* @class
* Bases Manager
* Manages the list of available bases and queries information from those (e.g. resource levels).
* Only one base is run every turn.
PETRA.BasesManager = function(Config)
this.Config = Config;
this.currentBase = 0;
// Cache some quantities for performance.
this.turnCache = {};
// Deals with unit/structure without base.
this.noBase = undefined;
this.baseManagers = [];
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.init = function(gameState)
// Initialize base map. Each pixel is a base ID, or 0 if not or not accessible.
this.basesMap = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory");
this.noBase = new PETRA.BaseManager(gameState, this);
this.noBase.init(gameState, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_WITH_ANCHOR);
this.noBase.accessIndex = 0;
for (const cc of gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).values())
if (cc.foundationProgress() === undefined)
this.createBase(gameState, cc, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_WITH_ANCHOR);
this.createBase(gameState, cc, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_UNCONSTRUCTED);
* Initialization needed after deserialization (only called when deserialising).
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.postinit = function(gameState)
// Rebuild the base maps from the territory indices of each base.
this.basesMap = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory");
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
for (const j of base.territoryIndices)
this.basesMap.map[j] = base.ID;
for (const ent of gameState.getOwnEntities().values())
if (!ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() || !ent.hasClass("Structure"))
// Entities which have been built or have changed ownership after the last AI turn have no base.
// they will be dealt with in the next checkEvents
const baseID = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base");
if (baseID === undefined)
const base = this.getBaseByID(baseID);
base.assignResourceToDropsite(gameState, ent);
* Create a new base in the baseManager:
* If an existing one without anchor already exist, use it.
* Otherwise create a new one.
* TODO when buildings, criteria should depend on distance
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.createBase = function(gameState, ent, type = PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_WITH_ANCHOR)
const access = PETRA.getLandAccess(gameState, ent);
let newbase;
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
if (base.accessIndex != access)
if (type !== PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_ANCHORLESS && base.anchor)
if (type !== PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_ANCHORLESS)
// TODO we keep the first one, we should rather use the nearest if buildings
// and possibly also cut on distance
newbase = base;
// TODO here also test on distance instead of first
if (newbase && !base.anchor)
newbase = base;
if (newbase.anchor)
if (this.Config.debug > 0)
API3.warn(" ----------------------------------------------------------");
API3.warn(" BasesManager createBase entrance avec access " + access + " and type " + type);
API3.warn(" with access " + uneval(this.baseManagers.map(base => base.accessIndex)) +
" and base nbr " + uneval(this.baseManagers.map(base => base.ID)) +
" and anchor " + uneval(this.baseManagers.map(base => !!base.anchor)));
if (!newbase)
newbase = new PETRA.BaseManager(gameState, this);
newbase.init(gameState, type);
if (type !== PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_ANCHORLESS)
newbase.setAnchor(gameState, ent);
newbase.setAnchorlessEntity(gameState, ent);
return newbase;
/** TODO check if the new anchorless bases should be added to addBase */
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events)
let addBase = false;
for (const evt of events.Destroy)
// Let's check we haven't lost an important building here.
if (evt && !evt.SuccessfulFoundation && evt.entityObj && evt.metadata && evt.metadata[PlayerID] &&
const ent = evt.entityObj;
if (evt?.metadata?.[PlayerID]?.assignedResource)
if (ent.owner() != PlayerID)
// A new base foundation was created and destroyed on the same (AI) turn
if (evt.metadata[PlayerID].base == -1 || evt.metadata[PlayerID].base == -2)
const base = this.getBaseByID(evt.metadata[PlayerID].base);
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.hasClass("Structure"))
base.removeDropsite(gameState, ent);
if (evt.metadata[PlayerID].baseAnchor && evt.metadata[PlayerID].baseAnchor === true)
base.anchorLost(gameState, ent);
for (const evt of events.EntityRenamed)
const ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity);
if (!ent || ent.owner() != PlayerID || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") === undefined)
const base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"));
if (!base.anchorId || base.anchorId != evt.entity)
base.anchorId = evt.newentity;
base.anchor = ent;
for (const evt of events.Create)
// Let's check if we have a valuable foundation needing builders quickly
// (normal foundations are taken care in baseManager.assignToFoundations)
const ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (!ent || ent.owner() != PlayerID || ent.foundationProgress() === undefined)
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") == -1) // Standard base around a cc
// Okay so let's try to create a new base around this.
const newbase = this.createBase(gameState, ent, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_UNCONSTRUCTED);
// Let's get a few units from other bases there to build this.
