* @class
* Armies used by the defense manager.
* An army is a collection of own entities and enemy entities.
* Types of armies:
* "default": army to counter an invading army
* "capturing": army set to capture a gaia building or recover capture points to one of its own structures
* It must contain only one foe (the building to capture) and never be merged
PETRA.DefenseArmy = function(gameState, foeEntities, type)
this.ID = gameState.ai.uniqueIDs.armies++;
this.type = type || "default";
this.Config = gameState.ai.Config;
this.compactSize = this.Config.Defense.armyCompactSize;
this.breakawaySize = this.Config.Defense.armyBreakawaySize;
// average
this.foePosition = [0, 0];
this.positionLastUpdate = gameState.ai.elapsedTime;
// Some caching
// A list of our defenders that were tasked with attacking a particular unit
// This doesn't mean that they actually are since they could move on to something else on their own.
this.assignedAgainst = {};
// who we assigned against, for quick removal.
this.assignedTo = {};
this.foeEntities = [];
this.foeStrength = 0;
this.ownEntities = [];
this.ownStrength = 0;
// actually add units
for (let id of foeEntities)
this.addFoe(gameState, id, true);
this.recalculatePosition(gameState, true);
return true;
* add an entity to the enemy army
* Will return true if the entity was added and false otherwise.
* won't recalculate our position but will dirty it.
* force is true at army creation or when merging armies, so in this case we should add it even if far
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.addFoe = function(gameState, enemyId, force)
if (this.foeEntities.indexOf(enemyId) !== -1)
return false;
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(enemyId);
if (!ent || !ent.position())
return false;
// check distance
if (!force && API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), this.foePosition) > this.compactSize)
return false;
this.assignedAgainst[enemyId] = [];
this.positionLastUpdate = 0;
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy", this.ID);
return true;
* returns true if the entity was removed and false otherwise.
* TODO: when there is a technology update, we should probably recompute the strengths, or weird stuffs will happen.
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.removeFoe = function(gameState, enemyId, enemyEntity)
let idx = this.foeEntities.indexOf(enemyId);
if (idx === -1)
return false;
this.foeEntities.splice(idx, 1);
this.assignedAgainst[enemyId] = undefined;
for (let to in this.assignedTo)
if (this.assignedTo[to] == enemyId)
this.assignedTo[to] = undefined;
let ent = enemyEntity ? enemyEntity : gameState.getEntityById(enemyId);
if (ent) // TODO recompute strength when no entities (could happen if capture+destroy)
this.evaluateStrength(ent, false, true);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy", undefined);
return true;
* adds a defender but doesn't assign him yet.
* force is true when merging armies, so in this case we should add it even if no position as it can be in a ship
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.addOwn = function(gameState, id, force)
if (this.ownEntities.indexOf(id) !== -1)
return false;
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (!ent || !ent.position() && !force)
return false;
this.evaluateStrength(ent, true);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy", this.ID);
this.assignedTo[id] = 0;
let plan = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan");
if (plan !== undefined)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -2);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -3);
let subrole = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole");
if (subrole === undefined || subrole !== PETRA.Worker.SUBROLE_DEFENDER)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "formerSubrole", subrole);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", PETRA.Worker.SUBROLE_DEFENDER);
return true;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.removeOwn = function(gameState, id, Entity)
let idx = this.ownEntities.indexOf(id);
if (idx === -1)
return false;
this.ownEntities.splice(idx, 1);
if (this.assignedTo[id] !== 0)
let temp = this.assignedAgainst[this.assignedTo[id]];
if (temp)
temp.splice(temp.indexOf(id), 1);
this.assignedTo[id] = undefined;
let ent = Entity ? Entity : gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (!ent)
return true;
this.evaluateStrength(ent, true, true);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy", undefined);
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") === -2)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", undefined);
let formerSubrole = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "formerSubrole");
if (formerSubrole !== undefined)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", formerSubrole);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", undefined);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "formerSubrole", undefined);
// Remove from transport plan if not yet on Board
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined)
let plan = gameState.ai.HQ.navalManager.getPlan(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport"));
if (plan && plan.state === PETRA.TransportPlan.BOARDING && ent.position())
plan.removeUnit(gameState, ent);
// TODO be sure that all units in the transport need the cancelation
if (!ent.position()) // this unit must still be in a transport plan ... try to cancel it
let planID = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport");
// no plans must mean that the unit was in a ship which was destroyed, so do nothing
if (planID)
if (gameState.ai.Config.debug > 0)
warn("ent from army still in transport plan: plan " + planID + " canceled");
let plan = gameState.ai.HQ.navalManager.getPlan(planID);
if (plan && !plan.canceled)
return true;
* resets the army properly.
