* @class
var API3 = function(m)
m.EntityCollection = function(sharedAI, entities = new Map(), filters = [])
this._ai = sharedAI;
this._entities = entities;
this._filters = filters;
this.dynamicProp = [];
for (let filter of this._filters)
if (filter.dynamicProperties.length)
this.dynamicProp = this.dynamicProp.concat(filter.dynamicProperties);
Object.defineProperty(this, "length", { "get": () => this._entities.size });
this.frozen = false;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.Serialize = function()
let filters = [];
for (let f of this._filters)
return {
"ents": this.toIdArray(),
"frozen": this.frozen,
"filters": filters
m.EntityCollection.prototype.Deserialize = function(data, sharedAI)
this._ai = sharedAI;
for (let id of data.ents)
this._entities.set(id, sharedAI._entities.get(id));
for (let f of data.filters)
if (data.frozen)
* If an entitycollection is frozen, it will never automatically add a unit.
* But can remove one.
* this makes it easy to create entity collection that will auto-remove dead units
* but never add new ones.
m.EntityCollection.prototype.freeze = function()
this.frozen = true;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.defreeze = function()
this.frozen = false;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.toIdArray = function()
return Array.from(this._entities.keys());
m.EntityCollection.prototype.toEntityArray = function()
return Array.from(this._entities.values());
m.EntityCollection.prototype.values = function()
return this._entities.values();
m.EntityCollection.prototype.toString = function()
return "[EntityCollection " + this.toEntityArray().join(" ") + "]";
m.EntityCollection.prototype.filter = function(filter, thisp)
if (typeof filter == "function")
filter = { "func": filter, "dynamicProperties": [] };
let ret = new Map();
for (let [id, ent] of this._entities)
if (filter.func.call(thisp, ent, id, this))
ret.set(id, ent);
return new m.EntityCollection(this._ai, ret, this._filters.concat([filter]));
* Returns the (at most) n entities nearest to targetPos.
m.EntityCollection.prototype.filterNearest = function(targetPos, n)
// Compute the distance of each entity
let data = []; // [ [id, ent, distance], ... ]
for (let [id, ent] of this._entities)
if (ent.position())
data.push([id, ent, m.SquareVectorDistance(targetPos, ent.position())]);
// Sort by increasing distance
data.sort((a, b) => a[2] - b[2]);
if (n === undefined)
n = data.length;
n = Math.min(n, data.length);
// Extract the first n
let ret = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ret.set(data[i][0], data[i][1]);
return new m.EntityCollection(this._ai, ret);
m.EntityCollection.prototype.filter_raw = function(callback, thisp)
let ret = new Map();
for (let [id, ent] of this._entities)
let val = ent._entity;
if (callback.call(thisp, val, id, this))
ret.set(id, ent);
return new m.EntityCollection(this._ai, ret);
m.EntityCollection.prototype.forEach = function(callback)
for (let ent of this._entities.values())
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.hasEntities = function()
return this._entities.size !== 0;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.move = function(x, z, queued = false, pushFront = false)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "walk",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"x": x,
"z": z,
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.moveToRange = function(x, z, min, max, queued = false, pushFront = false)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "walk-to-range",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"x": x,
"z": z,
"min": min,
"max": max,
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.attackMove = function(x, z, targetClasses, allowCapture = true, queued = false, pushFront = false)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "attack-walk",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"x": x,
"z": z,
"targetClasses": targetClasses,
"allowCapture": allowCapture,
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.moveIndiv = function(x, z, queued = false, pushFront = false)
for (let id of this._entities.keys())
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "walk",
"entities": [id],
"x": x,
"z": z,
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.garrison = function(target, queued = false, pushFront = false)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "garrison",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"target": target.id(),
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.occupyTurret = function(target, queued = false, pushFront = false)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "occupy-turret",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"target": target.id(),
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.destroy = function()
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "delete-entities", "entities": this.toIdArray() });
return this;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.attack = function(unitId, queued = false, pushFront = false)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "attack",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"target": unitId,
"queued": queued,
"pushFront": pushFront
return this;
/** violent, aggressive, defensive, passive, standground */
m.EntityCollection.prototype.setStance = function(stance)
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {
"type": "stance",
"entities": this.toIdArray(),
"name": stance
return this;
/** Returns the average position of all units */
m.EntityCollection.prototype.getCentrePosition = function()
let sumPos = [0, 0];
let count = 0;
for (let ent of this._entities.values())
if (!ent.position())
sumPos[0] += ent.position()[0];
sumPos[1] += ent.position()[1];
return count ? [sumPos[0]/count, sumPos[1]/count] : undefined;
* returns the average position from the sample first units.
* This might be faster for huge collections, but there's
* always a risk that it'll be unprecise.
m.EntityCollection.prototype.getApproximatePosition = function(sample)
let sumPos = [0, 0];
let i = 0;
for (let ent of this._entities.values())
if (!ent.position())
sumPos[0] += ent.position()[0];
sumPos[1] += ent.position()[1];
if (i === sample)
return i ? [sumPos[0]/i, sumPos[1]/i] : undefined;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.hasEntId = function(id)
return this._entities.has(id);
/** Removes an entity from the collection, returns true if the entity was a member, false otherwise */
m.EntityCollection.prototype.removeEnt = function(ent)
if (!this._entities.has(ent.id()))
return false;
return true;
/** Adds an entity to the collection, returns true if the entity was not member, false otherwise */
m.EntityCollection.prototype.addEnt = function(ent)
if (this._entities.has(ent.id()))
return false;
this._entities.set(ent.id(), ent);
return true;
* Checks the entity against the filters, and adds or removes it appropriately, returns true if the
* entity collection was modified.
* Force can add a unit despite a freezing.
* If an entitycollection is frozen, it will never automatically add a unit.
* But can remove one.
m.EntityCollection.prototype.updateEnt = function(ent, force)
let passesFilters = true;
for (let filter of this._filters)
passesFilters = passesFilters && filter.func(ent);
if (passesFilters)
if (!force && this.frozen)
return false;
return this.addEnt(ent);
return this.removeEnt(ent);
m.EntityCollection.prototype.registerUpdates = function()
m.EntityCollection.prototype.unregister = function()
m.EntityCollection.prototype.dynamicProperties = function()
return this.dynamicProp;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.setUID = function(id)
this._UID = id;
m.EntityCollection.prototype.getUID = function()
return this._UID;
return m;