* @class
var API3 = function(m)
* TerrainAnalysis, inheriting from the Map Component.
* This creates a suitable passability map.
* This is part of the Shared Script, and thus should only be used for things that are non-player specific.
* This.map is a map of the world, where particular stuffs are pointed with a value
* For example, impassable land is 0, water is 200, areas near tree (ie forest grounds) are 41…
* This is intended for use with 8 bit maps for reduced memory usage.
* Upgraded from QuantumState's original TerrainAnalysis for qBot.
m.TerrainAnalysis = function()
m.copyPrototype(m.TerrainAnalysis, m.Map);
m.TerrainAnalysis.prototype.IMPASSABLE = 0;
* non-passable by land units
m.TerrainAnalysis.prototype.DEEP_WATER = 200;
* passable by land units and water units
m.TerrainAnalysis.prototype.SHALLOW_WATER = 201;
* passable by land units
m.TerrainAnalysis.prototype.LAND = 255;
m.TerrainAnalysis.prototype.init = function(sharedScript, rawState)
let passabilityMap = rawState.passabilityMap;
this.width = passabilityMap.width;
this.height = passabilityMap.height;
this.cellSize = passabilityMap.cellSize;
let obstructionMaskLand = rawState.passabilityClasses["default-terrain-only"];
let obstructionMaskWater = rawState.passabilityClasses["ship-terrain-only"];
let obstructionTiles = new Uint8Array(passabilityMap.data.length);
for (let i = 0; i < passabilityMap.data.length; ++i)
obstructionTiles[i] = (passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMaskLand) ? this.IMPASSABLE : this.LAND;
if (!(passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMaskWater) && obstructionTiles[i] === this.IMPASSABLE)
obstructionTiles[i] = this.DEEP_WATER;
else if (!(passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMaskWater) && obstructionTiles[i] === this.LAND)
obstructionTiles[i] = this.SHALLOW_WATER;
this.Map(rawState, "passability", obstructionTiles);
* Accessibility inherits from TerrainAnalysis
* This can easily and efficiently determine if any two points are connected.
* it can also determine if any point is "probably" reachable, assuming the unit can get close enough
* for optimizations it's called after the TerrainAnalyser has finished initializing his map
* so this can use the land regions already.
m.Accessibility = function()
m.copyPrototype(m.Accessibility, m.TerrainAnalysis);
m.Accessibility.prototype.init = function(rawState, terrainAnalyser)
this.Map(rawState, "passability", terrainAnalyser.map);
this.landPassMap = new Uint16Array(terrainAnalyser.length);
this.navalPassMap = new Uint16Array(terrainAnalyser.length);
this.maxRegions = 65535;
this.regionSize = [];
this.regionType = []; // "inaccessible", "land" or "water";
// ID of the region associated with an array of region IDs.
this.regionLinks = [];
// initialized to 0, it's more optimized to start at 1 (I'm checking that if it's not 0, then it's already aprt of a region, don't touch);
// However I actually store all unpassable as region 1 (because if I don't, on some maps the toal nb of region is over 256, and it crashes as the mapis 8bit.)
// So start at 2.
this.regionID = 2;
for (let i = 0; i < this.landPassMap.length; ++i)
if (this.map[i] !== this.IMPASSABLE)
{ // any non-painted, non-inacessible area.
if (this.landPassMap[i] == 0 && this.floodFill(i, this.regionID, false))
this.regionType[this.regionID++] = "land";
if (this.navalPassMap[i] == 0 && this.floodFill(i, this.regionID, true))
this.regionType[this.regionID++] = "water";
else if (this.landPassMap[i] == 0)
{ // any non-painted, inacessible area.
this.floodFill(i, 1, false);
this.floodFill(i, 1, true);
// calculating region links. Regions only touching diagonaly are not linked.
// since we're checking all of them, we'll check from the top left to the bottom right
let w = this.width;
for (let x = 0; x < this.width-1; ++x)
for (let y = 0; y < this.height-1; ++y)
// checking right.
let thisLID = this.landPassMap[x+y*w];
let thisNID = this.navalPassMap[x+y*w];
let rightLID = this.landPassMap[x+1+y*w];
let rightNID = this.navalPassMap[x+1+y*w];
let bottomLID = this.landPassMap[x+y*w+w];
let bottomNID = this.navalPassMap[x+y*w+w];
if (thisLID > 1)
if (rightNID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisLID].indexOf(rightNID) === -1)
if (bottomNID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisLID].indexOf(bottomNID) === -1)
if (thisNID > 1)
if (rightLID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisNID].indexOf(rightLID) === -1)
if (bottomLID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisNID].indexOf(bottomLID) === -1)
if (thisLID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisNID].indexOf(thisLID) === -1)
// Engine.DumpImage("LandPassMap.png", this.landPassMap, this.width, this.height, 255);
// Engine.DumpImage("NavalPassMap.png", this.navalPassMap, this.width, this.height, 255);
m.Accessibility.prototype.getAccessValue = function(position, onWater)
let gamePos = this.gamePosToMapPos(position);
if (onWater)
return this.navalPassMap[gamePos[0] + this.width*gamePos[1]];
let ret = this.landPassMap[gamePos[0] + this.width*gamePos[1]];
if (ret === 1)
// quick spiral search.
