* @class
var API3 = function(m)
/** Shared script handling templates and basic terrain analysis */
m.SharedScript = function(settings)
if (!settings)
this._players = Object.keys(settings.players).map(key => settings.players[key]); // TODO SM55 Object.values(settings.players)
this._templates = settings.templates;
this._entityMetadata = {};
for (let player of this._players)
this._entityMetadata[player] = {};
// array of entity collections
this._entityCollections = new Map();
this._entitiesModifications = new Map(); // entities modifications
this._templatesModifications = {}; // template modifications
// each name is a reference to the actual one.
this._entityCollectionsName = new Map();
this._entityCollectionsByDynProp = {};
this._entityCollectionsUID = 0;
/** Return a simple object (using no classes etc) that will be serialized into saved games */
m.SharedScript.prototype.Serialize = function()
return {
"players": this._players,
"templatesModifications": this._templatesModifications,
"entitiesModifications": this._entitiesModifications,
"metadata": this._entityMetadata
* Called after the constructor when loading a saved game, with 'data' being
* whatever Serialize() returned
m.SharedScript.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
this._players = data.players;
this._templatesModifications = data.templatesModifications;
this._entitiesModifications = data.entitiesModifications;
this._entityMetadata = data.metadata;
this.isDeserialized = true;
m.SharedScript.prototype.GetTemplate = function(name)
if (this._templates[name] === undefined)
this._templates[name] = Engine.GetTemplate(name) || null;
return this._templates[name];
* Initialize the shared component.
* We need to know the initial state of the game for this, as we will use it.
* This is called right at the end of the map generation.
m.SharedScript.prototype.init = function(state, deserialization)
if (!deserialization)
this._entitiesModifications = new Map();
this.passabilityClasses = state.passabilityClasses;
this.playersData = state.players;
this.timeElapsed = state.timeElapsed;
this.circularMap = state.circularMap;
this.mapSize = state.mapSize;
this.victoryConditions = new Set(state.victoryConditions);
this.alliedVictory = state.alliedVictory;
this.ceasefireActive = state.ceasefireActive;
this.ceasefireTimeRemaining = state.ceasefireTimeRemaining / 1000;
this.passabilityMap = state.passabilityMap;
if (this.mapSize % this.passabilityMap.width !== 0)
error("AI shared component inconsistent sizes: map=" + this.mapSize + " while passability=" + this.passabilityMap.width);
this.passabilityMap.cellSize = this.mapSize / this.passabilityMap.width;
this.territoryMap = state.territoryMap;
if (this.mapSize % this.territoryMap.width !== 0)
error("AI shared component inconsistent sizes: map=" + this.mapSize + " while territory=" + this.territoryMap.width);
this.territoryMap.cellSize = this.mapSize / this.territoryMap.width;
let landPassMap = new Uint8Array(this.passabilityMap.data.length);
let waterPassMap = new Uint8Array(this.passabilityMap.data.length);
let obstructionMaskLand = this.passabilityClasses["default-terrain-only"];
let obstructionMaskWater = this.passabilityClasses["ship-terrain-only"];
for (let i = 0; i < this.passabilityMap.data.length; ++i)
landPassMap[i] = (this.passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMaskLand) ? 0 : 255;
waterPassMap[i] = (this.passabilityMap.data[i] & obstructionMaskWater) ? 0 : 255;
Engine.DumpImage("LandPassMap.png", landPassMap, this.passabilityMap.width, this.passabilityMap.height, 255);
Engine.DumpImage("WaterPassMap.png", waterPassMap, this.passabilityMap.width, this.passabilityMap.height, 255);
this._entities = new Map();
if (state.entities)
for (let id in state.entities)
this._entities.set(+id, new m.Entity(this, state.entities[id]));
// entity collection updated on create/destroy event.
this.entities = new m.EntityCollection(this, this._entities);
// create the terrain analyzer
this.terrainAnalyzer = new m.TerrainAnalysis();
this.terrainAnalyzer.init(this, state);
this.accessibility = new m.Accessibility();
this.accessibility.init(state, this.terrainAnalyzer);
// Resource types: ignore = not used for resource maps
// abundant = abundant resource with small amount each
// sparse = sparse resource, but huge amount each
// The following maps are defined in TerrainAnalysis.js and are used for some building placement (cc, dropsites)
// They are updated by checking for create and destroy events for all resources
this.normalizationFactor = { "abundant": 50, "sparse": 90 };
this.influenceRadius = { "abundant": 36, "sparse": 48 };
this.ccInfluenceRadius = { "abundant": 60, "sparse": 120 };
this.resourceMaps = {}; // Contains maps showing the density of resources
this.ccResourceMaps = {}; // Contains maps showing the density of resources, optimized for CC placement.
this.gameState = {};
for (let player of this._players)
this.gameState[player] = new m.GameState();
this.gameState[player].init(this, state, player);
* General update of the shared script, before each AI's update
* applies entity deltas, and each gamestate.
m.SharedScript.prototype.onUpdate = function(state)
if (this.isDeserialized)
this.init(state, true);
this.isDeserialized = false;
// deals with updating based on create and destroy messages.