* assumes we already cleared dead units.
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.clear = function(gameState)
while (this.foeEntities.length > 0)
this.removeFoe(gameState, this.foeEntities[0]);
// Go back to our or allied territory if needed
let posOwn = [0, 0];
let nOwn = 0;
let posAlly = [0, 0];
let nAlly = 0;
let posOther = [0, 0];
let nOther = 0;
for (let entId of this.ownEntities)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId);
if (!ent || !ent.position())
let pos = ent.position();
let territoryOwner = gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.getOwner(pos);
if (territoryOwner === PlayerID)
posOwn[0] += pos[0];
posOwn[1] += pos[1];
else if (gameState.isPlayerMutualAlly(territoryOwner))
posAlly[0] += pos[0];
posAlly[1] += pos[1];
posOther[0] += pos[0];
posOther[1] += pos[1];
let destination;
let defensiveFound;
let distmin;
let radius = 0;
if (nOwn > 0)
destination = [posOwn[0]/nOwn, posOwn[1]/nOwn];
else if (nAlly > 0)
destination = [posAlly[0]/nAlly, posAlly[1]/nAlly];
posOther[0] /= nOther;
posOther[1] /= nOther;
let armyAccess = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(posOther);
for (let struct of gameState.getAllyStructures().values())
let pos = struct.position();
if (!pos || !gameState.isPlayerMutualAlly(gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.getOwner(pos)))
if (PETRA.getLandAccess(gameState, struct) !== armyAccess)
let defensiveStruct = struct.hasDefensiveFire();
if (defensiveFound && !defensiveStruct)
let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(posOther, pos);
if (distmin && dist > distmin && (defensiveFound || !defensiveStruct))
if (defensiveStruct)
defensiveFound = true;
distmin = dist;
destination = pos;
radius = struct.obstructionRadius().max;
while (this.ownEntities.length > 0)
let entId = this.ownEntities[0];
this.removeOwn(gameState, entId);
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId);
if (ent)
if (!ent.position() || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined ||
ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transporter") !== undefined)
if (ent.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.low &&
gameState.ai.HQ.defenseManager.garrisonAttackedUnit(gameState, ent))
if (destination && !gameState.isPlayerMutualAlly(gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.getOwner(ent.position())))
ent.moveToRange(destination[0], destination[1], radius, radius + 5);
this.assignedAgainst = {};
this.assignedTo = {};
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.assignUnit = function(gameState, entID)
// we'll assume this defender is ours already.
// we'll also override any previous assignment
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entID);
if (!ent || !ent.position())
return false;
// try to return its resources, and if any, the attack order will be queued
let queued = PETRA.returnResources(gameState, ent);
let idMin;
let distMin;
let idMinAll;
let distMinAll;
for (let id of this.foeEntities)
let eEnt = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (!eEnt || !eEnt.position()) // probably can't happen.
if (!ent.canAttackTarget(eEnt, PETRA.allowCapture(gameState, ent, eEnt)))
if (eEnt.hasClass("Unit") && eEnt.unitAIOrderData() && eEnt.unitAIOrderData().length &&
eEnt.unitAIOrderData()[0].target && eEnt.unitAIOrderData()[0].target == entID)
{ // being attacked >>> target the unit
idMin = id;
// already enough units against it
if (this.assignedAgainst[id].length > 8 ||
this.assignedAgainst[id].length > 5 && !eEnt.hasClass("Hero") && !PETRA.isSiegeUnit(eEnt))
let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), eEnt.position());
if (idMinAll === undefined || dist < distMinAll)
idMinAll = id;
distMinAll = dist;
if (this.assignedAgainst[id].length > 2)
if (idMin === undefined || dist < distMin)
idMin = id;
distMin = dist;
let idFoe;
if (idMin !== undefined)
idFoe = idMin;
else if (idMinAll !== undefined)
idFoe = idMinAll;
return false;
let ownIndex = PETRA.getLandAccess(gameState, ent);
let foeEnt = gameState.getEntityById(idFoe);
let foePosition = foeEnt.position();
let foeIndex = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(foePosition);
if (ownIndex == foeIndex || ent.hasClass("Ship"))
this.assignedTo[entID] = idFoe;
ent.attack(idFoe, PETRA.allowCapture(gameState, ent, foeEnt), queued);
gameState.ai.HQ.navalManager.requireTransport(gameState, ent, ownIndex, foeIndex, foePosition);
return true;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.getType = function()
return this.type;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.getState = function()
if (!this.foeEntities.length)
return 0;
return 1;
* merge this army with another properly.
