* @class
* This takes the input queues and picks which items to fund with resources until no more resources are left to distribute.
* Currently this manager keeps accounts for each queue, split between the 4 main resources
* Each time resources are available (ie not in any account), it is split between the different queues
* Mostly based on priority of the queue, and existing needs.
* Each turn, the queue Manager checks if a queue can afford its next item, then it does.
* A consequence of the system it's not really revertible. Once a queue has an account of 500 food, it'll keep it
* If for some reason the AI stops getting new food, and this queue lacks, say, wood, no other queues will
* be able to benefit form the 500 food (even if they only needed food).
* This is not to annoying as long as all goes well. If the AI loses many workers, it starts being problematic.
* It also has the effect of making the AI more or less always sit on a few hundreds resources since most queues
* get some part of the total, and if all queues have 70% of their needs, nothing gets done
* Particularly noticeable when phasing: the AI often overshoots by a good 200/300 resources before starting.
* This system should be improved. It's probably not flexible enough.
PETRA.QueueManager = function(Config, queues)
this.Config = Config;
this.queues = queues;
this.priorities = {};
for (let i in Config.priorities)
this.priorities[i] = Config.priorities[i];
this.accounts = {};
// the sorting is updated on priority change.
this.queueArrays = [];
for (let q in this.queues)
this.accounts[q] = new API3.Resources();
this.queueArrays.push([q, this.queues[q]]);
let priorities = this.priorities;
this.queueArrays.sort((a, b) => priorities[b[0]] - priorities[a[0]]);
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.getAvailableResources = function(gameState)
let resources = gameState.getResources();
for (let key in this.queues)
return resources;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.getTotalAccountedResources = function()
let resources = new API3.Resources();
for (let key in this.queues)
return resources;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.currentNeeds = function(gameState)
let needed = new API3.Resources();
// queueArrays because it's faster.
for (let q of this.queueArrays)
let queue = q[1];
if (!queue.hasQueuedUnits() || !queue.plans[0].isGo(gameState))
let costs = queue.plans[0].getCost();
// get out current resources, not removing accounts.
let current = gameState.getResources();
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
needed[res] = Math.max(0, needed[res] - current[res]);
return needed;
// calculate the gather rates we'd want to be able to start all elements in our queues
// TODO: many things.
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.wantedGatherRates = function(gameState)
// default values for first turn when we have not yet set our queues.
if (gameState.ai.playedTurn === 0)
let ret = {};
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
ret[res] = this.Config.queues.firstTurn[res] || this.Config.queues.firstTurn.default;
return ret;
// get out current resources, not removing accounts.
let current = gameState.getResources();
// short queue is the first item of a queue, assumed to be ready in 30s
// medium queue is the second item of a queue, assumed to be ready in 60s
// long queue contains the isGo=false items, assumed to be ready in 300s
let totalShort = {};
let totalMedium = {};
let totalLong = {};
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
totalShort[res] = this.Config.queues.short[res] || this.Config.queues.short.default;
totalMedium[res] = this.Config.queues.medium[res] || this.Config.queues.medium.default;
totalLong[res] = this.Config.queues.long[res] || this.Config.queues.long.default;
let total;
// queueArrays because it's faster.