const builders = this.bulkPickWorkers(gameState, newbase, 10);
if (builders !== false)
builders.forEach(worker => {
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", newbase.ID);
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", PETRA.Worker.SUBROLE_BUILDER);
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation", ent.id());
else if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") == -2) // anchorless base around a dock
const newbase = this.createBase(gameState, ent, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_ANCHORLESS);
// Let's get a few units from other bases there to build this.
const builders = this.bulkPickWorkers(gameState, newbase, 4);
if (builders != false)
builders.forEach(worker => {
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", newbase.ID);
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", PETRA.Worker.SUBROLE_BUILDER);
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation", ent.id());
for (const evt of events.ConstructionFinished)
if (evt.newentity == evt.entity) // repaired building
const ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity);
if (!ent || ent.owner() != PlayerID)
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") === undefined)
const base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"));
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes())
base.assignResourceToDropsite(gameState, ent);
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor") === true)
if (base.constructing)
base.constructing = false;
addBase = true;
for (const evt of events.OwnershipChanged)
if (evt.from == PlayerID)
const ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (!ent || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") === undefined)
const base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"));
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.hasClass("Structure"))
base.removeDropsite(gameState, ent);
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor") === true)
base.anchorLost(gameState, ent);
if (evt.to != PlayerID)
const ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (!ent)
if (ent.hasClass("Unit"))
PETRA.getBestBase(gameState, ent).assignEntity(gameState, ent);
if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre")) // build a new base around it
let newbase;
if (ent.foundationProgress() !== undefined)
newbase = this.createBase(gameState, ent, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_UNCONSTRUCTED);
newbase = this.createBase(gameState, ent, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_CAPTURED);
addBase = true;
newbase.assignEntity(gameState, ent);
let base;
// If dropsite on new island, create a base around it
if (!ent.decaying() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes())
base = this.createBase(gameState, ent, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_ANCHORLESS);
base = PETRA.getBestBase(gameState, ent) || this.noBase;
base.assignEntity(gameState, ent);
for (const evt of events.TrainingFinished)
for (const entId of evt.entities)
const ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId);
if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID))
// Assign it immediately to something useful to do.
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === PETRA.Worker.ROLE_WORKER)
let base;
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") === undefined)
base = PETRA.getBestBase(gameState, ent);
base.assignEntity(gameState, ent);
base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"));
base.reassignIdleWorkers(gameState, [ent]);
base.workerObject.update(gameState, ent);
else if (ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.position())
const type = ent.resourceSupplyType();
if (!type.generic)
const dropsites = gameState.getOwnDropsites(type.generic);
const pos = ent.position();
const access = PETRA.getLandAccess(gameState, ent);
let distmin = Math.min();
let goal;
for (const dropsite of dropsites.values())
if (!dropsite.position() || PETRA.getLandAccess(gameState, dropsite) != access)
const dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(pos, dropsite.position());
if (dist > distmin)
distmin = dist;
goal = dropsite.position();
if (goal)
ent.moveToRange(goal[0], goal[1]);
if (addBase)
* returns an entity collection of workers through BaseManager.pickBuilders
* TODO: when same accessIndex, sort by distance
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.bulkPickWorkers = function(gameState, baseRef, number)
const accessIndex = baseRef.accessIndex;
if (!accessIndex)
return false;
const baseBest = this.baseManagers.slice();
// We can also use workers without a base.
