* @class
* One task of this manager is to cache the list of structures we have builders for,
* to avoid having to loop on all entities each time.
* It also takes care of the structures we can't currently build and should not try to build endlessly.
PETRA.BuildManager = function()
// List of buildings we have builders for, with number of possible builders.
this.builderCounters = new Map();
// List of buildings we can't currently build (because no room, no builder or whatever),
// with time we should wait before trying again to build it.
this.unbuildables = new Map();
/** Initialization at start of game */
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.init = function(gameState)
let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv();
for (let ent of gameState.getOwnUnits().values())
this.incrementBuilderCounters(civ, ent, 1);
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.incrementBuilderCounters = function(civ, ent, increment)
for (let buildable of ent.buildableEntities(civ))
if (this.builderCounters.has(buildable))
let count = this.builderCounters.get(buildable) + increment;
if (count < 0)
API3.warn(" Petra error in incrementBuilderCounters for " + buildable + " with count < 0");
this.builderCounters.set(buildable, count);
else if (increment > 0)
this.builderCounters.set(buildable, increment);
API3.warn(" Petra error in incrementBuilderCounters for " + buildable + " not yet set");
/** Update the builders counters */
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events)
this.elapsedTime = gameState.ai.elapsedTime;
let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv();
for (let evt of events.Create)
if (events.Destroy.some(e => e.entity == evt.entity))
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (ent && ent.isOwn(PlayerID) && ent.hasClass("Unit"))
this.incrementBuilderCounters(civ, ent, 1);
for (let evt of events.Destroy)
if (events.Create.some(e => e.entity == evt.entity) || !evt.entityObj)
let ent = evt.entityObj;
if (ent && ent.isOwn(PlayerID) && ent.hasClass("Unit"))
this.incrementBuilderCounters(civ, ent, -1);
for (let evt of events.OwnershipChanged) // capture events
let increment;
if (evt.from == PlayerID)
increment = -1;
else if (evt.to == PlayerID)
increment = 1;
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (ent && ent.hasClass("Unit"))
this.incrementBuilderCounters(civ, ent, increment);
for (let evt of events.ValueModification)
if (evt.component != "Builder" ||
!evt.valueNames.some(val => val.startsWith("Builder/Entities/")))
// Unfortunately there really is not an easy way to determine the changes
// at this stage, so we simply have to dump the cache.
this.builderCounters = new Map();
let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv();
for (let ent of gameState.getOwnUnits().values())
this.incrementBuilderCounters(civ, ent, 1);
* Get the buildable structures passing a filter.
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.findStructuresByFilter = function(gameState, filter)
const result = [];
for (let [templateName, count] of this.builderCounters)
if (!count || gameState.isTemplateDisabled(templateName))
let template = gameState.getTemplate(templateName);
if (!template || !template.available(gameState))
if (filter.func(template))
return result;
* Get the first buildable structure with a given class
* TODO when several available, choose the best one
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.findStructureWithClass = function(gameState, classes)
return this.findStructuresByFilter(gameState, API3.Filters.byClasses(classes))[0];
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.hasBuilder = function(template)
let numBuilders = this.builderCounters.get(template);
return numBuilders && numBuilders > 0;
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.isUnbuildable = function(gameState, template)
return this.unbuildables.has(template) && this.unbuildables.get(template).time > gameState.ai.elapsedTime;
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.setBuildable = function(template)
if (this.unbuildables.has(template))
/** Time is the duration in second that we will wait before checking again if it is buildable */
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.setUnbuildable = function(gameState, template, time = 90, reason = "room")
if (!this.unbuildables.has(template))
this.unbuildables.set(template, { "reason": reason, "time": gameState.ai.elapsedTime + time });
let unbuildable = this.unbuildables.get(template);
if (unbuildable.time < gameState.ai.elapsedTime + time)
unbuildable.reason = reason;
unbuildable.time = gameState.ai.elapsedTime + time;
/** Return the number of unbuildables due to missing room */
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.numberMissingRoom = function(gameState)
let num = 0;
for (let unbuildable of this.unbuildables.values())
if (unbuildable.reason == "room" && unbuildable.time > gameState.ai.elapsedTime)
return num;
/** Reset the unbuildables due to missing room */
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.resetMissingRoom = function(gameState)
for (let [key, unbuildable] of this.unbuildables)
if (unbuildable.reason == "room")
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
return {
"builderCounters": this.builderCounters,
"unbuildables": this.unbuildables
PETRA.BuildManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
for (let key in data)
this[key] = data[key];