* The objective of this class is to build a message type filter selection and
* to store and display the chat history according to that selection.
class ChatHistory
* All unparsed chat messages received since connect, including timestamp.
this.chatMessages = [];
this.selectionChangeHandlers = [];
this.chatHistoryFilterCaption = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatHistoryFilterCaption");
resizeGUIObjectToCaption(this.chatHistoryFilterCaption, { "horizontal": "right" });
this.chatHistoryFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatHistoryFilter");
let filters = prepareForDropdown(this.Filters.filter(chatFilter => !chatFilter.hidden));
this.chatHistoryFilter.list = filters.text.map(text => translateWithContext("chat history filter", text));
this.chatHistoryFilter.list_data = filters.key;
this.chatHistoryFilter.selected = 0;
this.chatHistoryFilter.onSelectionChange = this.onSelectionChange.bind(this);
const chatHistoryFilterSize = this.chatHistoryFilter.size;
chatHistoryFilterSize.left = this.chatHistoryFilterCaption.size.right + this.FilterMargin;
this.chatHistoryFilter.size = chatHistoryFilterSize;
this.chatHistoryText = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatHistoryText");
* Called each time the history filter changes.
for (let handler of this.selectionChangeHandlers)
let selected = this.chatHistoryFilter.list_data[this.chatHistoryFilter.selected];
this.chatHistoryText.caption =
this.chatMessages.filter(msg => msg.filter[selected]).map(msg =>
Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "chat.timestamp") == "true" ?
sprintf(translate("%(time)s %(message)s"), {
"time": msg.timePrefix,
"message": msg.txt
}) :
onChatMessage(msg, formatted)
// Save to chat history
let historical = {
"txt": formatted.text,
"timePrefix": sprintf(translate("\\[%(time)s]"), {
"time": Engine.FormatMillisecondsIntoDateStringLocal(Date.now(), translate("HH:mm"))
"filter": {}
// Apply the filters now before diplomacies or playerstates change
let senderID = msg.guid && g_PlayerAssignments[msg.guid] ? g_PlayerAssignments[msg.guid].player : 0;
for (let filter of this.Filters)
historical.filter[filter.key] = filter.filter(msg, senderID);
* Notice only messages will be filtered that are visible to the player in the first place.
ChatHistory.prototype.Filters = [
"key": "all",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Chat and notifications"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) => true
"key": "chat",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Chat messages"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) => msg.type == "message"
"key": "player",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Players chat"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) =>
msg.type == "message" &&
senderID > 0 && !isPlayerObserver(senderID)
"key": "ally",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Ally chat"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) =>
msg.type == "message" &&
msg.cmd && msg.cmd == "/allies"
"key": "enemy",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Enemy chat"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) =>
msg.type == "message" &&
msg.cmd && msg.cmd == "/enemies"
"key": "observer",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Observer chat"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) =>
msg.type == "message" &&
msg.cmd && msg.cmd == "/observers"
"key": "private",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Private chat"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) => !!msg.isVisiblePM
"key": "gamenotifications",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Game notifications"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) => msg.type != "message" && msg.guid === undefined
"key": "chatnotifications",
"text": markForTranslationWithContext("chat history filter", "Network notifications"),
"filter": (msg, senderID) => msg.type != "message" && msg.guid !== undefined,
"hidden": !Engine.HasNetClient()
ChatHistory.prototype.FilterMargin = 5;