for (let q of this.queueArrays)
let queue = q[1];
if (queue.paused)
for (let j = 0; j < queue.length(); ++j)
if (j > 1)
let cost = queue.plans[j].getCost();
if (queue.plans[j].isGo(gameState))
if (j === 0)
total = totalShort;
total = totalMedium;
total = totalLong;
for (let type in total)
total[type] += cost[type];
if (!queue.plans[j].isGo(gameState))
// global rates
let rates = {};
let diff;
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
if (current[res] > 0)
diff = Math.min(current[res], totalShort[res]);
totalShort[res] -= diff;
current[res] -= diff;
if (current[res] > 0)
diff = Math.min(current[res], totalMedium[res]);
totalMedium[res] -= diff;
current[res] -= diff;
if (current[res] > 0)
totalLong[res] -= Math.min(current[res], totalLong[res]);
rates[res] = totalShort[res]/30 + totalMedium[res]/60 + totalLong[res]/300;
return rates;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.printQueues = function(gameState)
let numWorkers = 0;
gameState.getOwnUnits().forEach(ent => {
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === PETRA.Worker.ROLE_WORKER && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") === undefined)
API3.warn("---------- QUEUES ------------ with pop " + gameState.getPopulation() + " and workers " + numWorkers);
for (let i in this.queues)
let q = this.queues[i];
if (q.hasQueuedUnits())
API3.warn(i + ": ( with priority " + this.priorities[i] +" and accounts " + uneval(this.accounts[i]) +")");
API3.warn(" while maxAccountWanted(0.6) is " + uneval(q.maxAccountWanted(gameState, 0.6)));
for (let plan of q.plans)
let qStr = " " + plan.type + " ";
if (plan.number)
qStr += "x" + plan.number;
qStr += " isGo " + plan.isGo(gameState);
for (let p in this.accounts)
API3.warn(p + ": " + uneval(this.accounts[p]));
API3.warn("Current Resources: " + uneval(gameState.getResources()));
API3.warn("Available Resources: " + uneval(this.getAvailableResources(gameState)));
API3.warn("Wanted Gather Rates: " + uneval(gameState.ai.HQ.GetWantedGatherRates(gameState)));
API3.warn("Current Gather Rates: " + uneval(gameState.ai.HQ.GetCurrentGatherRates(gameState)));
API3.warn("Most needed resources: " + uneval(gameState.ai.HQ.pickMostNeededResources(gameState)));
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.clear = function()
for (let i in this.queues)
* set accounts of queue i from the unaccounted resources
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.setAccounts = function(gameState, cost, i)
let available = this.getAvailableResources(gameState);
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
if (this.accounts[i][res] >= cost[res])
this.accounts[i][res] += Math.min(available[res], cost[res] - this.accounts[i][res]);
* transfer accounts from queue i to queue j
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.transferAccounts = function(cost, i, j)
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
if (this.accounts[j][res] >= cost[res])
let diff = Math.min(this.accounts[i][res], cost[res] - this.accounts[j][res]);
this.accounts[i][res] -= diff;
this.accounts[j][res] += diff;
* distribute the resources between the different queues according to their priorities
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.distributeResources = function(gameState)
let availableRes = this.getAvailableResources(gameState);
for (let res of Resources.GetCodes())
if (availableRes[res] < 0) // rescale the accounts if we've spent resources already accounted (e.g. by bartering)
let total = gameState.getResources()[res];
let scale = total / (total - availableRes[res]);
availableRes[res] = total;
for (let j in this.queues)
this.accounts[j][res] = Math.floor(scale * this.accounts[j][res]);
availableRes[res] -= this.accounts[j][res];
if (!availableRes[res])
this.switchResource(gameState, res);
let totalPriority = 0;
let tempPrio = {};
let maxNeed = {};
// Okay so this is where it gets complicated.
// If a queue requires "res" for the next elements (in the queue)
// And the account is not high enough for it.
// Then we add it to the total priority.
// To try and be clever, we don't want a long queue to hog all resources. So two things:
// -if a queue has enough of resource X for the 1st element, its priority is decreased (factor 2).
// -queues accounts are capped at "resources for the first + 60% of the next"
// This avoids getting a high priority queue with many elements hogging all of one resource
// uselessly while it awaits for other resources.
for (let j in this.queues)
// returns exactly the correct amount, ie 0 if we're not go.
let queueCost = this.queues[j].maxAccountWanted(gameState, 0.6);
if (this.queues[j].hasQueuedUnits() && this.accounts[j][res] < queueCost[res] && !this.queues[j].paused)
// adding us to the list of queues that need an update.
tempPrio[j] = this.priorities[j];
maxNeed[j] = queueCost[res] - this.accounts[j][res];
// if we have enough of that resource for our first item in the queue, diminish our priority.
