* Translated JSON file contents.
var g_Options;
* Names of config keys that have changed, value returned when closing the page.
var g_ChangedKeys;
* Vertical size of a tab button.
var g_TabButtonHeight = 30;
* Vertical space between two tab buttons.
var g_TabButtonDist = 5;
* Vertical distance between the top of the page and the first option.
var g_OptionControlOffset = 5;
* Vertical size of each option control.
var g_OptionControlHeight = 26;
* Vertical distance between two consecutive options.
var g_OptionControlDist = 2;
* Horizontal indentation to distinguish options that depend on another option.
var g_DependentLabelIndentation = 25;
* Color used to indicate that the string entered by the player isn't a sane color.
var g_InsaneColor = "255 0 255";
* Defines the parsing of config strings and GUI control interaction for the different option types.
* @property configToValue - parses a string from the user config to a value of the declared type.
* @property valueToGui - sets the GUI control to display the given value.
* @property guiToValue - returns the value of the GUI control.
* @property guiSetter - event name that should be considered a value change of the GUI control.
* @property initGUI - sets properties of the GUI control that are independent of the current value.
* @property sanitizeValue - Displays a visual clue if the entered value is invalid and returns a sane value.
* @property tooltip - appends a custom tooltip to the given option description depending on the current value.
var g_OptionType = {
"configToValue": config => config == "true",
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.checked = value;
"guiToValue": control => control.checked,
"guiSetter": "onPress"
"configToValue": value => value,
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.caption = value;
"guiToValue": control => control.caption,
"guiSetter": "onTextEdit"
"configToValue": value => value,
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.caption = value;
"guiToValue": control => control.caption,
"guiSetter": "onTextEdit",
"sanitizeValue": (value, control, option) => {
let color = guiToRgbColor(value);
let sanitized = rgbToGuiColor(color);
if (control)
control.sprite = sanitized == value ? "ModernDarkBoxWhite" : "ModernDarkBoxWhiteInvalid";
control.children[1].sprite = sanitized == value ? "color:" + value : "color:" + g_InsaneColor;
return sanitized;
"tooltip": (value, option) =>
sprintf(translate("Default: %(value)s"), {
"value": Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("default", option.config)
"configToValue": value => value,
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.caption = value;
"guiToValue": control => control.caption,
"guiSetter": "onTextEdit",
"sanitizeValue": (value, control, option) => {
let sanitized =
Math.min(option.max !== undefined ? option.max : +Infinity,
Math.max(option.min !== undefined ? option.min : -Infinity,
isNaN(+value) ? 0 : value));
if (control)
control.sprite = sanitized == value ? "ModernDarkBoxWhite" : "ModernDarkBoxWhiteInvalid";
return sanitized;
"tooltip": (value, option) =>
option.min !== undefined && option.max !== undefined ?
translateWithContext("option number", "Min: %(min)s, Max: %(max)s") :
option.min !== undefined && option.max === undefined ?
translateWithContext("option number", "Min: %(min)s") :
option.min === undefined && option.max !== undefined ?
translateWithContext("option number", "Max: %(max)s") :
"min": option.min,
"max": option.max
"configToValue": value => value,
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.selected = control.list_data.indexOf(value);
"guiToValue": control => control.list_data[control.selected],
"guiSetter": "onSelectionChange",
"initGUI": (option, control) => {
control.list = option.list.map(e => e.label);
control.list_data = option.list.map(e => e.value);
control.onHoverChange = () => {
let item = option.list[control.hovered];
control.tooltip = item && item.tooltip || option.tooltip;
"configToValue": value => +value,
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.selected = control.list_data.indexOf("" + value);
"guiToValue": control => +control.list_data[control.selected],
"guiSetter": "onSelectionChange",
"initGUI": (option, control) => {
control.list = option.list.map(e => e.label);
control.list_data = option.list.map(e => e.value);
control.onHoverChange = () => {
const item = option.list[control.hovered];
control.tooltip = item && item.tooltip || option.tooltip;
"timeout": (option, oldValue, hasChanges, newValue) => {
if (!option.timeout)
500, 200,
translate("Changes will be reverted in %(time)s seconds. Do you want to keep changes?"),
[translate("No"), translate("Yes")],
[() => {this.revertChange(option, +oldValue, hasChanges);}, null]
"configToValue": value => +value,
"valueToGui": (value, control) => {
control.value = +value;
"guiToValue": control => control.value,
"guiSetter": "onValueChange",
"initGUI": (option, control) => {
control.max_value = option.max;
control.min_value = option.min;
"tooltip": (value, option) =>
sprintf(translateWithContext("slider number", "Value: %(val)s (min: %(min)s, max: %(max)s)"), {
"val": value.toFixed(2),
"min": option.min.toFixed(2),
"max": option.max.toFixed(2)
function init(data, hotloadData)
g_ChangedKeys = hotloadData ? hotloadData.changedKeys : new Set();
g_TabCategorySelected = hotloadData ? hotloadData.tabCategorySelected : 0;
g_Options = Engine.ReadJSONFile("gui/options/options.json");
translateObjectKeys(g_Options, ["label", "tooltip"]);
function getHotloadData()
return {
"tabCategorySelected": g_TabCategorySelected,
"changedKeys": g_ChangedKeys
* Sets up labels and controls of all options of the currently selected category.
