* Update the overlay with the most recent network warning of each client.
function displayGamestateNotifications()
let messages = [];
let maxTextWidth = 0;
// Add network warnings
if (Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "overlay.netwarnings") == "true")
let netwarnings = getNetworkWarnings();
messages = messages.concat(netwarnings.messages);
maxTextWidth = Math.max(maxTextWidth, netwarnings.maxTextWidth);
// Resize textbox
let width = maxTextWidth + 20;
let height = 14 * messages.length;
// Position left of the dataCounter
let top = "40";
let right = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("dataCounter").hidden ? "100%-15" : "100%-110";
let bottom = top + "+" + height;
let left = right + "-" + width;
let gameStateNotifications = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameStateNotifications");
gameStateNotifications.caption = messages.join("\n");
gameStateNotifications.hidden = !messages.length;
gameStateNotifications.size = left + " " + top + " " + right + " " + bottom;
setTimeout(displayGamestateNotifications, 1000);
* This function is called from the engine whenever starting a game fails.
function cancelOnLoadGameError(msg)
if (Engine.HasXmppClient())
if (msg)
Engine.PushGuiPage("page_msgbox.xml", {
"width": 500,
"height": 200,
"message": '[font="sans-bold-18"]' + msg + '[/font]',
"title": translate("Loading Aborted"),
"mode": 2