if (this.accounts[j][res] >= this.queues[j].getNext().getCost()[res])
tempPrio[j] /= 2;
if (tempPrio[j])
totalPriority += tempPrio[j];
else if (this.accounts[j][res] > queueCost[res])
availableRes[res] += this.accounts[j][res] - queueCost[res];
this.accounts[j][res] = queueCost[res];
// Now we allow resources to the accounts. We can at most allow "TempPriority/totalpriority*available"
// But we'll sometimes allow less if that would overflow.
let available = availableRes[res];
let missing = false;
for (let j in tempPrio)
// we'll add at much what can be allowed to this queue.
let toAdd = Math.floor(availableRes[res] * tempPrio[j]/totalPriority);
if (toAdd >= maxNeed[j])
toAdd = maxNeed[j];
missing = true;
this.accounts[j][res] += toAdd;
maxNeed[j] -= toAdd;
available -= toAdd;
if (missing && available > 0) // distribute the rest (due to floor) in any queue
for (let j in tempPrio)
let toAdd = Math.min(maxNeed[j], available);
this.accounts[j][res] += toAdd;
available -= toAdd;
if (available <= 0)
if (available < 0)
API3.warn("Petra: problem with remaining " + res + " in queueManager " + available);
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.switchResource = function(gameState, res)
// We have no available resources, see if we can't "compact" them in one queue.
// compare queues 2 by 2, and if one with a higher priority could be completed by our amount, give it.
// TODO: this isn't perfect compression.
for (let j in this.queues)
if (!this.queues[j].hasQueuedUnits() || this.queues[j].paused)
let queue = this.queues[j];
let queueCost = queue.maxAccountWanted(gameState, 0);
if (this.accounts[j][res] >= queueCost[res])
for (let i in this.queues)
if (i === j)
let otherQueue = this.queues[i];
if (this.priorities[i] >= this.priorities[j] || otherQueue.switched !== 0)
if (this.accounts[j][res] + this.accounts[i][res] < queueCost[res])
let diff = queueCost[res] - this.accounts[j][res];
this.accounts[j][res] += diff;
this.accounts[i][res] -= diff;
if (this.Config.debug > 2)
API3.warn ("switching queue " + res + " from " + i + " to " + j + " in amount " + diff);
// Start the next item in the queue if we can afford it.
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.startNextItems = function(gameState)
for (let q of this.queueArrays)
let name = q[0];
let queue = q[1];
if (queue.hasQueuedUnits() && !queue.paused)
let item = queue.getNext();
if (this.accounts[name].canAfford(item.getCost()) && item.canStart(gameState))
// canStart may update the cost because of the costMultiplier so we must check it again
if (this.accounts[name].canAfford(item.getCost()))
this.finishingTime = gameState.ai.elapsedTime;
queue.switched = 0;
else if (!queue.hasQueuedUnits())
queue.switched = 0;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.update = function(gameState)
Engine.ProfileStart("Queue Manager");
for (let i in this.queues)
this.queues[i].check(gameState); // do basic sanity checks on the queue
if (this.priorities[i] > 0)
API3.warn("QueueManager received bad priorities, please report this error: " + uneval(this.priorities));
this.priorities[i] = 1; // TODO: make the Queue Manager not die when priorities are zero.
// Pause or unpause queues depending on the situation
// Let's assign resources to plans that need them
// Start the next item in the queue if we can afford it.