* assumes units are in only one army.
* also assumes that all have been properly cleaned up (no dead units).
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.merge = function(gameState, otherArmy)
// copy over all parameters.
for (let i in otherArmy.assignedAgainst)
if (this.assignedAgainst[i] === undefined)
this.assignedAgainst[i] = otherArmy.assignedAgainst[i];
this.assignedAgainst[i] = this.assignedAgainst[i].concat(otherArmy.assignedAgainst[i]);
for (let i in otherArmy.assignedTo)
this.assignedTo[i] = otherArmy.assignedTo[i];
for (let id of otherArmy.foeEntities)
this.addFoe(gameState, id, true);
// TODO: reassign those ?
for (let id of otherArmy.ownEntities)
this.addOwn(gameState, id, true);
this.recalculatePosition(gameState, true);
return true;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.needsDefenders = function(gameState)
let defenseRatio;
let territoryOwner = gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.getOwner(this.foePosition);
if (territoryOwner == PlayerID)
defenseRatio = this.Config.Defense.defenseRatio.own;
else if (gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner))
defenseRatio = this.Config.Defense.defenseRatio.ally;
let numExclusiveAllies = 0;
for (let p = 1; p < gameState.sharedScript.playersData.length; ++p)
if (p != territoryOwner && gameState.sharedScript.playersData[p].isAlly[territoryOwner])
defenseRatio /= 1 + 0.5*Math.max(0, numExclusiveAllies-1);
defenseRatio = this.Config.Defense.defenseRatio.neutral;
// some preliminary checks because we don't update for tech so entStrength removed can be > entStrength added
if (this.foeStrength <= 0 || this.ownStrength <= 0)
if (this.foeStrength * defenseRatio <= this.ownStrength)
return false;
return this.foeStrength * defenseRatio - this.ownStrength;
/** if not forced, will only recalculate if on a different turn. */
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.recalculatePosition = function(gameState, force)
if (!force && this.positionLastUpdate === gameState.ai.elapsedTime)
let npos = 0;
let pos = [0, 0];
for (let id of this.foeEntities)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (!ent || !ent.position())
let epos = ent.position();
pos[0] += epos[0];
pos[1] += epos[1];
// if npos = 0, the army must have been destroyed and will be removed next turn. keep previous position
if (npos > 0)
this.foePosition[0] = pos[0]/npos;
this.foePosition[1] = pos[1]/npos;
this.positionLastUpdate = gameState.ai.elapsedTime;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.recalculateStrengths = function(gameState)
this.ownStrength = 0;
this.foeStrength = 0;
for (let id of this.foeEntities)
for (let id of this.ownEntities)
this.evaluateStrength(gameState.getEntityById(id), true);
/** adds or remove the strength of the entity either to the enemy or to our units. */
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.evaluateStrength = function(ent, isOwn, remove)
if (!ent)
let entStrength;
if (ent.hasClass("Structure"))
if (ent.owner() !== PlayerID)
entStrength = ent.getDefaultArrow() ? 6*ent.getDefaultArrow() : 4;
else // small strength used only when we try to recover capture points
entStrength = 2;
entStrength = PETRA.getMaxStrength(ent, this.Config.debug, this.Config.DamageTypeImportance);
// TODO adapt the getMaxStrength function for animals.
