* Creates text in the following format:
* Header: value1, value2, ..., valueN
* This function is only used below, nowhere else.
function buildListText(headerString, arrayOfValues)
// Translation: Label followed by a list of values.
return sprintf(translate("%(listHeader)s %(listOfValues)s"), {
"listHeader": headerFont(headerString),
// Translation: List separator.
"listOfValues": bodyFont(arrayOfValues.join(translate(", ")))
* The following functions in this file work on the same basis as those in gui/common/tooltips.js
* Note: Due to quirks in loading order, this file might not be loaded before ReferencePage.js.
* Do not put anything in here that you wish to access static'ly there.
function getBuiltByText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of the names of units that build the structure selected.
return template.builtByListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Built by:"), template.builtByListOfNames) : "";
function getTrainedByText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of the names of structures or units that train the unit selected.
return template.trainedByListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Trained by:"), template.trainedByListOfNames) : "";
function getResearchedByText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of names of structures or units that research the technology selected.
return template.researchedByListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Researched at:"), template.researchedByListOfNames) : "";
* @return {string} List of the names of the buildings the selected unit can build.
function getBuildText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of the names of structures the selected unit can construct or build.
return template.buildListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Builds:"), template.buildListOfNames) : "";
* @return {string} List of the names of the technologies the selected structure/unit can research.
function getResearchText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of the names of technologies the selected unit or structure can research.
return template.researchListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Researches:"), template.researchListOfNames) : "";
* @return {string} List of the names of the units the selected unit can train.
function getTrainText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of the names of units the selected unit or structure can train.
return template.trainListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Trains:"), template.trainListOfNames) : "";
* @return {string} List of the names of the buildings/units the selected structure/unit can upgrade to.
function getUpgradeText(template)
// Translation: Label before a list of the names of units or structures the selected unit or structure can be upgradable to.
return template.upgradeListOfNames ? buildListText(translate("Upgradable to:"), template.upgradeListOfNames) : "";