function displayOptions()
// Hide all controls
for (let body of Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("option_controls").children)
body.hidden = true;
for (let control of body.children)
control.hidden = true;
// Initialize label and control of each option for this category
for (let i = 0; i < g_Options[g_TabCategorySelected].options.length; ++i)
// Position vertically
let body = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("option_control[" + i + "]");
let bodySize = body.size;
bodySize.top = g_OptionControlOffset + i * (g_OptionControlHeight + g_OptionControlDist);
bodySize.bottom = bodySize.top + g_OptionControlHeight;
body.size = bodySize;
body.hidden = false;
// Load option data
let option = g_Options[g_TabCategorySelected].options[i];
let optionType = g_OptionType[option.type];
let value = optionType.configToValue(Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", option.config));
// Setup control
let control = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("option_control_" + option.type + "[" + i + "]");
control.tooltip = option.tooltip + (optionType.tooltip ? "\n" + optionType.tooltip(value, option) : "");
control.hidden = false;
if (optionType.initGUI)
optionType.initGUI(option, control);
control[optionType.guiSetter] = function() {};
optionType.valueToGui(value, control);
if (optionType.sanitizeValue)
optionType.sanitizeValue(value, control, option);
control[optionType.guiSetter] = function() {
let value = optionType.guiToValue(control);
if (optionType.sanitizeValue)
optionType.sanitizeValue(value, control, option);
const oldValue = optionType.configToValue(Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", option.config));
control.tooltip = option.tooltip + (optionType.tooltip ? "\n" + optionType.tooltip(value, option) : "");
const hasChanges = Engine.ConfigDB_HasChanges("user");
Engine.ConfigDB_CreateValue("user", option.config, String(value));
Engine.ConfigDB_SetChanges("user", true);
fireConfigChangeHandlers(new Set([option.config]));
if (option.timeout)
optionType.timeout(option, oldValue, hasChanges, value);
if (option.function)
// Setup label
let label = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("option_label[" + i + "]");
label.caption = option.label;
label.tooltip = option.tooltip;
label.hidden = false;
let labelSize = label.size;
labelSize.left = option.dependencies ? g_DependentLabelIndentation : 0;
labelSize.rright = control.size.rleft;
label.size = labelSize;
* Enable exactly the buttons whose dependencies are met.
function enableButtons()
g_Options[g_TabCategorySelected].options.forEach((option, i) => {
const isDependencyMet = dependency => {
if (typeof dependency === "string")
return Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", dependency) == "true";
else if (typeof dependency === "object")
const availableOps = {
"==": (config, value) => config == value,
"!=": (config, value) => config != value
const op = availableOps[dependency.op] || availableOps["=="];
return op(Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", dependency.config), dependency.value);
error("Unsupported dependency: " + uneval(dependency));
return false;
const enabled = !option.dependencies || option.dependencies.every(isDependencyMet);
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("option_label[" + i + "]").enabled = enabled;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("option_control_" + option.type + "[" + i + "]").enabled = enabled;
const hasChanges = Engine.ConfigDB_HasChanges("user");
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("revertChanges").enabled = hasChanges;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("saveChanges").enabled = hasChanges;
function setDefaults()
500, 200,
translate("Resetting the options will erase your saved settings. Do you want to continue?"),
[translate("No"), translate("Yes")],
[null, reallySetDefaults]
function reallySetDefaults()
for (let category in g_Options)
for (let option of g_Options[category].options)
Engine.ConfigDB_RemoveValue("user", option.config);
Engine.ConfigDB_WriteFile("user", "config/user.cfg");
function revertChange(option, oldValue, hadChanges)
if (!hadChanges)
Engine.ConfigDB_SetChanges("user", false);
Engine.ConfigDB_CreateValue("user", option.config, String(oldValue));
if (option.function)
function revertChanges()
Engine.ConfigDB_SetChanges("user", false);
for (let category in g_Options)
for (let option of g_Options[category].options)
if (option.function)
Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", option.config)));
function saveChanges()
for (let category in g_Options)
for (let i = 0; i < g_Options[category].options.length; ++i)
let option = g_Options[category].options[i];
let optionType = g_OptionType[option.type];
if (!optionType.sanitizeValue)
let value = optionType.configToValue(Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", option.config));
if (value == optionType.sanitizeValue(value, undefined, option))
500, 200,
translate("Some setting values are invalid! Are you sure you want to save them?"),
[translate("No"), translate("Yes")],
[null, reallySaveChanges]
function reallySaveChanges()
Engine.ConfigDB_WriteFile("user", "config/user.cfg");
Engine.ConfigDB_SetChanges("user", false);
* Close GUI page and inform the parent GUI page which options changed.
function closePage()
if (Engine.ConfigDB_HasChanges("user"))
500, 200,
translate("You have unsaved changes, do you want to close this window?"),
[translate("No"), translate("Yes")],
[null, closePageWithoutConfirmation]);
function closePageWithoutConfirmation()