// For the time being, just increase it for elephants as the returned value is too small.
if (ent.hasClasses(["Animal+Elephant"]))
entStrength *= 3;
if (remove)
entStrength *= -1;
if (isOwn)
this.ownStrength += entStrength;
this.foeStrength += entStrength;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events)
// Warning the metadata is already cloned in shared.js. Futhermore, changes should be done before destroyEvents
// otherwise it would remove the old entity from this army list
// TODO we should may-be reevaluate the strength
for (let evt of events.EntityRenamed) // take care of promoted and packed units
if (this.foeEntities.indexOf(evt.entity) !== -1)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity);
if (ent && ent.templateName().indexOf("resource|") !== -1) // corpse of animal killed
let idx = this.foeEntities.indexOf(evt.entity);
this.foeEntities[idx] = evt.newentity;
this.assignedAgainst[evt.newentity] = this.assignedAgainst[evt.entity];
this.assignedAgainst[evt.entity] = undefined;
for (let to in this.assignedTo)
if (this.assignedTo[to] === evt.entity)
this.assignedTo[to] = evt.newentity;
else if (this.ownEntities.indexOf(evt.entity) !== -1)
let idx = this.ownEntities.indexOf(evt.entity);
this.ownEntities[idx] = evt.newentity;
this.assignedTo[evt.newentity] = this.assignedTo[evt.entity];
this.assignedTo[evt.entity] = undefined;
for (let against in this.assignedAgainst)
if (!this.assignedAgainst[against])
if (this.assignedAgainst[against].indexOf(evt.entity) !== -1)
this.assignedAgainst[against][this.assignedAgainst[against].indexOf(evt.entity)] = evt.newentity;
for (let evt of events.Garrison)
this.removeFoe(gameState, evt.entity);
for (let evt of events.OwnershipChanged) // captured
if (!gameState.isPlayerEnemy(evt.to))
this.removeFoe(gameState, evt.entity);
else if (evt.from === PlayerID)
this.removeOwn(gameState, evt.entity);
for (let evt of events.Destroy)
let entityObj = evt.entityObj || undefined;
// we may have capture+destroy, so do not trust owner and check all possibilities
this.removeOwn(gameState, evt.entity, entityObj);
this.removeFoe(gameState, evt.entity, entityObj);
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.update = function(gameState)
for (let entId of this.ownEntities)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId);
if (!ent)
let orderData = ent.unitAIOrderData();
if (!orderData.length && !ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport"))
this.assignUnit(gameState, entId);
else if (orderData.length && orderData[0].target && orderData[0].attackType && orderData[0].attackType === "Capture")
let target = gameState.getEntityById(orderData[0].target);
if (target && !PETRA.allowCapture(gameState, ent, target))
ent.attack(orderData[0].target, false);
if (this.type == "capturing")
if (this.foeEntities.length && gameState.getEntityById(this.foeEntities[0]))
// Check if we still still some capturePoints to recover
// and if not, remove this foe from the list (capture army have only one foe)
let capture = gameState.getEntityById(this.foeEntities[0]).capturePoints();
if (capture)
for (let j = 0; j < capture.length; ++j)
if (gameState.isPlayerEnemy(j) && capture[j] > 0)
return [];
this.removeFoe(gameState, this.foeEntities[0]);
return [];
let breakaways = [];
// TODO: assign unassigned defenders, cleanup of a few things.
// perhaps occasional strength recomputation
// occasional update or breakaways, positions…
if (gameState.ai.elapsedTime - this.positionLastUpdate > 5)
this.positionLastUpdate = gameState.ai.elapsedTime;
// Check for breakaways.
for (let i = 0; i < this.foeEntities.length; ++i)
let id = this.foeEntities[i];
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (!ent || !ent.position())
if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), this.foePosition) > this.breakawaySize)
if (this.removeFoe(gameState, id))
return breakaways;
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.Serialize = function()
return {
"ID": this.ID,
"type": this.type,
"foePosition": this.foePosition,
"positionLastUpdate": this.positionLastUpdate,
"assignedAgainst": this.assignedAgainst,
"assignedTo": this.assignedTo,
"foeEntities": this.foeEntities,
"foeStrength": this.foeStrength,
"ownEntities": this.ownEntities,
"ownStrength": this.ownStrength
PETRA.DefenseArmy.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
for (let key in data)
this[key] = data[key];