if (this.Config.debug > 1 && gameState.ai.playedTurn%50 === 0)
// Recovery system: if short of workers after an attack, pause (and reset) some queues to favor worker training
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.checkPausedQueues = function(gameState)
const numWorkers = gameState.countOwnEntitiesAndQueuedWithRole(PETRA.Worker.ROLE_WORKER);
let workersMin = Math.min(Math.max(12, 24 * this.Config.popScaling), this.Config.Economy.popPhase2);
for (let q in this.queues)
let toBePaused = false;
if (!gameState.ai.HQ.hasPotentialBase())
toBePaused = q != "dock" && q != "civilCentre";
else if (numWorkers < workersMin / 3)
toBePaused = q != "citizenSoldier" && q != "villager" && q != "emergency";
else if (numWorkers < workersMin * 2 / 3)
toBePaused = q == "civilCentre" || q == "economicBuilding" ||
q == "militaryBuilding" || q == "defenseBuilding" || q == "healer" ||
q == "majorTech" || q == "minorTech" || q.indexOf("plan_") != -1;
else if (numWorkers < workersMin)
toBePaused = q == "civilCentre" || q == "defenseBuilding" ||
q == "majorTech" || q.indexOf("_siege") != -1 || q.indexOf("_champ") != -1;
if (toBePaused)
if (q == "field" && gameState.ai.HQ.needFarm &&
toBePaused = false;
if (q == "corral" && gameState.ai.HQ.needCorral &&
toBePaused = false;
if (q == "dock" && gameState.ai.HQ.needFish &&
toBePaused = false;
if (q == "ships" && gameState.ai.HQ.needFish &&
toBePaused = false;
let queue = this.queues[q];
if (!queue.paused && toBePaused)
queue.paused = true;
else if (queue.paused && !toBePaused)
queue.paused = false;
// And reduce the batch sizes of attack queues
if (q.indexOf("plan_") != -1 && numWorkers < workersMin && queue.plans[0])
queue.plans[0].number = 1;
if (queue.plans[1])
queue.plans[1].number = 1;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.canAfford = function(queue, cost)
if (!this.accounts[queue])
return false;
return this.accounts[queue].canAfford(cost);
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.pauseQueue = function(queue, scrapAccounts)
if (!this.queues[queue])
this.queues[queue].paused = true;
if (scrapAccounts)
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.unpauseQueue = function(queue)
if (this.queues[queue])
this.queues[queue].paused = false;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.pauseAll = function(scrapAccounts, but)
for (let q in this.queues)
if (q == but)
if (scrapAccounts)
this.queues[q].paused = true;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.unpauseAll = function(but)
for (let q in this.queues)
if (q != but)
this.queues[q].paused = false;
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.addQueue = function(queueName, priority)
if (this.queues[queueName] !== undefined)
this.queues[queueName] = new PETRA.Queue();
this.priorities[queueName] = priority;
this.accounts[queueName] = new API3.Resources();
this.queueArrays = [];
for (let q in this.queues)
this.queueArrays.push([q, this.queues[q]]);
let priorities = this.priorities;
this.queueArrays.sort((a, b) => priorities[b[0]] - priorities[a[0]]);
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.removeQueue = function(queueName)
if (this.queues[queueName] === undefined)
delete this.queues[queueName];
delete this.priorities[queueName];
delete this.accounts[queueName];
this.queueArrays = [];
for (let q in this.queues)
this.queueArrays.push([q, this.queues[q]]);
let priorities = this.priorities;
this.queueArrays.sort((a, b) => priorities[b[0]] - priorities[a[0]]);
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.getPriority = function(queueName)
return this.priorities[queueName];
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.changePriority = function(queueName, newPriority)
if (this.Config.debug > 1)
API3.warn(">>> Priority of queue " + queueName + " changed from " + this.priorities[queueName] + " to " + newPriority);
if (this.queues[queueName] !== undefined)
this.priorities[queueName] = newPriority;
let priorities = this.priorities;
this.queueArrays.sort((a, b) => priorities[b[0]] - priorities[a[0]]);
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
let accounts = {};
let queues = {};
for (let q in this.queues)
queues[q] = this.queues[q].Serialize();
accounts[q] = this.accounts[q].Serialize();
if (this.Config.debug == -100)
API3.warn("queueManager serialization: queue " + q + " >>> " +
uneval(queues[q]) + " with accounts " + uneval(accounts[q]));
return {
"priorities": this.priorities,
"queues": queues,
"accounts": accounts
PETRA.QueueManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data)
this.priorities = data.priorities;
this.queues = {};
this.accounts = {};
// the sorting is updated on priority change.
this.queueArrays = [];
for (let q in data.queues)
this.queues[q] = new PETRA.Queue();
this.queues[q].Deserialize(gameState, data.queues[q]);
this.accounts[q] = new API3.Resources();
this.queueArrays.push([q, this.queues[q]]);
this.queueArrays.sort((a, b) => data.priorities[b[0]] - data.priorities[a[0]]);