baseBest.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.accessIndex == accessIndex && b.accessIndex != accessIndex)
return -1;
else if (b.accessIndex == accessIndex && a.accessIndex != accessIndex)
return 1;
return 0;
let needed = number;
const workers = new API3.EntityCollection(gameState.sharedScript);
for (const base of baseBest)
if (base.ID == baseRef.ID)
base.pickBuilders(gameState, workers, needed);
if (workers.length >= number)
needed = number - workers.length;
if (!workers.length)
return false;
return workers;
* @return {Object} - Resources (estimation) still gatherable in our territory.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.getTotalResourceLevel = function(gameState, resources = Resources.GetCodes(), proximity = ["nearby", "medium"])
const total = {};
for (const res of resources)
total[res] = 0;
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
for (const res in total)
total[res] += base.getResourceLevel(gameState, res, proximity);
return total;
* Returns the current gather rate
* This is not per-se exact, it performs a few adjustments ad-hoc to account for travel distance, stuffs like that.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.GetCurrentGatherRates = function(gameState)
if (!this.turnCache.currentRates)
const currentRates = {};
for (const res of Resources.GetCodes())
currentRates[res] = 0.5 * this.GetTCResGatherer(res);
this.addGatherRates(gameState, currentRates);
for (const res of Resources.GetCodes())
currentRates[res] = Math.max(currentRates[res], 0);
this.turnCache.currentRates = currentRates;
return this.turnCache.currentRates;
/** Some functions that register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn */
/** Add a gatherer to the turn cache for this supply. */
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.AddTCGatherer = function(supplyID)
if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] !== undefined)
if (!this.turnCache.resourceGatherer)
this.turnCache.resourceGatherer = {};
this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] = 1;
/** Remove a gatherer from the turn cache for this supply. */
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.RemoveTCGatherer = function(supplyID)
if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID])
if (!this.turnCache.resourceGatherer)
this.turnCache.resourceGatherer = {};
this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] = -1;
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.GetTCGatherer = function(supplyID)
if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID])
return this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID];
return 0;
/** The next two are to register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn. */
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.AddTCResGatherer = function(resource)
const check = "resourceGatherer-" + resource;
if (this.turnCache[check])
this.turnCache[check] = 1;
if (this.turnCache.currentRates)
this.turnCache.currentRates[resource] += 0.5;
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.GetTCResGatherer = function(resource)
const check = "resourceGatherer-" + resource;
if (this.turnCache[check])
return this.turnCache[check];
return 0;
* flag a resource as exhausted
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.isResourceExhausted = function(resource)
const check = "exhausted-" + resource;
if (this.turnCache[check] == undefined)
this.turnCache[check] = this.basesManager.isResourceExhausted(resource);
return this.turnCache[check];
* returns the number of bases with a cc
* ActiveBases includes only those with a built cc
* PotentialBases includes also those with a cc in construction
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.numActiveBases = function()
if (!this.turnCache.base)
return this.turnCache.base.active;
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.hasActiveBase = function()
return !!this.numActiveBases();
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.numPotentialBases = function()
if (!this.turnCache.base)
return this.turnCache.base.potential;
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.hasPotentialBase = function()
return !!this.numPotentialBases();
* Updates the number of active and potential bases.
* .potential {number} - Bases that may or may not still be a foundation.
* .active {number} - Usable bases.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.updateBaseCache = function()
this.turnCache.base = { "active": 0, "potential": 0 };
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
if (!base.anchor)
if (base.anchor.foundationProgress() === undefined)
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.resetBaseCache = function()
this.turnCache.base = undefined;
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.baselessBase = function()
return this.noBase;
* @param {number} baseID
* @return {Object} - The base corresponding to baseID.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.getBaseByID = function(baseID)
if (this.noBase.ID === baseID)
return this.noBase;
return this.baseManagers.find(base => base.ID === baseID);
* flag a resource as exhausted
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.isResourceExhausted = function(resource)
return this.baseManagers.every(base =>
!base.dropsiteSupplies[resource].nearby.length &&
!base.dropsiteSupplies[resource].medium.length &&
* Count gatherers returning resources in the number of gatherers of resourceSupplies
* to prevent the AI always reassigning idle workers to these resourceSupplies (specially in naval maps).
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.assignGatherers = function()
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
for (const worker of base.workers.values())
if (worker.unitAIState().split(".").indexOf("RETURNRESOURCE") === -1)
const orders = worker.unitAIOrderData();
if (orders.length < 2 || !orders[1].target || orders[1].target != worker.getMetadata(PlayerID, "supply"))
* Assign an entity to the closest base.
* Used by the starting strategy.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.assignEntity = function(gameState, ent, territoryIndex)
let bestbase;
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
if ((!ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") != base.ID) &&
base.territoryIndices.indexOf(territoryIndex) == -1)
base.assignEntity(gameState, ent);
bestbase = base;
if (!bestbase) // entity outside our territory
if (ent.hasClass("Structure") && !ent.decaying() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes())
bestbase = this.createBase(gameState, ent, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_ANCHORLESS);
bestbase = PETRA.getBestBase(gameState, ent) || this.noBase;
bestbase.assignEntity(gameState, ent);
// now assign entities garrisoned inside this entity
if (ent.isGarrisonHolder() && ent.garrisoned().length)
for (const id of ent.garrisoned())
bestbase.assignEntity(gameState, gameState.getEntityById(id));
// and find something useful to do if we already have a base
if (ent.position() && bestbase.ID !== this.noBase.ID)
bestbase.assignRolelessUnits(gameState, [ent]);
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === PETRA.Worker.ROLE_WORKER)
bestbase.reassignIdleWorkers(gameState, [ent]);
bestbase.workerObject.update(gameState, ent);
* Adds the gather rates of individual bases to a shared object.
