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Pyrogenesis HEAD
Pyrogenesis, a RTS Engine
This is the complete list of members for CCmpObstructionManager, including all inherited members.
AddStaticShape(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
AddUnitShape(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
Allocate(const ScriptInterface &, JS::HandleValue) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinestatic |
AllocFunc typedef | IComponent | |
AreShapesInRange(const ObstructionSquare &source, const ObstructionSquare &target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
ClassInit(CComponentManager &componentManager) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinestatic |
Deallocate(IComponent *cmp) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinestatic |
DeallocFunc typedef | IComponent | |
Deinit() override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
Deserialize(const CParamNode ¶mNode, IDeserializer &deserialize) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
DistanceBetweenShapes(const ObstructionSquare &source, const ObstructionSquare &target) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
DistanceToPoint(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
DistanceToTarget(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
EFlags enum name | ICmpObstructionManager | |
FLAG_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION enum value | ICmpObstructionManager | |
FLAG_BLOCK_FOUNDATION enum value | ICmpObstructionManager | |
FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT enum value | ICmpObstructionManager | |
FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING enum value | ICmpObstructionManager | |
FLAG_DELETE_UPON_CONSTRUCTION enum value | ICmpObstructionManager | |
FLAG_MOVING enum value | ICmpObstructionManager | |
flags_t typedef | ICmpObstructionManager | |
GetComponentTypeId() const override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
GetEntityHandle() const | IComponent | inline |
GetEntityId() const | IComponent | inline |
GetJSInstance() const | IComponent | virtual |
GetObstruction(tag_t tag) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
GetObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector< ObstructionSquare > &squares) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
GetPassabilityCircular() const override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
GetSchema() | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinestatic |
GetSerializationVersion() | IComponent | inlinestatic |
GetSimContext() const | IComponent | inline |
GetStaticObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector< ObstructionSquare > &squares) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
GetStaticObstructionsOnObstruction(const ObstructionSquare &square, std::vector< entity_id_t > &out, const IObstructionTestFilter &filter) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
GetStaticShapeObstruction(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
GetSystemEntity() const | IComponent | inline |
GetUnitObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector< ObstructionSquare > &squares) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
GetUnitShapeObstruction(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
GetUnitsOnObstruction(const ObstructionSquare &square, std::vector< entity_id_t > &out, const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, bool strict=false) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
HandleMessage(const CMessage &msg, bool global) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
Init(const CParamNode ¶mNode) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
IsInPointRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
IsInTargetParabolicRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, entity_pos_t yOrigin, bool opposite) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
IsInTargetRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
IsInWorld(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t r) const | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
IsInWorld(const CFixedVector2D &p) const | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
IsPointInPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
m_DebugOverlayDirty | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_DebugOverlayEnabled | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_DebugOverlayLines | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_DirtyStaticShapes | CCmpObstructionManager | private |
m_DirtyUnitShapes | CCmpObstructionManager | private |
m_EntityHandle | IComponent | private |
m_MaxClearance | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_PassabilityCircular | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_SimContext | IComponent | private |
m_StaticShapeNext | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_StaticShapes | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_StaticSubdivision | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_UnitShapeNext | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_UnitShapes | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_UnitSubdivision | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_UpdateInformations | CCmpObstructionManager | private |
m_WorldX0 | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_WorldX1 | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_WorldZ0 | CCmpObstructionManager | |
m_WorldZ1 | CCmpObstructionManager | |
MakeDirtyAll() | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
MakeDirtyDebug() | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
MakeDirtyStatic(flags_t flags, u32 index, const StaticShape &shape) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
MakeDirtyUnit(flags_t flags, u32 index, const UnitShape &shape) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
MarkDirtinessGrid(const entity_pos_t &x, const entity_pos_t &z, const entity_pos_t &r) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
MarkDirtinessGrid(const entity_pos_t &x, const entity_pos_t &z, const CFixedVector2D &hbox) | CCmpObstructionManager | inlineprivate |
MaxDistanceBetweenShapes(const ObstructionSquare &source, const ObstructionSquare &target) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
MaxDistanceToPoint(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
MaxDistanceToTarget(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
MoveShape(tag_t tag, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
NewJSObject(const ScriptInterface &scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleObject out) const | IComponent | virtual |
Rasterize(Grid< NavcellData > &grid, const std::vector< PathfinderPassability > &passClasses, bool fullUpdate) override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
RasterizeHelper(Grid< NavcellData > &grid, ICmpObstructionManager::flags_t requireMask, bool fullUpdate, pass_class_t appliedMask, entity_pos_t clearance=fixed::Zero()) const | CCmpObstructionManager | private |
RegisterComponentType(CComponentManager &mgr, EInterfaceId iid, EComponentTypeId cid, AllocFunc alloc, DeallocFunc dealloc, const char *name, const std::string &schema) | IComponent | static |
RegisterComponentTypeScriptWrapper(CComponentManager &mgr, EInterfaceId iid, EComponentTypeId cid, AllocFunc alloc, DeallocFunc dealloc, const char *name, const std::string &schema) | IComponent | static |
RemoveShape(tag_t tag) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
RenderSubmit(SceneCollector &collector) | CCmpObstructionManager | |
ResetSubdivisions(entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1) | CCmpObstructionManager | inline |
Serialize(ISerializer &serialize) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
SerializeCommon(S &serialize) | CCmpObstructionManager | inline |
SetBounds(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
SetDebugOverlay(bool enabled) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
SetEntityHandle(CEntityHandle ent) | IComponent | inline |
SetPassabilityCircular(bool enabled) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
SetSimContext(const CSimContext &context) | IComponent | inline |
SetStaticControlGroup(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
SetUnitControlGroup(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
SetUnitMovingFlag(tag_t tag, bool moving) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
TestLine(const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, entity_pos_t r, bool relaxClearanceForUnits=false) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
TestStaticShape(const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h, std::vector< entity_id_t > *out) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
TestUnitShape(const IObstructionTestFilter &filter, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t r, std::vector< entity_id_t > *out) const override | CCmpObstructionManager | virtual |
UpdateInformations(GridUpdateInformation &informations) override | CCmpObstructionManager | inlinevirtual |
~IComponent() | IComponent | virtual |