// those are dynamic and need to be reset as the "state" object moves in memory.
this.events = state.events;
this.passabilityClasses = state.passabilityClasses;
this.playersData = state.players;
this.timeElapsed = state.timeElapsed;
this.barterPrices = state.barterPrices;
this.ceasefireActive = state.ceasefireActive;
this.ceasefireTimeRemaining = state.ceasefireTimeRemaining / 1000;
this.passabilityMap = state.passabilityMap;
this.passabilityMap.cellSize = this.mapSize / this.passabilityMap.width;
this.territoryMap = state.territoryMap;
this.territoryMap.cellSize = this.mapSize / this.territoryMap.width;
for (let i in this.gameState)
// TODO: merge this with "ApplyEntitiesDelta" since after all they do the same.
m.SharedScript.prototype.ApplyEntitiesDelta = function(state)
Engine.ProfileStart("Shared ApplyEntitiesDelta");
let foundationFinished = {};
// by order of updating:
// we "Destroy" last because we want to be able to switch Metadata first.
for (let evt of state.events.Create)
if (!state.entities[evt.entity])
continue; // Sometimes there are things like foundations which get destroyed too fast
let entity = new m.Entity(this, state.entities[evt.entity]);
this._entities.set(evt.entity, entity);
// Update all the entity collections since the create operation affects static properties as well as dynamic
for (let entCol of this._entityCollections.values())
for (let evt of state.events.EntityRenamed)
{ // Switch the metadata: TODO entityCollections are updated only because of the owner change. Should be done properly
for (let player of this._players)
this._entityMetadata[player][evt.newentity] = this._entityMetadata[player][evt.entity];
this._entityMetadata[player][evt.entity] = {};
for (let evt of state.events.TrainingFinished)
{ // Apply metadata stored in training queues
for (let entId of evt.entities)
if (this._entities.has(entId))
for (let key in evt.metadata)
this.setMetadata(evt.owner, this._entities.get(entId), key, evt.metadata[key]);
for (let evt of state.events.ConstructionFinished)
// metada are already moved by EntityRenamed when needed (i.e. construction, not repair)
if (evt.entity != evt.newentity)
foundationFinished[evt.entity] = true;
for (let evt of state.events.AIMetadata)
if (!this._entities.has(evt.id))
continue; // might happen in some rare cases of foundations getting destroyed, perhaps.
// Apply metadata (here for buildings for example)
for (let key in evt.metadata)
this.setMetadata(evt.owner, this._entities.get(evt.id), key, evt.metadata[key]);
for (let evt of state.events.Destroy)
if (!this._entities.has(evt.entity))
continue;// probably should remove the event.
if (foundationFinished[evt.entity])
evt.SuccessfulFoundation = true;
// The entity was destroyed but its data may still be useful, so
// remember the entity and this AI's metadata concerning it
evt.metadata = {};
evt.entityObj = this._entities.get(evt.entity);
for (let player of this._players)
evt.metadata[player] = this._entityMetadata[player][evt.entity];
let entity = this._entities.get(evt.entity);
for (let entCol of this._entityCollections.values())
for (let player of this._players)
delete this._entityMetadata[player][evt.entity];
for (let id in state.entities)
let changes = state.entities[id];
let entity = this._entities.get(+id);
for (let prop in changes)
entity._entity[prop] = changes[prop];
this.updateEntityCollections(prop, entity);
// apply per-entity aura-related changes.
