* Number of categories.
var g_TabCategoryCount;
* Align the buttons horizontally or vertically.
var g_TabHorizontal;
* Index of the currently visible tab, set first tab as default.
var g_TabCategorySelected = 0;
* Function to be executed when selecting a tab. The new category index is passed.
var g_OnSelectTab;
* Create tab buttons.
* @param {Array} categoriesData - Arrays of objects containing for every tab a (translated) label and tooltip.
* @param {boolean} horizontal - Have the tabs horizontally or vertically aligned.
* @param {number} buttonSize - Size of a button in the specified direction.
* @param {number} spacing - Distance between two buttons in the specified direction.
* @param {function} onPress - Function to be executed when a button is pressed, it gets the new category index passed.
* @param {function} onSelect - Function to be executed whenever the selection changes (so also for scrolling), it gets the new category index passed.
function placeTabButtons(categoriesData, horizontal, buttonSize, spacing, onPress, onSelect)
g_TabCategoryCount = categoriesData.length;
g_TabHorizontal = horizontal;
g_OnSelectTab = onSelect;
for (let category in categoriesData)
let button = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tabButton[" + category + "]");
if (!button)
warn("Too few tab-buttons!");
button.style = "ModernTabButton" + (horizontal ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical");
button.hidden = false;
let size = button.size;
if (horizontal)
size.left = category * (buttonSize + spacing) + spacing / 2;
size.right = size.left + buttonSize;
size.rright = 0;
size.top = category * (buttonSize + spacing) + spacing / 2;
size.bottom = size.top + buttonSize;
size.rbottom = 0;
button.size = size;
button.tooltip = (categoriesData[category].tooltip ? categoriesData[category].tooltip + "\n" : "") +
(g_TabHorizontal ?
colorizeHotkey(translate("Scroll down or use %(hotkey)s to move a tab right."), "tab.next") + "\n" + colorizeHotkey(translate("Scroll up or use %(hotkey)s to move a tab left."), "tab.prev"):
colorizeHotkey(translate("Scroll down or use %(hotkey)s to move a tab down."), "tab.next") + "\n" + colorizeHotkey(translate("Scroll up or use %(hotkey)s to move a tab up."), "tab.prev"));
let categoryNum = +category;
button.onPress = () => { onPress(categoryNum); };
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tabButtonText[" + category + "]").caption = categoriesData[category].label;
* Show next/previous panel.
* @param direction - +1/-1 for forward/backward.
function selectNextTab(direction)
if (g_TabCategoryCount)
selectPanel(g_TabCategorySelected === undefined ?
direction > 0 ?
0 :
g_TabCategoryCount - 1 :
(g_TabCategorySelected + direction + g_TabCategoryCount) % g_TabCategoryCount);
function selectPanel(category)
g_TabCategorySelected = category;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tabButtons").children.forEach((button, j) => {
button.sprite = g_TabHorizontal ?
category == j ?
"ModernTabHorizontalForeground" :
"ModernTabHorizontalBackground" :
category == j ?
"ModernTabVerticalForeground" :
if (g_OnSelectTab)