapper::IQ &, int) | XmppClient | inlineprotectedvirtual |
handleLog(gloox::LogLevel level, gloox::LogArea area, const std::string &message) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleMessage(const glooxwrapper::Message &msg, glooxwrapper::MessageSession *session) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
glooxwrapper::MessageHandler::handleMessage(const Message &msg, MessageSession *session=0)=0 | glooxwrapper::MessageHandler | pure virtual |
handleMUCError(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom &room, gloox::StanzaError) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleMUCMessage(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom &room, const glooxwrapper::Message &msg, bool priv) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleMUCParticipantPresence(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom &room, const glooxwrapper::MUCRoomParticipant, const glooxwrapper::Presence &) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleMUCSubject(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom &room, const glooxwrapper::string &nick, const glooxwrapper::string &subject) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleOOB(const glooxwrapper::JID &, const glooxwrapper::OOB &oob) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
glooxwrapper::RegistrationHandler::handleOOB(const JID &from, const OOB &oob)=0 | glooxwrapper::RegistrationHandler | pure virtual |
handleRegistrationFields(const glooxwrapper::JID &, int fields, glooxwrapper::string instructions) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleRegistrationResult(const glooxwrapper::JID &, gloox::RegistrationResult result) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleSessionAction(gloox::Jingle::Action action, glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session &session, const glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session::Jingle &jingle) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
handleSessionInitiation(glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session &session, const glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session::Jingle &jingle) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
isConnected() | XmppClient | virtual |
kick(const std::string &nick, const std::string &reason) | XmppClient | virtual |
m_BoardList | XmppClient | private |
m_certStatus | XmppClient | private |
m_client | XmppClient | private |
m_connectionDataIqId | XmppClient | private |
m_connectionDataJid | XmppClient | private |
m_echelonId | XmppClient | private |
m_GameList | XmppClient | private |
m_GuiMessageQueue | XmppClient | private |
m_HistoricGuiMessages | XmppClient | private |
m_initialLoadComplete | XmppClient | private |
m_isConnected | XmppClient | private |
m_mucRoom | XmppClient | private |
m_nick | XmppClient | private |
m_password | XmppClient | private |
m_PlayerMap | XmppClient | private |
m_PlayerMapUpdate | XmppClient | private |
m_Profile | XmppClient | private |
m_registration | XmppClient | private |
m_room | XmppClient | private |
m_ScriptInterface | XmppClient | private |
m_server | XmppClient | private |
m_sessionManager | XmppClient | private |
m_Subject | XmppClient | private |
m_username | XmppClient | private |
m_xpartamuppId | XmppClient | private |
NONCOPYABLE(XmppClient) | XmppClient | private |
onConnect() | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
onDisconnect(gloox::ConnectionError e) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
onTLSConnect(const glooxwrapper::CertInfo &info) | XmppClient | protectedvirtual |
PlayerMap typedef | XmppClient | private |
recv() | XmppClient | virtual |
RegistrationResultToString(gloox::RegistrationResult res) | XmppClient | static |
SendIqChangeStateGame(const std::string &nbp, const std::string &players) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqGameReport(const ScriptRequest &rq, JS::HandleValue data) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqGetBoardList() | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqGetConnectionData(const std::string &jid, const std::string &password, const std::string &clientSalt, bool localIP) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqGetProfile(const std::string &player) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqLobbyAuth(const std::string &to, const std::string &token) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqRegisterGame(const ScriptRequest &rq, JS::HandleValue data) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendIqUnregisterGame() | XmppClient | virtual |
SendMUCMessage(const std::string &message) | XmppClient | virtual |
SendStunEndpointToHost(const std::string &ip, u16 port, const std::string &hostJID) | XmppClient | virtual |
SetNick(const std::string &nick) | XmppClient | virtual |
SetPresence(const std::string &presence) | XmppClient | virtual |
StanzaErrorToString(gloox::StanzaError err) | XmppClient | static |
Trace(JSTracer *trc, void *data) | XmppClient | inlinestatic |
TraceMember(JSTracer *trc) | XmppClient | |
XmppClient(const ScriptInterface *scriptInterface, const std::string &sUsername, const std::string &sPassword, const std::string &sRoom, const std::string &sNick, const int historyRequestSize=0, const bool regOpt=false) | XmppClient | |
~ConnectionListener() | glooxwrapper::ConnectionListener | inlinevirtual |
~IqHandler() | glooxwrapper::IqHandler | inlinevirtual |
~IXmppClient() | IXmppClient | inlinevirtual |
~MessageHandler() | glooxwrapper::MessageHandler | inlinevirtual |
~MUCRoomHandler() | glooxwrapper::MUCRoomHandler | inlinevirtual |
~RegistrationHandler() | glooxwrapper::RegistrationHandler | inlinevirtual |
~SessionHandler() | glooxwrapper::Jingle::SessionHandler | inlinevirtual |
~XmppClient() | XmppClient | virtual |