* @param {Object} gameState
* @param {Object} rates - The rates to add the gather rates to.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.addGatherRates = function(gameState, rates)
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
base.addGatherRates(gameState, rates);
* @param {number} territoryIndex
* @return {number} - The ID of the base at the given territory index.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.baseAtIndex = function(territoryIndex)
return this.basesMap.map[territoryIndex];
* @param {number} territoryIndex
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.removeBaseFromTerritoryIndex = function(territoryIndex)
const baseID = this.basesMap.map[territoryIndex];
if (baseID == 0)
const base = this.getBaseByID(baseID);
if (base)
const index = base.territoryIndices.indexOf(territoryIndex);
if (index != -1)
base.territoryIndices.splice(index, 1);
API3.warn(" problem in headquarters::updateTerritories for base " + baseID);
API3.warn(" problem in headquarters::updateTerritories without base " + baseID);
this.basesMap.map[territoryIndex] = 0;
* @return {boolean} - Whether the index was added to a base.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.addTerritoryIndexToBase = function(gameState, territoryIndex, passabilityMap)
if (this.baseAtIndex(territoryIndex) != 0)
return false;
let landPassable = false;
const ind = API3.getMapIndices(territoryIndex, gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap, passabilityMap);
let access;
for (const k of ind)
if (!gameState.ai.HQ.landRegions[gameState.ai.accessibility.landPassMap[k]])
landPassable = true;
access = gameState.ai.accessibility.landPassMap[k];
if (!landPassable)
return false;
let distmin = Math.min();
let baseID;
const pos = [gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.cellSize * (territoryIndex % gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.width + 0.5), gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.cellSize * (Math.floor(territoryIndex / gameState.ai.HQ.territoryMap.width) + 0.5)];
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position())
if (base.accessIndex != access)
const dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(base.anchor.position(), pos);
if (dist >= distmin)
distmin = dist;
baseID = base.ID;
if (!baseID)
return false;
this.basesMap.map[territoryIndex] = baseID;
return true;
/** Reassign territories when a base is going to be deleted */
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.reassignTerritories = function(deletedBase, territoryMap)
const cellSize = territoryMap.cellSize;
const width = territoryMap.width;
for (let j = 0; j < territoryMap.length; ++j)
if (this.basesMap.map[j] != deletedBase.ID)
if (territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) != PlayerID)
API3.warn("Petra reassignTerritories: should never happen");
this.basesMap.map[j] = 0;
let distmin = Math.min();
let baseID;
const pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)];
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position())
if (base.accessIndex != deletedBase.accessIndex)
const dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(base.anchor.position(), pos);
if (dist >= distmin)
distmin = dist;
baseID = base.ID;
if (baseID)
this.basesMap.map[j] = baseID;
this.basesMap.map[j] = 0;
* We will loop only on one active base per turn.
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events)
Engine.ProfileStart("BasesManager update");
this.turnCache = {};
let nbBases = this.baseManagers.length;
let activeBase = false;
this.noBase.update(gameState, queues, events);
while (!activeBase && nbBases != 0)
this.currentBase %= this.baseManagers.length;
activeBase = this.baseManagers[this.currentBase++].update(gameState, queues, events);
// TODO what to do with this.reassignTerritories(this.baseManagers[this.currentBase]);
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
const properties = {
"currentBase": this.currentBase
const baseManagers = [];
for (const base of this.baseManagers)
return {
"properties": properties,
"noBase": this.noBase.Serialize(),
"baseManagers": baseManagers
PETRA.BasesManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data)
for (const key in data.properties)
this[key] = data.properties[key];
this.noBase = new PETRA.BaseManager(gameState, this);
this.noBase.Deserialize(gameState, data.noBase);
this.noBase.init(gameState, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_WITH_ANCHOR);
this.noBase.Deserialize(gameState, data.noBase);
this.baseManagers = [];
for (const basedata of data.baseManagers)
// The first call to deserialize set the ID base needed by entitycollections.
const newbase = new PETRA.BaseManager(gameState, this);
newbase.Deserialize(gameState, basedata);
newbase.init(gameState, PETRA.BaseManager.STATE_WITH_ANCHOR);
newbase.Deserialize(gameState, basedata);