// this supersedes tech-related changes.
for (let id in state.changedEntityTemplateInfo)
if (!this._entities.has(+id))
continue; // dead, presumably.
let changes = state.changedEntityTemplateInfo[id];
if (!this._entitiesModifications.has(+id))
this._entitiesModifications.set(+id, new Map());
let modif = this._entitiesModifications.get(+id);
for (let change of changes)
modif.set(change.variable, change.value);
m.SharedScript.prototype.ApplyTemplatesDelta = function(state)
Engine.ProfileStart("Shared ApplyTemplatesDelta");
for (let player in state.changedTemplateInfo)
let playerDiff = state.changedTemplateInfo[player];
for (let template in playerDiff)
let changes = playerDiff[template];
if (!this._templatesModifications[template])
this._templatesModifications[template] = {};
if (!this._templatesModifications[template][player])
this._templatesModifications[template][player] = new Map();
let modif = this._templatesModifications[template][player];
for (let change of changes)
modif.set(change.variable, change.value);
m.SharedScript.prototype.registerUpdatingEntityCollection = function(entCollection)
this._entityCollections.set(this._entityCollectionsUID, entCollection);
for (let prop of entCollection.dynamicProperties())
if (!this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop])
this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop] = new Map();
this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop].set(this._entityCollectionsUID, entCollection);
m.SharedScript.prototype.removeUpdatingEntityCollection = function(entCollection)
let uid = entCollection.getUID();
if (this._entityCollections.has(uid))
for (let prop of entCollection.dynamicProperties())
if (this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop].has(uid))
m.SharedScript.prototype.updateEntityCollections = function(property, ent)
if (this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[property] === undefined)
for (let entCol of this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[property].values())
m.SharedScript.prototype.setMetadata = function(player, ent, key, value)
let metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][ent.id()];
if (!metadata)
this._entityMetadata[player][ent.id()] = {};
metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][ent.id()];
metadata[key] = value;
this.updateEntityCollections('metadata', ent);
this.updateEntityCollections('metadata.' + key, ent);
m.SharedScript.prototype.getMetadata = function(player, ent, key)
return this._entityMetadata[player][ent.id()]?.[key];
m.SharedScript.prototype.deleteMetadata = function(player, ent, key)
let metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][ent.id()];
if (!metadata || !(key in metadata))
return true;
metadata[key] = undefined;
delete metadata[key];
this.updateEntityCollections('metadata', ent);
this.updateEntityCollections('metadata.' + key, ent);
return true;
m.copyPrototype = function(descendant, parent)
let sConstructor = parent.toString();
let aMatch = sConstructor.match(/\s*function (.*)\(/);
if (aMatch != null)
descendant.prototype[aMatch[1]] = parent;
for (let p in parent.prototype)
descendant.prototype[p] = parent.prototype[p];
/** creates a map of resource density */
m.SharedScript.prototype.createResourceMaps = function()
for (const resource of Resources.GetCodes())
if (this.resourceMaps[resource] ||
!(Resources.GetResource(resource).aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup in this.normalizationFactor))
// We're creating them 8-bit. Things could go above 255 if there are really tons of resources
// But at that point the precision is not really important anyway. And it saves memory.
this.resourceMaps[resource] = new m.Map(this, "resource");
this.ccResourceMaps[resource] = new m.Map(this, "resource");
for (const ent of this._entities.values())
* @param {Object} events - The events from a turn.
m.SharedScript.prototype.updateResourceMaps = function(events)
for (const e of events.Destroy)
if (e.entityObj)
for (const e of events.Create)
if (e.entity && this._entities.has(e.entity))
* @param {entity} entity - The entity to add to the resource map.
m.SharedScript.prototype.addEntityToResourceMap = function(entity)
this.changeEntityInResourceMapHelper(entity, 1);
* @param {entity} entity - The entity to remove from the resource map.
m.SharedScript.prototype.removeEntityFromResourceMap = function(entity)
this.changeEntityInResourceMapHelper(entity, -1);
* @param {entity} ent - The entity to add to the resource map.
m.SharedScript.prototype.changeEntityInResourceMapHelper = function(ent, multiplication = 1)
if (!ent)
const entPos = ent.position();
if (!entPos)
const resource = ent.resourceSupplyType()?.generic;
if (!resource || !this.resourceMaps[resource])
const cellSize = this.resourceMaps[resource].cellSize;
const x = Math.floor(entPos[0] / cellSize);
const y = Math.floor(entPos[1] / cellSize);
const grp = Resources.GetResource(resource).aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup;
const strength = multiplication * ent.resourceSupplyMax() / this.normalizationFactor[grp];
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, y, this.influenceRadius[grp] / cellSize, strength / 2, "constant");
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, y, this.influenceRadius[grp] / cellSize, strength / 2);
this.ccResourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, y, this.ccInfluenceRadius[grp] / cellSize, strength, "constant");
return m;