* This class compiles and stores lists of which templates can be built/trained/researched by other templates.
class TemplateLister
this.TemplateLoader = TemplateLoader;
this.templateLists = new Map();
* Compile lists of templates buildable/trainable/researchable of a given civ.
* @param {Object} civCode
* @param {Object} civData - Data defining every civ in the game.
compileTemplateLists(civCode, civData)
if (this.hasTemplateLists(civCode))
return this.templateLists.get(civCode);
let templatesToParse = civData[civCode].StartEntities.map(entity => entity.Template);
let templateLists = {
"units": new Map(),
"structures": new Map(),
"techs": new Map(),
"wallsetPieces": new Map()
const templatesThisIteration = templatesToParse;
templatesToParse = [];
for (let templateBeingParsed of templatesThisIteration)
let baseOfTemplateBeingParsed = this.TemplateLoader.getVariantBaseAndType(templateBeingParsed, civCode)[0];
let list = this.deriveTemplateListsFromTemplate(templateBeingParsed, civCode);
for (let type in list)
for (let templateName of list[type])
if (type != "techs")
let templateVariance = this.TemplateLoader.getVariantBaseAndType(templateName, civCode);
if (templateVariance[1].passthru)
templateName = templateVariance[0];
if (!templateLists[type].has(templateName))
templateLists[type].set(templateName, [baseOfTemplateBeingParsed]);
if (type != "techs")
else if (templateLists[type].get(templateName).indexOf(baseOfTemplateBeingParsed) == -1)
} while (templatesToParse.length);
// Expand/filter tech pairs
for (let [techCode, researcherList] of templateLists.techs)
if (!this.TemplateLoader.isPairTech(techCode))
for (let subTech of this.TemplateLoader.loadTechnologyPairTemplate(techCode, civCode).techs)
if (!templateLists.techs.has(subTech))
templateLists.techs.set(subTech, researcherList);
for (let researcher of researcherList)
if (templateLists.techs.get(subTech).indexOf(researcher) == -1)
// Remove wallset pieces, as they've served their purpose.
delete templateLists.wallsetPieces;
this.templateLists.set(civCode, templateLists);
return this.templateLists.get(civCode);
* Returns a civ's template list.
* Note: this civ must have gone through the compilation process above!
* @param {string} civCode
* @return {Object} containing lists of template names, grouped by type.
if (this.hasTemplateLists(civCode))
return this.templateLists.get(civCode);
error("Template lists of \"" + civCode + "\" requested, but this civ has not been loaded.");
return {};
* Returns whether the civ of the given civCode has been loaded into cache.
* @param {string} civCode
* @return {boolean}
return this.templateLists.has(civCode);
* Compiles lists of buildable, trainable, or researchable entities from
* a named template.
deriveTemplateListsFromTemplate(templateName, civCode)
if (!templateName || !Engine.TemplateExists(templateName))
return {};
let template = this.TemplateLoader.loadEntityTemplate(templateName, civCode);
const templateLists = this.TemplateLoader.deriveProduction(template, civCode);
templateLists.structures = this.TemplateLoader.deriveBuildQueue(template, civCode);
if (template.WallSet)
templateLists.wallsetPieces = [];
for (let segment in template.WallSet.Templates)
segment = template.WallSet.Templates[segment].replace(/\{(civ|native)\}/g, civCode);
if (Engine.TemplateExists(segment))
return templateLists;