* Some functions to make color fades on GUI elements (f.e. used for hero and group icons)
* Used for storing information about color fades
var g_ColorFade = {};
var g_FadeAttackUnit = {
// How many ticks should first blinking phase be
"blinkingTicks": 50,
// How often should the color be changed during the blinking phase
"blinkingChangeInterval": 5,
// How fast should blue and green part of the color change
"gbcolorChangeRate": 3,
// When should the fade out start using the opacity
"fadeOutStart": 100,
// How fast should opacity change
"opacityChangeRate": 3
function getInitColorFadeRGB()
return { "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0, "o": 100 };
* Starts fading a color of a GUI object using the sprite argument.
* @param {string} name - name of the object which color should be faded
* @param {number} tickInterval - interval in ms when the next color change should be made
* @param {number} duration - maximum duration of the complete fade (if 0 it runs until it is stopped)
* @param {function} fun_colorTransform - function which transform the colors
* @param {boolean} [restartable] - if false, the fade can not be restarted; default: true
* @param {function} [fun_smoothRestart] - a function, which returns a smooth tick counter, if the fade should be started;
* arguments: [var data]; must return false, if smooth restart was not possible and true, if it was ok
function startColorFade(name, tickInterval, duration, fun_colorTransform, restartable = true, fun_smoothRestart = false)
var overlay = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(name);
if (!overlay)
// check, if fade overlay was started just now
if (!isColorFadeRunning(name))
overlay.hidden = false;
// store the values into a var to make it more flexible (can be changed from every function)
g_ColorFade[name] = {
"timerId": -1,
"tickInterval": tickInterval,
"duration": duration,
"fun_colorTransform": fun_colorTransform,
"restartable": restartable,
"fun_smoothRestart": fun_smoothRestart,
"tickCounter": 0,
"justStopAtExternCall": duration == 0,
"stopFade": false,
"rgb": getInitColorFadeRGB()
// start with fading
else if (restartable)
* Changes the color on tick.
* @param {string} name - name of the object which color should be faded
function fadeColorTick(name)
if (!isColorFadeRunning(name))
var overlay = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(name);
if (!overlay)
var data = g_ColorFade[name];
// change the color
overlay.sprite = "color:" + rgbToGuiColor(data.rgb, data.rgb.o);
// recusive call, if duration is positive
if (!data.stopFade && (data.justStopAtExternCall || data.duration - (data.tickInterval * data.tickCounter) > 0))
var id = setTimeout(function() { fadeColorTick(name); }, data.tickInterval);
data.timerId = id;
overlay.hidden = true;
* Checks, if a color fade on that object is running.
* @param {string} name - name of the object which color fade should be checked
* @returns {boolean} - true a running fade was found
function isColorFadeRunning(name)
return name in g_ColorFade;
* Stops fading a color.
* @param {string} name - name of the object which color fade should be stopped
* @param {boolean} hideOverlay - hides the overlay, if true [default: true]
* @returns {boolean} true a running fade was stopped
function stopColorFade(name, hideOverlay = true)
// check, if a color fade is running
if (!isColorFadeRunning(name))
return false;
// delete the timer
delete g_ColorFade[name];
// get the overlay and hide it
if (hideOverlay)
var overlay = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(name);
if (overlay)
overlay.hidden = true;
return true;
* Restarts a color fade using the parameters stored in g_ColorFade.
* @param {string} - Name of the object whose color should be faded.
function restartColorFade(name)
let data = g_ColorFade[name];
// If fade can be restarted smoothly, stop it, and restart it.
if (!data.fun_smoothRestart)
stopColorFade(name, false);
startColorFade(name, data.changeInterval, data.duration, data.fun_colorTransform, data.restartable, data.fun_smoothRestart);
// Call was too late.
else if (!data.fun_smoothRestart(data))
// Set RGB start values.
data.rgb = getInitColorFadeRGB();
data.tickCounter = 0;
function colorFade_attackUnit(data)
var rgb = data.rgb;
// init color
if (data.tickCounter == 0)
rgb.r = 175;
// blinking
if (data.tickCounter < g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingTicks)
// slow that process down
if (data.tickCounter % g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingChangeInterval != 0)
rgb.g = rgb.g == 0 ? 255 : 0;
// wait a short time and then color fade from red to grey to nothing
else if (data.tickCounter >= g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingTicks + g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingChangeInterval)
rgb.g += Math.round(g_FadeAttackUnit.gbcolorChangeRate * Math.sqrt(data.tickCounter - g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingTicks));
if (rgb.g > 255)
rgb.g = 255;
// start with fading it out
if (rgb.g > g_FadeAttackUnit.fadeOutStart)
rgb.o = rgb.o > g_FadeAttackUnit.opacityChangeRate ? rgb.o -= g_FadeAttackUnit.opacityChangeRate : 0;
// check for end
if (rgb.o == 0)
data.stopFade = true;
rgb.b = rgb.g;
function smoothColorFadeRestart_attackUnit(data)
// check, if in blinking phase
if (data.tickCounter < g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingTicks)
data.tickCounter %= g_FadeAttackUnit.blinkingChangeInterval * 2;
return true;
return false;