let indx = [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1]];
for (let i of indx)
let id0 = gamePos[0] + i[0];
let id1 = gamePos[1] + i[1];
if (id0 < 0 || id0 >= this.width || id1 < 0 || id1 >= this.width)
ret = this.landPassMap[id0 + this.width*id1];
if (ret !== 1)
return ret;
return ret;
m.Accessibility.prototype.getTrajectTo = function(start, end)
let pstart = this.gamePosToMapPos(start);
let istart = pstart[0] + pstart[1]*this.width;
let pend = this.gamePosToMapPos(end);
let iend = pend[0] + pend[1]*this.width;
let onLand = true;
if (this.landPassMap[istart] <= 1 && this.navalPassMap[istart] > 1)
onLand = false;
if (this.landPassMap[istart] <= 1 && this.navalPassMap[istart] <= 1)
return false;
let endRegion = this.landPassMap[iend];
if (endRegion <= 1 && this.navalPassMap[iend] > 1)
endRegion = this.navalPassMap[iend];
else if (endRegion <= 1)
return false;
let startRegion = onLand ? this.landPassMap[istart] : this.navalPassMap[istart];
return this.getTrajectToIndex(startRegion, endRegion);
* Return a "path" of accessibility indexes from one point to another, including the start and the end indexes
* this can tell you what sea zone you need to have a dock on, for example.
* assumes a land unit unless start point is over deep water.
m.Accessibility.prototype.getTrajectToIndex = function(istart, iend)
if (istart === iend)
return [istart];
let trajects = new Set();
let explored = new Set();
while (trajects.size)
for (let traj of trajects)
let ilast = traj[traj.length-1];
for (let inew of this.regionLinks[ilast])
if (inew === iend)
return traj.concat(iend);
if (explored.has(inew))
return undefined;
m.Accessibility.prototype.getRegionSize = function(position, onWater)
let pos = this.gamePosToMapPos(position);
let index = pos[0] + pos[1]*this.width;
let ID = onWater === true ? this.navalPassMap[index] : this.landPassMap[index];
if (this.regionSize[ID] === undefined)
return 0;
return this.regionSize[ID];
m.Accessibility.prototype.getRegionSizei = function(index, onWater)
if (this.regionSize[this.landPassMap[index]] === undefined && (!onWater || this.regionSize[this.navalPassMap[index]] === undefined))
return 0;
if (onWater && this.regionSize[this.navalPassMap[index]] > this.regionSize[this.landPassMap[index]])
return this.regionSize[this.navalPassMap[index]];
return this.regionSize[this.landPassMap[index]];
/** Implementation of a fast flood fill. Reasonably good performances for JS. */
m.Accessibility.prototype.floodFill = function(startIndex, value, onWater)
if (value > this.maxRegions)
error("AI accessibility map: too many regions.");
this.landPassMap[startIndex] = 1;
this.navalPassMap[startIndex] = 1;
return false;
if (!onWater && this.landPassMap[startIndex] != 0 || onWater && this.navalPassMap[startIndex] != 0)
return false; // already painted.
let floodFor = "land";
if (this.map[startIndex] === this.IMPASSABLE)
this.landPassMap[startIndex] = 1;
this.navalPassMap[startIndex] = 1;
return false;
if (onWater === true)
if (this.map[startIndex] !== this.DEEP_WATER && this.map[startIndex] !== this.SHALLOW_WATER)
this.navalPassMap[startIndex] = 1; // impassable for naval
return false; // do nothing
floodFor = "water";
else if (this.map[startIndex] === this.DEEP_WATER)
this.landPassMap[startIndex] = 1; // impassable for land
return false;
// here we'll be able to start.
for (let i = this.regionSize.length; i <= value; ++i)
let w = this.width;
let h = this.height;
let y = 0;
// Get x and y from index
let IndexArray = [startIndex];
let newIndex;
newIndex = IndexArray.pop();
y = 0;
let loop = false;
// vertical iteration
do {
loop = false;
let index = newIndex + w*y;
if (index < 0)
if (floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index] === 0 && this.map[index] !== this.IMPASSABLE && this.map[index] !== this.DEEP_WATER)
loop = true;
else if (floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index] === 0 && (this.map[index] === this.DEEP_WATER || this.map[index] === this.SHALLOW_WATER))
loop = true;
} while (loop === true); // should actually break
let reachLeft = false;
let reachRight = false;
let index;
do {
index = newIndex + w*y;
if (floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index] === 0 && this.map[index] !== this.IMPASSABLE && this.map[index] !== this.DEEP_WATER)
this.landPassMap[index] = value;
else if (floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index] === 0 && (this.map[index] === this.DEEP_WATER || this.map[index] === this.SHALLOW_WATER))
this.navalPassMap[index] = value;
if (index%w > 0)
if (floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index -1] === 0 && this.map[index -1] !== this.IMPASSABLE && this.map[index -1] !== this.DEEP_WATER)
if (!reachLeft)
IndexArray.push(index -1);
reachLeft = true;
else if (floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index -1] === 0 && (this.map[index -1] === this.DEEP_WATER || this.map[index -1] === this.SHALLOW_WATER))
if (!reachLeft)
IndexArray.push(index -1);
reachLeft = true;
else if (reachLeft)
reachLeft = false;
if (index%w < w - 1)
if (floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index +1] === 0 && this.map[index +1] !== this.IMPASSABLE && this.map[index +1] !== this.DEEP_WATER)
if (!reachRight)
IndexArray.push(index +1);
reachRight = true;
else if (floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index +1] === 0 && (this.map[index +1] === this.DEEP_WATER || this.map[index +1] === this.SHALLOW_WATER))
if (!reachRight)
IndexArray.push(index +1);
reachRight = true;
else if (reachRight)
reachRight = false;
} while (index/w < h-1); // should actually break
return true;
return m;